
Leon woke up in the afternoon due to his face licked by Hermes. Leon looked at Hermes and thought ["Hermes you're a griffon, don't act like a golden retriever."] Sighing, Leon got up and put down Hermes' food and stretched a bit. His eyes were looking more sleepy than usual.

Leon waited for Hermes to finish his meal while he was sitting on the bed. After he finished Leon got up and went to the canteen with him. While he was passing through the corridors.

"Look, The griffon boy."

"Yeah the griffon boy was real."

["Griffon boy?"] Leon felt weird to hear that. He didn't know that yesterday the ones saw him told about him to the ones who didn't see him and Hermes. The griffons were rare so he drew all attention to himself when he showed Hermes in the academy. When Leon entered the canteen he saw Jacob was sitting on a table. Leon first greeted him then he went to the line to grab his lunch and he went to eat with Jacob. Jacob surprised to see Hermes who was following Leon;

"So the griffon boy was you huh and the egg was griffon egg I guess."

"I didn't know I was called like that. But it was true that the egg was a griffon egg." Leon nodded.

"You were too lucky to have a griffon." sighed and said Jacob with mix envy. He was envious that Leon got a griffon from the egg but he also knew that he already got massive amount of wealth from the cave. He also saw that he blew up Bloody Albert's head with a single punch, maybe in whole academy only Leon had the right to have a griffon as a pet, so he thought.

Leon and Jacob continued to eat while chatting, Leon also gave Hermes a bit of food from his plate and Hermes finished as quickly as possible when Leon put them in front of him.

As they were eating a few students entered the canteen. They had contempt in their eyes as they looked at everybody in the canteen. The students who noticed them avoided their gazes and and didn't talked as loud as before.

Leon also noticed that the canteen became more silent, he looked around for the cause and only thing different in the canteen was a group of students who newly arrived. Leon also noticed that they had an arrogant dispositions. Leon didn't know much about students in the academy so he didn't know them. Noticing Leon gaze, Jacob explained him in hushed voice.

"They are our senior for a year and the tyrants of the academy. Even though they didn't manage to condense their soul artifact, they were really powerful as warriors. In the school they are the strongest group."

Hearing Leon nodded and didn't look to them anymore. He just continued to eat his meal. He doesn't have any interest towards to the bullies of the academy. In a few weeks he would go to system world and after that he planned to return his fief. While he was eating;

"Are you Leon and Jacob?" asked the student in front of the group. Leon didn't know why the tyrants came to their table but he nodded.

"I heard you completed your first mission but you didn't send any gift to me?" The tyrant said with a smirk on his face while he was tapping the table with his fingers.

"Why should I? I don't know you or you didn't helped me to complete the mission" Leon asked confused, he didn't sound like he was angry to this spontaneous gift request, his voice was placid.

The tyrant laughed first and his group also laughed after a bit. The canteen was quite and only their talking and laughing could be heard. The students wasn't looking Leon's table but they were listening their talk.

After they laughed, the tyrant looked deeply to Leon and talked with low voice with a smile.

"You didn't know that you had to give some presents to your seniors for first mission? Or you didn't think us as your seniors? You know it's for your own good."

Leon didn't know there was such a thing in the rules. But if he were to give them some gold it would seem like he was scared of them. Leon didn't bothered how he was looked from outside. He simply didn't care that, real problem was if he were to give them "gifts" they would harass him continuously and they would demand more like sharks who smelled blood.

"My name is Leon Titanheart, A count of Loren Empire and A magus, Can you afford to be my senior?"

Leon asked, he already knew that the academy was aware his identity so he didn't wanted to hid to solve this kinds of problems before even it happened. As soon as Leon said that, the smile on the tyrants face faded and his face became pale so his groups faces. The students who were listening was shocked but also some of them rejoiced to see the group in trouble.

["What! He was a magus and a noble!?"]

Andre who was listening their conversation from afar was also shocked. He didn't think that Leon was lying, because posing as a noble was punishable with death. Even if they weren't in Loren Empire, there were some students from Loren Empire. When they returned the gossips would emerge about the noble who went to the academy. He would either be killed or become fugitive until his death.

The tyrant hurriedly apologized repeatedly until Leon waved his hand to dismiss them. He didn't want to fight or talk needlessly, for him, it was really bothersome to do so. But he was sure someone told the tyrants about their mission. He didn't know who but he was certain that the tyrants would handle it well, since they found out that they were played for fools to confront a magus and a noble.

When Leon was going to resume his meal, he noticed that Jacob was looking at him with shocked face.


"Are you really a magus?" asked Jacob there was confusion in his voice.

"There are ways to strengthen the body with mana." said Leon. He could understand why he was confused. He didn't tell him that he was a titan. But he also didn't lied, there is ways to strengthen body with mana but magus couldn't beat warriors in the same grade in brute force.

They quietly finished their meals after that. Leon went to the library to try something with his soul artifact and Jacob said he was going to practice his sword.

In the library, Leon looking at the bookshelves with Hermes. Leon's purpose to create book of knowledge to store knowledge and make deductions. Even though his soul artifact was half-finished, it could copy the contents of the books. If it take memories of the corpses, copying from the books would be a child play for it.

Leon called his book of knowledge from his sea consciousness and passed through a book. After a bit he smiled, it really didn't let him down. The book of knowledge could copy the contents without a problem. He asked to Teacher Fiona about his soul artifact and she said it would be better to make it finished in the system world so Leon didn't complete his soul artifact. She said there would be a seed would enter his sea of consciousness when he entered the system world and integrating it with his soul artifact would be the best instead of using tower spirits inscriptions.

After seeing that he could store all the knowledge without a problem, Leon continuously passed his soul artifact through the books but after finishing a bookshelf he noticed that the process was consuming his mental power. But it was really minuscule but it would take a week to finish the library. It wasn't that his sea consciousness wouldn't hold but the time. The library was too huge for it.