
Iris, I came here crossing seven seas and climbing seven mountains. Will you walk the red carpet for me?" Arthur asked holding her hand.

"Well, that seems pretty adventurous, Sindbad," Talia chuckled.

"It really was an adventure," Arthur's eyes widened.

"Oh? Why don't you tell me your adventures, ye great one! I'll appoint poets to sing ballads of your incredible feats. The-"

"Iris!" Arthur stopped her with a kiss. Talia looked at him licking her lips. Both of them ignored the knocking at the door.

"I'll tell you all about it tonight," he pulled her closer and kissed her once more.

"Are we going to just talk tonight?" Talia whispered, her voice smooth like silk. "Or will you fall asleep like last night? I went through the trouble of picking up sexy lingerie for tonight." She traced her finger over his chest and it ended up over his heart.