Hire me

After looting the chest, the team leaved the area of the wolves. There were a few equipments in the chest. Aside from the resources, the adventurers could find equipments from the chests in the dungeon. The equipments were worn by the adventurers who died in the dungeon and placed to the chests by the dungeon to motivate adventurers to go deeper into the dungeon.

The team walk through the streets of the city to go to the second area. The streets were narrow and only two person could walk together and Hermes was walking at the rear of the group. But there was something bothering Leon, Hermes was feeling down as soon as they entered the dungeon but he didn't know why. He could ruffly understand what Hermes was feeling from their connection but Hermes couldn't tell him. He was too young to communicate with words.

Seeing that Leon was looking at Hermes with worry, Theo furrowed his brows and thought a bit and;

"In the dungeon flight is forbidden."

Hearing that Leon understood why Hermes was feeling uncomfortable and patted Hermes head. If he were to shackled with weight as he was walking, he would also feel uncomfortable so he could emphasize with Hermes.

The team walked in streets and again, Heinz lifted his hand to stop the rest. In front of them, was snakes with feet. They were three meters long but their height wasn't high that much, only a half meter. Leon could tell that these snakes would be nimble as they were near the ground.

The monsters in the dungeon was replaceable but it would take at least half hour to replace them, because of that there was a line to enter the dungeon.

The team repeated the same tactic, Theo fire an arrow to the snakes and the rest attacked immediately. As Leon guested the snakes were nimble and could dodge the attacks but they weren't that swift so the team could hunt them easily. Then the team split the corpses as before, Leon took his share to his inventory and sold them in the alchemist network.

The group hunted like that until they reached to the 10th monster spot. The tenth monster spot was a boss area, different from the ones until here, it was a dividing line for adventurers. The bosses of the dungeon was real tests, the other monsters could be counted as warm-ups. And their usual tactic wouldn't work on the boss. The bosses couldn't be pierced easily with arrows.

As usual, Heinz lifted his hand to stop rest of the group but Leon didn't spread his senses because the boss could perceive it so he walked in front of the group to see the boss.

Leon looked at the boss while he was hiding and he saw that the boss was a giant humanoid creature with reddish ruff skin. Leon didn't know all the species in the system world or Aroan world so he asked to Heinz.

"What is this?"

"Brutos, it is a giant type monster. They don't have much speed but they are strong in defense and attack but also they are also half-witted."

"How are we going to handle it?" The usual tactic wouldn't be a reasonable to do. If it has thick skin, the arrows wouldn't penetrate.

"There isn't much tactic to deal with it. We can only hit and run, we should able to draw its blood and attack its vitals."

Leon nodded he also didn't have better tactic than hit and run. After selecting the tactic they walked towards to the boss. When they exited the hiding place, the boss saw them and roared loudly to them.

Theo was releasing his arrows swiftly and the others was attacking with their respective weapons. Hermes was staying at the back and sending air slashes to Brutos. Leon was using a spear for this time and he noticed that he was better in spear than sword. He didn't know the vitals of brutos but he pierced wherever seems like vulnerable. After hitting and running for ten minutes, brutos fell down on its knees. Leon swiftly pierced its throat with his spear. After brokenly breathed a few times, brutos fell on its blood.

After looking around a bit they found the chest and opened it. Leon could see what was inside but aside from twilight apple he didn't have any interest so he didn't want to pick anything from the chest but the rest of the team said it would be unfair so he picked some equipments and put them in his inventory and sold them in alchemist network. Aside from his share from the chest, Leon also picked magical core from brutos. It had massive amount of vitality in it so Leon thought it would be beneficial from him to consume it.

The team proceed their hunting in dungeon with same speed after clearing the boss. The monsters until the second boss where taken down with the same tactic they used before. There wasn't anyone hurt during the hunt, it was very easy to them to advance.

The second boss was harder than previous one. It was a creature look like a two headed demon with horns and tails. It was strong like brutos but it had the speed that brutos didn't have. After killing it, whole team was exhausted aside from Leon but he also didn't show that he was fine after the battle.

While they were resting, Leon heard footsteps behind them. Leon was confused, he knew that the monsters would after a period of time thats why the teams would wait after a new team entered the dungeon. After thinking a bit, he came to conclusion that the ones who were coming come to steal the gains or they came to kill someone.

Leon didn't have any enmity with anyone in the System world, so only one who might be was in his group.

"A new group is coming." Leon said then he looked at their reactions but he didn't gain anything from observation because all of them had harden faces and they readied their weapons.

Leon sighed and stood up and looked at the entrance of the boss area. After a bit of waiting he could see group of ten came with unsheathed weapons and emitting bloodlust.

"I didn't think my brother would really want to kill me." Said Theo with resignation and he looked at the newcomers. Leon understood that there was a family conflict but he didn't think that the men would let him go because he was an outsider.

"Hire me."

Said Leon to Theo. He already thought that Theo and others took in the team after seeing Hermes and thought Leon was powerful. Leon might be dragged into the conflict but he didn't mind as long as he was paid.

"How much?" asked Theo, there was a bit of hope in his voice and his eyes. He always thought that Leon was hiding his strength but he didn't find any clue but right now he said to hire him after seeing ten people. At least it was verifying that he was strong.

"I believe you won't be disappoint me with a meager sum."

Saying that Leon disappeared where he stood and stabbed the man who was nearest. The men didn't understand what was happening until their third one fell. As they were putting up their defense the fourth one fell headless with his blood spraying to air.

After killing the fourth one, Leon punched hard the one who was close to him to surprise the men with his brute strength and scare them, also to show to Theo the reason that he shouldn't think about underpaying him. The man who punched by Leon didn't fly back but his upper body exploded to the pieces and rained to the men who was behind him as blood and organs mixture.

Leon also shocked to see that, he thought that he would at least remain one piece. He didn't know that he was that strong, Leon didn't used his full strength until now so he was also shocked.

When the rest of the men saw that, they tried to run but Leon didn't want to let anyone go so sped up and swung his spear horizontal and cut the rest from their navel area. With that, Leon killed all of them and looked to Theo.

Theo was stupefied and was looking at the corpses with sheer shock on his face. After he gained his composure

"Can I hire you for longer time?"