Brief down (A/N)

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Hello all, My name is JK

This is my book 'Saiko to maniakku'.


Before I begin on the whole copy right blah blah- I believe a proper introduction is in order. Hello ladies and gents, I'm JKM for short you may call me JK.

Here is a brief summary of the things I like and dislike:


I like art and music as well as books.


A slight dislike of inconsistency and lack of sleep.


Now to the boring part, this book is an all rights reserved. Therefore no copies or stealing of ideas within text. We have minds for a reason content stealers, it's what gives us the grand concept of imagination.

If I find any copies, slight rip offs after this book starts to develope further down the track. I will report and have you booted back, Webnovel has a clear copyright law enforcement and I will use it.

"Why did it sound like I had a pen and was ready to write in that deathnote?"


This book is for mature audiences, some information and complex psychological aspects will be in depth as the plot thickens. As well as sex scenes, violence and just- death, gruesome spin chilling death's.

This is mainly a horror but I put it under action as the physiological parts mixed with supernatural play a huge roll and bounce off each other throughout this book.

And let's be real, action covers most of the list in my opinion.

So readers you have been warned, I know the young ones don't really care and all but still. I must still give warnings.

This story will update slowly for now to see if regular updates may be coming in the future watch my bio and keep an eye out for notifications.

So now that that is over with you may read. Congratulations ✔

Yes I have a great deal of joy, I know.

Till next time- JK