The Auction

The titan heart was the core of a titan. Even though Leon's body was in monstrous level, he couldn't be considered as a real titan until he passed through the calamity and condensed his titan heart. To compare humans and titans; humans can understand law of gravity but cannot squash an elephant but elephants cannot understand the law of gravity but can squash humans. Humans have a limited space for storing mana thus they chose to change quality of the mana which they stored. The titans different from humans, although they didn't use mana, they store different types of energy in their body and breakthrough their bodily limits and made qualitative change. Both going towards the qualitative change from different roads.

The lightning calamity wasn't a punishment from some higher power or law of the world but, the power of the elements interacting with each other would led to the lightning to condense above ones head and striking to them. The titan body tempering was layered so the mana cultivation method that he created, thus he chose to first temper his body then cultivate his mana.

It was not the reason that he was meditating,

["Today I killed someone and I didn't feel anything not repulsion nor guilt. When I was possessing the corpses, I inherited their experiences and memories, that should be the cause of it. If I were to continue like this, bit by bit I would lose myself. When I have my own land I should settle and pass my days in peace to suppress this nature then I should go to Undead Empire to find soul meditation technique."]

Undead Empire was situated in the northeast of Loren empire. When you talk about the undeads most of people think they were bloodthirsty creatures but most of them peaceful. Rather than peaceful, they didn't have any interest other than knowledge. For pursuing the knowledge they threw their flesh body. Of course there were some bloodthirsty undeads too. When they lost their body, they could not cultivate mana and because of it they became jealous of livings. Year after year, their jealousy turned into hatred and they could become bloodthirsty and attack to the livings. They want to be one of them but they couldn't thus they hated them. Hatred born from desire was very strong and make them mad and illogical.

After gaining a peaceful mind Leon didn't meditate, just slept. He decided to find a soul cultivation technique, until then he wouldn't cultivate.

The morning in front of Loren's Auction House was crowded, there was a lot of noises and people talking each others. Some stall owners also came here to sell their products. Leon didn't wait to enter the auction house with Roland and Josh. When they entered the auction house they went to the receptionist and Leon showed her his VIP cart. After a few minutes they entered their booth with the lead of the receptionist.

The booth was in shape of a balcony, he didn't have any difficulty to see what is on rears or under him. There was a couch and a low height table which was long until his kneecaps when he sat down and on the table all kinds of fruits to snack and a catalog for upcoming items.

Leon glanced over into the contents of the auction from the catalog. The catalog didn't just contain the items properties but also when they would be auction off. There were also the items which he gave to the auction house for selling. To much his surprise the four of the order was going to auction off first. He didn't understand why auction house was doing so but it would be better for him, because his first priority was to buy the four of order and there might be other items that he wanted to buy. He further looked into the catalog for anything but to much his disappointment, other than his items, there was nothing worthy for him.

As time passed, people entered and started to take their seats. Their talking was nothing individually but collectively was deafening. It was very annoying for Leon. He started to understand that his impure soul was effecting his mentality. He closed his eyes and slowly breathed to calm himself. While his eyes closed, he heard a noise of wood hitting a wood two times. He opened his eyes and he looked at the stage. Adam was on the stage with business smile on his face looking to the crowd in front of him. After a couple of breath the crowd quited down and Adam started speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our auction. We as Loren's Auction House felt honored by your presence here. I will not waste to much of your times and we will start the auction right away."

Adam stretched his left arm to his left and two employees showed up pushing a carriage with metallic luster to the stage. They gradually came to side of Adam and they left. The carriage was veiled and there was outline of a round object with length of a half man. Adam didn't waste too much time on talking and unveiled it.

The four of the order was made up from for elements born from chaos and sealed in a crystal which could contain them and could show their effectiveness without obstructing. The four elements in the crystal was moving in a circle without getting too close or too far. It was really giving the impression of an order.

"Starting bid for the four of order is 100.000 gold."

The price was too low for it, even Leon got doubtful for legitimacy of it. He looked at Josh with questioning gaze. Josh understood and started to explain.

"My lord it is for circulation of the gold. The merchants got rich and started to dream to become nobles and magus, they get the land and legitimate reason for taxing. With the money they had, they would buy any herbs and pill to make a magus. But this is nearly impossible, even they are nobles they couldn't buy any potent ones. For it they would need to bow directly to a house with history or imperial clan."

"Understood. It is good for economy and politics. But if someone like me were to buy it."

"It is also a gain for the empire. The nobility of the empire would have an extra magus in their ranks."

While they were talking the price was bit by bit but steadily going up. Leon didn't wished to make it longer and he called


When the price went up from 180.000 to 500.000 in instant, the biddings ceased and the crowd which was seated in lower floor heard the bidding came from a VIP booth. Adam recognized Leon's voice after a bit a of silence

"Going once, going twice, sold."

With this Leon bought the four of order and the nobility rank. He had a lot of gold remained on him but these were going to use for the construction. The auction continued after his purchase, his items sold, he gained much as gold he spent. The auction ended without any event and Leon got he wanted also he got an invitation from the imperial palace to attend tomorrows audience with the emperor. Josh leaved his side saying that he needed to find a construction company.