
Dragon couldn't get Hazel's words out of his mind.

"I know you're not my sweet 17th."

"Are you going to expose me?"

"…of course…not," she said, casting her pretty eyes down to the floor.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Dragon asked, hoping to stall time to think of the best way to handle the situation.

"Continue being emperor," Hazel stated simply. "Be the emperor that 17th wanted to be, but couldn't."

"And what kind of emperor was that?"

"One that ruled with justice and genuine love for his country's people. One who garnered respect through his charitable acts and wise decisions as opposed to fear and manipulation," she recited, unwavering determination in her eyes.

Dragon thought it was cute how serious she was, but that was all there was to it.

"I see. Then what could I possibly do different?"

"I don't need you to pretend to be 17th. Just be yourself."

"I may not look it now with this appearance, but I'm pretty much below average for everything except warring," the general said as he turned around to look at the fish in the pond.

"Don't worry. Doesn't matter if it's a physical or mental war. War is a war. I will also do my best to help you," Hazel's sweet voice echoed in the background.

Still having his back towards Hazel, Dragon looked from the water to the sky and let out a deep sigh.

"Everyone knew 17th had brains and talent, but he couldn't do anything against the court. What could you do for me that you couldn't have done to help him?"

Hazel let out a sinister chuckle, one that signified she had some kind of alternate personality.

"It's true. 17th's intellect and tact are far beyond yours," the concubine said while moving adjacent to her emperor and looking to the same sky. "But you have something that he doesn't."

"Oh? What is that?" he asked, hands folded behind his back.

"Experience. With experience comes confidence and in confidence, there is strength," she asserted firmly.

When she confirmed that she got his attention, she continued.

"Dragon, due to your careful strategizing up to now, you have already secured a stable life for yourself. Sun of Teng family brings you military strength along with a gifted strategist. Pan Yue of Court is your royal aid and second opinion. Dragonfly, your informant and the servants are your second-to-none network."

[This Hazel…how did she already piece out so much?]

"You would do fine the way you are now, but what I'm proposing is to advance forward. Follow the general in your heart and be the emperor to save Great Jin. Accept and allow me to assist as your adviser and we can see this dream through together. Or…decline and live the rest of your life as a comfortable puppet."


"Dragon~" the cute voice of the equally cute-faced Three called while tickling his face with a feather.

"Lord Dragon…" One's soothing voice called as she tugged at his shirt sleeve.


Dragon immediately snapped out from his daydream at the sound of Dragonfly's oh-so-familiar cry.

Holding his heart and taking a deep breath, he turned to the girls waiting on him.

"What do you want now?"

"What do you mean what do we want?" head maid Dragonfly barked at the effectively intimidated emperor. "Did you forget your meeting with your imperial mother?"

[Oh right…they just keep coming one after another…]

Luckily, Dragon made it on time with the help of Dragonfly's pushy efforts.

"Royal mother, this humble son has arrived," Dragon greeted at the foot of her door, not daring to enter until permitted. But that didn't stop him from letting his eyes wander.

Before him, sat a well-aged woman, skin white as porcelain with thick red lips, rosier than flowers ought to be.

"Long-er? My sweet son, come forward," she invited cordially on the surface, but to Dragon whose ears were accustomed to his own mother's beckoning, it was a tone used by a stranger to a stranger.

"My…have you gotten thinner?" Queen mother stroked her non-blood related son's face.

[Ha…that's a first. Dragonfly mocks me for gaining too much weight recently and criticizing that I no longer possess the beautiful lean physique that all the palace girls would die for.]

"Don't worry, I'm eating better than ever before."

Queen mother graced her son with a courteous smile.

"That's good. How are things at Court?" she brought up out of nowhere. "I heard you're very bold in making decisions now, not even listening to your teachers and council."

Dragon stood silent for a while. Sensing his discomfort, queen mother casually walked over and sat down at the table. The son quickly walked over and filled a cup of tea and offered to his senior.

"Royal Mother, I always listen," Dragon pulled out a seat for himself. "But since they are always fighting and can't agree on anything, I might as well make my own decisions like Royal Father. Don't you agree?"

'Had this boy always been so sharp-tongued?' the woman thought. 'No. This boy always had a scheming mind, but never had the guts to say anything.'

This sudden change piqued the interest of his converser.

"You are right, my son. But a good emperor will follow the voices of his council especially that of G.S. Rock Pine and General Magnitude who have long stood on our side. Do not forget that," the queen said as she placed her hand atop Dragon's and gave it a tight squeeze. "You understand mother's advice?"

"Thank you for mother's guidance. However, I want to be a great emperor and a great emperor also heeds the voices of his people. That's why, I have assigned the young scholar and rising intellectual, Pan Yue, to seek new talent to join the court and replace a few who are long overdue for retirement!"

Queen Mother was taken aback. 'Is this really Dragon? He has never disobeyed me once.'

"Are you saying mother's getting old and her words mean nothing?" The queen's tone dropped a little of its original sugar coating.

"Of course not! That's why I wanted to ask mother to personally select three officials of your choice to place in court to assist."

[When inciting war, one must carefully study one's enemy.]

Dragon cupped his other hand over the queen's hand and gave it a clean shake.

"What is your opinion?" Dragon asked sincerely.

[Although my knowledge of her is limited, it appears I have the advantage because not only does she know nothing about me, she also thinks I'm still the old Dragon who's personality and habits she must've memorized by heart.]

Dragon's idea was not half bad. If she were able to control her own people in court, her influence would increase and she wouldn't have to rely solely on Rock Pine and Magnitude. This would overall add to her plan to maintain her position of power.

[Queen Mother isn't 17th's direct mother so she has no reason to help me. In fact, she may even try to remove me when she has gathered enough support for her real son to cease the throne. However, shall the missing Crown Prince—who is the actual son of the true queen and has quite the support in the current court—ever return, her position may be jeopardized. So she might as well ally with me first.]

'So the real Dragon has finally awoken…I must be careful around him from now on,' the older schemer thought behind her pretty smile.

"Queen Mother, I hope you can provide this learning son with officials who can teach me so much like Pan Yue. Without him, I won't have any ideas or even dare make decisions!"

'Coming to think of it, ever since Pan Yue started gaining recognition in court, Dragon's personality also changed. Is Pan Yue pulling the strings? So he must be the real mastermind!'

"Of course, Long-er. You should head back, you must be exhausted coming all the way to visit me," mother faked her concern.

"I have a carriage so Queen Mother may call me whenever she wishes," Dragon answered. "I am looking forward to working with mother."


That night, the emperor went to visit his new favorite place in the palace--the palace harem.

"Hunt foxes while hiding and hunt wolves openly.* Not bad Long-Ge," Little Sun praised as Dragon traced his earlier conversation to his carefully-selected counsel.

"Pretty clever to push some of the credit on Pan Yue," adviser Hazel added, to which Dragonfly agreed.

"He's helpful, but I'm not certain if we can fully trust him yet," Dragon stated seriously before taking a sip of his tea.

"Why?" the Odd Sisters questioned simultaneously. "Is he too handsome?"

"Precisely," the emperor answered without a doubt. "One look at his face and he can persuade anyone anything..."

The girls all looked at each other.

"'re afraid we'll compare you two?" Little Sun teased.

Dragon's face immediately flushed red. Was it a crime to want to keep their attention to himself just a little longer?

"That's ridiculous..." the emperor mumbled to himself as the royal garden was filled with the lovely sound of laughter from the maidens.

'Seems like the emperor is just having fun,' the guards on duty tried to stifle their laughs. 'Guess there's nothing to report back tonight either.'