Thank You, My love!

The babies had their christening when they were four months old and it was a big celebration. Talia had reached her pre-pregnancy weight by then. Her family had the good genes and she also worked hard to maintain her weight. 

The kids grew up well and the boy liked his mother more while their girl loved her father. Most times, they didn't leave them in the nursery, but the kids slept in their room. The kids started to have a perfect sleeping cycle by then and they slept through the night which greatly helped the parents.

After everything was settled , Arthur went to his doctor to do the snip, but was sent away. He went to many other doctors and everyone sent him back and they all looked terrified.

  And in Rosandale, there was a bill passed that forbade married people to sterilize themselves without the consent of their partners unless there is an excruciating circumstance. That bill caused controversy, but it was passed nonetheless.