Too Cool

The imperial court officials understood that Dragon was returning for the first time from a long hiatus, but that couldn't possibly explain why he appeared to completely forget the formalities of the State Councils.

Whispers began circling among the befuddled group gathered together.

'Is His Highness still ill?' 'He allowed us to rise, but why hasn't he sat down on the royal throne yet?' 'Should we rise?' 'But we can't rise until after he sits.'

Of course Dragon knew it was time to sit. He memorized the formalities by the time he reached six years old when his aspirations were to become a national hero and join the royal court someday. But never did he dream that he would reach it so fast, and certainly not in this way. Thus, he could only stare nervously at the magnificent golden chair in front of him.

[I cannot possibly sit here! Sure my dream was once to gaze upon this heavenly seat, but not actually sit on it. I wouldn't dare! Heavens will punish me!]

Dragon turned around to still see his counsel, most of them respectable men in their own right and all older than him, still kneeling on the ground.

"Long live your Majesty!" the chorus sang in praise for the third confused time.

[Heavens! Why are my superiors bowing to me?!?]

"Yes I heard you all. Now why are you not getting up? Please rise!"

All unsure eyes fell on the imperial head eunuch who scurried next to the emperor.

"Your Highness, just sit down. They will automatically rise," he whispered ever so discreetly.

[If the imperial eunuch said so, it should be okay right? This is not treason right?]

Slowly and cautiously, Dragon lowered himself on the intimidating golden seat as if he was knowingly sitting on spikes. Much to his lost of words, the chair remained indifferent.

Right when the emperor finally sat, the group of old men excitedly got up, some thanking the gods that their knees did not give out yet.

As expected, the officials went through the daily agenda, giving monotonous after monotonous reports of agriculture, personnel, revenues, public works, and so forth. Nothing out of the ordinary, until the pre-mentioned topic arose.

"Finally, the battle with the North led by the promising General Liang Ji "Magnitude" has been won!"

General Magnitude stood proudly and the officials voluntarily made way.

"Lord Emperor, I have a humble request," the haughty general stated shamelessly, not even bothering to get on one knee. "Since I have demonstrated my superior skills in leading, may Your Highness grant another unit of the military under my authority."

Before Dragon had time to process such a demand, the imperial court began showing their true colors, dropping their practiced smiles and slithering into the divided positions on the issue.

On one side, General Magnitude and Grand Secretary Rock Pine stood with their supporters. On the other, stood their obvious enemy—Prime Minister Yuan Zai "Lucre," leader of the mysterious but influential "Circle." And near the background, stood the officials who still had the luxury to have yet pick a side.

"That's preposterous!" yelled Prime Minister Lucre. "How can you demand a larger army than the king himself!?!"

Once playing a minuscule part of the military power struggle, Dragon knew it was not for the emperor's sake that Lucre spoke up so fervently.

If memory recalls, the military factions are split up so that the Liangs and Yuans both have an equal 30% control of the army. Then there is the stated 30% for the king, which sounds good only on the surface. Accurately speaking, 20% is on reserve so technically only 10% is for the emperor's free use. And the remaining 10% lies with the Tengs and their allies.

"Is it not but a waste to leave a completely useful army idle in times of such need?" General Magnitude countered. "Your Highness, for the good of the people and safety of the country, please distribute accordingly."

Dragon could care less what they wanted. If either of them got more control, then the scale would tip against the nation's favor. The corrupt had no need to get any stronger on his agenda.

"Your Majesty, please consider deeply!" Lucre and his side all kneel in feigned respect. Seeing such, Magnitude and Rock Pine follow suit.

When the entire front court bowed, Dragon's eyes caught sight of a delicate-featured young man standing silently in the sidelines.

With a face as beautiful as a water fairy, how had he missed such a nice-looking individual among the average at best counsel? Who was he? Not only that, it appears he hasn't picked a side!

"You!" Dragon pointed to the only other man around his age. "What do you suggest?"

On cue, the flower boy lowered his head and spoke in a voice equally as soothing as his visuals.

"In light of the young General Teng and his accomplishments in the recent battles, the late Emperor had big plans for the aspiring general. His initial arrangement was to have Teng's beloved sister marry into the royal family and wed to the Crown prince. Secondly, he believed he found someone capable to efficiently utilize the reserve army and genuinely wished to someday transfer the rights to the Tengs. However, because of Crown Prince's sudden disappearance and the hero Teng's early death, none of these wishes have been fulfilled."

The handsome gentleman paused to analyze his captivated and intrigued audience before confidently continuing.

"Thus, a reasonable suggestion would to have the 20% reserve faction rightfully presented under the jurisdiction of the Teng family. That way, the late Emperor's wish is honored, the young General Teng's noble sacrifice is appropriately rewarded, and the power scale remains relatively balanced with a 30-30-30 among all the largest stakeholders," the scholar summarized calmly. "All of a which, have sworn their loyalty to you, my King Emperor," he notably concluded.

Originally, Dragon intended simply to buy more time to think of the best answer. He did not imagine that the palace pretty boy would actually live up to his intellectual title and supply something so unimaginably useful!

Almost the entire imperial court was impressed by the unexpected thorough proposition of this unnamed attendee, but not the big players.

As threatening as the "Circle" and the "Rock Magnitude Alliance" was, those not part of either were even more fearsome because they possess the ability to withstand the pressure from not one, but both sides. As the saying goes, better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

It just so happens that one of these well-hidden thorns finally decided to surface. And with such timing!

But the fight is not yet over.

"Recent rumors are that the Tengs have amassed much support from the citizens. How can we rest assured that their loyalty is promised to our emperor?" Magnitude touted. "What solution do you propose to that, Pan Yue?"

"I have no guarantee of the Tengs' loyalty, except for the intuition of our late emperor, the voices of our citizens, and the noble sacrifice of small General Teng, in which his Highness experienced firsthand," Pan Yue answered unnervingly politely. "May I add, the Tengs have been loyally serving the empire for even more generations than your own family."

[Handsomeness and brains! I am satisfied to have the fortune to meet one with such outstanding qualifications. Pan Yue. I'll remember that name.]

"My thoughts exactly!" Dragon exclaimed before gracing Pan Yue with a sturdy nod of approval. "Then the reserve army shall be transferred to General Teng!"

[Lately with the pressures of the court factions and my abrupt death, it must be tough for the Teng household. However, this will surely delight honorable Father and restore our reputation and citizens' faith.]

"Hold on Your Majesty! As your royal adviser, I will not permit such a risky gamble unless there is some collateral," Rock Pine asserted.

"I too cannot agree with such a hasty decision, Your Highness!" Magnitude and Lucre, though normally in opposition, said in perfect unison.

Following the examples of their respective leaders, the minion officials all bowed together.

It was this moment that confirmed the results of Dragon's survey. The puppet emperor did not have a single supporter among the orderly chaos.

Well, that was until…

Dragon's clear eyes met with the equally unwavering ones of Pan Yue. Surely he has a trick up his sleeve.

"You want collateral, Rock Pine? Fine," Dragon announced confidently. "If Pan Yue comes up with a reasonable solution, no one, not even I can object to it. Then the order will be carried through without delay. That is my final decision."

Internally, even Dragon acknowledged it was too bold of a statement to make, but he only said it in the heat of the moment to fire back at those contemptuous officials who think they can control his decisions.

[A point for a point], Dragon justified before moving ahead. [No point in looking back.]

All eyes once again fall back on the handsome scholar donning a smile hinting an inevitable victory.

"Then I will propose this solution: To honor the late king's wishes and secure the loyalty of the Tengs, the first daughter of the household—Teng Tai Yang—will be betrothed to Emperor Dragon in stead of the missing Crown Prince!"

[Wait…WHAT?!?!?! Oh Heavens! Someone PLEASE refute it!]

The court was eerily quiet this time around. The victor was clear. Everyone was rendered speechless by the brilliant Pan Yue's wit.

Everyone trembled at the aura around the victorious Pan Yue. There was now a new player in the court.

"Thank you Lord Emperor! May your reign mark a new era of wealth and prosperity throughout the lands!"

"W…w…wai-" Dragon stuttered, but before he could articulate anything comprehensible, the head imperial eunuch appeared from the sidelines.

"Meeting adjourned!" he broadcasted enthusiastically and immediately went to assist the shocked-frozen emperor away from the elevated throne room.

[Did I just…]

"That was your most splendid meeting yet Your Highness! Your forthrightness was too cool that even the most intimidating Prime Ministers did not dare say a word!" the eunuch showered praises nonstop, all the way from the council room back to the emperor's residence.

"Yes, TOO cool…" Dragon agreed dazedly, for in his mind, there was only one dreadful thought ringing over and over again.

[I just accidentally agreed to marry my own sister…what have I done?]


After such a long day, Dragonfly's carefree expression brought surprising comfort to the exhausted Dragon. It was a refreshing break to be around people who didn't talk to him with a dagger behind their backs or a cartload full rehearsed empty flattery.

"Congratulations on your betrothal to the Teng family daughter! I heard she's a rare beauty!"

Dragon immediately grew wide-eyed. When he was general, even employing the fastest messenger to deliver an order would take a few hours at best to reach the ears of the soldiers. How did Dragonfly hear about it when he just got back? How can news travel this fast?!? What sorcery!

More importantly though…

"Dragonfly…suppose I make a decree and cancel the wedding. What do you think will happen?"

"Absolutely do not even think about it, Your Majesty! Your court will grill you alive and the servants will gossip behind your back until the end of your days! If you cancel the wedding, you would humiliate the Tengs and be partially responsible if they waver in their loyalty. Then Great Jin would be in serious trouble while you would be in INSURMOUNTABLE trouble!"

Dragon's eyes expanded even wider and swallowed hard before tuning back into Dragonfly's information session.

"Plus, why would you want to go back on your word? That would also hurt the pride of Mr. 'Handsome.'"

"You heard of Pan Yue too?" Dragon questioned in shock. "And gave him a nickname?"

"The whole palace knows 'Handsome' by now, Lord Emperor!" Dragonfly corrected, before conveniently slipping in, "The whole palace also knows that you'll be standing night-vigil for your beautiful bride starting tonight!"
