Fear || 05

After class, Riku walked down the school hallway in a slight waltz, uncaring for some stares he got here and there. It seemed that even though he was achieving high scores in every test, those in his own class and more seemed to hold grudges.

"Oi" turning around Riku saw the guy others call the 'hammer machine' and for good reason, this guy was restless in fights and always wanted the highest pickings in the hierarchy. 'Unfortunately he met me.' Riku thought as he head on looked the kid in the eyes. 'As I've said before, no matter how older one could be, I refuse to see them anything other than a kid unless they know more.'

"You've got balls at least to stare me down" he spat at Riku as Riku didn't even flinched. 'Compared to my old district and being forced to kill rabid dogs. I know this kid, he's called Eugene Dalias, nicknamed the 'hammer machine' - This kid is all bark and no bite.'

"You've got zero brains coming after someone you barely know." Riku finally spoke as the minions behind Eugene got offended.

"You little-" putting his hand out to stop them Eugene smiled. 'This kid- he's enjoying this' Riku's eyes slatted as other students gathered hearing the commotion.

"You think you're some tough guy huh?-" 

"No." Riku spoke immediately making Eugene stop midway his sentence. Riku didn't care for shit like a hierarchy, a hierarchy was made with inferior intentions to those that feared losing. 

Riku could never lose even if he got hit a few time. Wearing a smile is a mind game that confuses your enemies and leaves you seen as a dangerous opponent. 

"I'm going to wipe that grin off your face you piece of shit." 

"Hold it right there!" 'Ah… great' 

hearing the voice running up from behind them, Saya stood there with some of her Kendo gear still on. 

"What the hell are you trying to pull Eugene? I don't think you can afford being suspended again." 

Looking more pissed than before Eugene 'tsk'ed before turning around and pushing past his minions behind him. "Fucken bitch" he mumbled as Saya glared at them as Riku looked at her still standing by his previous thoughts. 'This is why she would be a perfect president for the class.' Sure she wasn't as academic as Riku but as he had previously stated before, he was good at reading people, a really good judge of character. 

That being said…

maybe there was a certain group of people that confused him. 

Hearing the rushing of people and not being spoken too after the slight conflict. Saya had already left afterwards, 'a bratty sort of styled personality'. Shaking his head he followed the group who were standing in the hallway to the upper floors. 

'They said the best of the best we're on the high floors of the school.' But it was weird, if that was the case. Why wasn't he there. Folding his arms and leaning on the wall a bit further away from the crowd. It was them. 

The only people he could never really read. 

They were the elites, that studied at odd times. 'Not to say they studied at night or anything. No it was more like they had an opposite schedule to us. They would come in around this time which was halfway through the day and study till the afternoon and continue the rest at home. Half of study on site, the rest at home. Not only did they get special treatment, they were undoubtedly-' 

"Gorgeous" a girl spoke in a breathlessly manner beside him. 

"Ahhh, what I wouldn't do to date one!~" fan cried another. 

"How could they possibly be human, they are so perfect~" 

Yes, every afternoon, the normal scheduled students would come here to confess their love to the Elites. 

"They aren't that good looking. They have money though, I'll give them that" huffed a male clenching his fist. It was Damian Slider, the schools quote on quote- fuck boy. 

As Riku was about to walk away he felt a pair of eyes on him, something about the feeling felt familiar as he turned around to see no one there. 

'strange… I could have sworn…' Looking at his watch he realised he was late for taking his medication. 

'Shit… how did I not hear the alarm?' Pulling out his medication he immediately swallowed his second pill for the day. 

> 1 year ago < 

"I'm afraid he suffers a form of schizophrenia that over stimulates his senses as well as PTSD, this can be extremely dangerous for a young boy his age." A doctor spoke as Vonic looked out through a window of the office to where Riku was reading a book quietly.

"Is there any treatment options?" Vonic enquired as the doctor pulled out a few documents and placed them in front of him. 

"It's a new drug that has recently been confirmed and safe for treatment, I believe that it will greatly be of help. Even though this medication doesn't relieve the symptoms of schizophrenia nor the full symptoms of PTSD, it'll dull his senses that tend to become out of his control. Reliving his mind and body of tendencies that could harm his growth in the future."

> > > 

'Medication that dulls the senses but doesn't affect day to day activities. The person who invented this drug is a pure genius' 

Walking home felt off but he didn't pay it mind as he sat at the bus stop and pulled out his cigarette pouch and lighter. 

'Shit…' he was out of smokes.

When did he even finish this pack? Sighing he pulled off his glass and cleaned them with a cloth as he stared at the traffic lights ahead of him. A fuzzy blur of red, green and yellow. 

'Being far sighted had its perks but in the long run it is a curse to see anything at a certain distance. It becomes annoying' at least he could read though. 

Putting his glass back on he thought about those Elite students, could he one day be in their ranks? Would he really want that though? Thinking about the crowds and the screaming fans they had he wore a look of disgust. 

'No way, I value my peace' turning the page of the book 'Soulless' he figured he might as well finish the assignment tonight. After all he quite enjoyed the book. 

"You a fan of the author?" Looking up he saw a man wearing a black coat and gloves covered with a black scar and wide rimmed hat. What was with the strange people and situations he was getting himself into at this bus stop? He had heard him coming but didn't expect the sight beside him. 

"Not particularly, it's for an assignment but in saying that, I don't hate the book. It's quite insightful." 'Or should I have not said anything?' Even though Riku had responded, the man didn't say anything. Instead he had reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and light of his own and had started to puff away on it. 

"You have a unique colour for your hair, did you dye it?" He finally spoke again, 'What the hell? why was he asking that of all things?'

"No, I was born with it." Riku hesitated but eventually replied. There was no harm in small talk. Even if he didn't exactly entertain the idea of it. 

"Ah really, it's rather dark, sort of like red silk. Never really see natural born hair colour like that these days." Dropping his finished cigarette he stepped on it, smushing it under his massive black boots to the pavement.

"ahaha yeah…" 'Fucken hell… first a kid, now a strange man? It wasn't a very common thing sure but dark orange hair with almost a red tint was possible.' 

It was awkward, the silence was deafening. The man had long finished his cigarette by now and was just sitting there after starting a random conversation. 

Pulling out his phone Riku contemplated calling the old man. He wasn't actually old though, he was in his late 30's and was built like a tank. The only reason Riku called him that was because of his personality. 

Looking back up to the times the busses would arrive on the overhanging lit up screen he only had a minute to wait. Why was he so uncomfortable right now? Did he fear this man?