System World

Leon didn't know why but he could tell that Locke had an enmity with him. Leon didn't know him but if there was an enmity, the reason should be Leon's identity. Thus either because he was a magus or he was a noble. But Leon didn't plan to solve this, he simply didn't care. Even Locke find to a way to become a magus in the system world, Leon could easily defeat him.

After their battle, Leon leaved the arena and went to Teacher Fiona. After he gained his place in top ten, he wanted to know about the system world and Teacher Fiona should know much more.

"You wanted to know more about the system world huh?"

Leon nodded.

"Okay, let's start with the basics. The flow of time is different in the system world, its ratio is around 1:1000. When you lived there for a thousand years, here only one year would pass."

"Teacher Fiona, could you wait for a year for the water of primordial well?"

When Leon heard the ratio he thought it would be better idea to focus on alchemy in the system world. Alchemy wasn't an easy subject to specialize. Leon had to know about the magical herbs and plants but it didn't end there, he also needed to know about anatomy of humans. Leon wasn't a human in a real sense, he was a titan. So he needed know about his body more than humans.

Teacher Fiona nodded but added;

"I can wait for it but you shouldn't breakthrough the Domain Stage while you were there. If you do you'll be treated as an intruder upon returning."

Leon nodded, he could understand that. If he were to breakthrough outside, he wouldn't have the opportunity to experience the laws of Aroan world thus making him a stranger. But was planning to just temper his body so it wasn't a problem for him.

"You'll have a card for your return. When you break it, a portal would open and you could return Aroan whenever you liked. When you entered the system world a seed will enter your sea consciousness. You can merge it with your soul artifact and make your soul artifact complete. It is better than using a core of a tower spirit."

"There is way to improve yourself in the system world. The system will judge your potential and suggest you to choose a way. It is complicated to tell but in short, it will give you techniques to improve yourself."

Leon didn't understand but he would when he entered the system world. He already know the crucial points.

"And the last thing, there is some organizations which was accepted by the system in that world. They could give you missions via system and you can get rewards. You can join any organization but I advise you to join the adventurers guild. It has more freedom."

Leon thanked Teacher Fiona for her explanation. But he was curious where was the primordial well so he asked and the answer was;

"There isn't predetermined place for it. It can change its place once a month. That means you must have a bit of luck but I don't think you wouldn't find it in a thousand years."

After talking with Teacher Fiona, Leon returned to his room, Hermes was staying outside because he couldn't fit inside of the room anymore. Leon also notified Josh about Hermes and told him to make a place for Hermes.

Leon didn't know how long he would stay in the system world but he wanted to focus on alchemy and tempering his body while he was there. Leon came to his room to gather his things. The academy was going to send the students immediately to the system world. Leon didn't have much in his room aside from a couple books rest of his stuff was in his spatial bag.

Leon, without wasting too much time, leaved his room and went to the central garden of the academy with Hermes.

When Leon arrived only two or so students weren't there. After a few minutes Locke came with his "wives". Leon didn't watched their flirt and crying farewell.

After everyone gathered, The teacher made explanation about the system world. Leon listened but Teacher Fiona already told him about the system world so it wasn't a new explanation for Leon. After explanation was finished, Teacher brought a circle from his spatial bag and threw it on the ground. When it hit the ground, it grew and started to operate. The circle was high as one and half human and while it wasn't operating, Leon could see through it. But when it started operate, it became like a mirror but also rippling like a liquid.

One by one the students started to pass through it. Leon wasn't in hurry so he pulled out communication crystal from his spatial bag and connected it to Josh. When it was connected Leon told him that he might not able to communicate with him for a year.

After cutting the connection Leon looked at Hermes and patted his head then he pulled him in his portable garden. And passed through it with Hermes. Passing through the portal was nauseating, Leon couldn't take it and crouch down. After the nausea passed, Leon could see that he was alone.

He heard that sending someone through space, wasn't easy and they might be in danger when they landed to the system world. The portal could determine which world you were going to send but it could send you in a specific place. Thats why he sent Hermes in his portable garden. Leon released Hermes from his portable garden and started walk around the area.

He was in a forest and he could sense that there wasn't any lifeforms around him. While he was looking around, he was also inspecting his sea consciousness. He was waiting for the seed to come him.

After a few hours, Leon felt a ripple in his sea consciousness, Leon could sense a sphere in his sea consciousness. Aside from that, when Leon touched it with mental power, Leon could see he was connected to the system world via it and he could sever the connection whenever he wanted.

From what he learned from Teacher Fiona, this seed was like tower spirit but it was more complex. Leon didn't waste too much time and he forced it into his soul artifact. It was a delicate process and he shouldn't be disturbed while he was doing it. Leon had Hermes at his side so it wouldn't be problem for him.

For the most of students the sphere would open and they could see their current powers and their potential through it. They could also take missions and rewards but after they leaved the system world, the sphere would disappear. Leon didn't want it to be destroyed but he wanted it to merge with his soul artifact. Doing so, his soul artifact would be completed and he would have a portable A.I. with him anytime and anywhere.

After spending hours to make it finally it merged with his soul artifact. Leon called his soul artifact from his sea consciousness and in the first page he could see;

Name: Leon Titanheart

Race: Titan

There wasn't much in it but his soul artifact started to organize the knowledge and after it finished it, his soul artifact would act like how Leon wanted to. It might take a few weeks but Leon didn't wanted to wait here for it. He started walk in the forest with Hermes and wished to find any roads.