Becoming Adjutant

There were skirmishes and chaos, the deafening war-cries and painful cries were overlapping each other. The rain was washing the blood on the ground, but after a minute, it was same as before. Aside from the rain there were also arrows which was harvesting lives, were falling from above.

Leon didn't know how many people that he killed, at first he counted, but after his mentality became more suitable for the war, he didn't count anymore. He pierced with his spear and dodge attacks, he was also wounded, but he didn't bother with that anymore. The manual that he changed was suitable for war, as long as he killed, he would heal. It didn't mean that he didn't have any problem, the manual didn't eliminate resentment and obsessions, so his mood became more aggressive and his mentality became more clouded in the war. He didn't get tired and, more killed more he would fall into the madness of the war.

Leon stabbed another enemy and heard the horn of retreat. It didn't mean that the war was over, it meant that the line-up would change and the soldiers who were battling would take a rest. Just as he was about the retreat, Leon felt death upon himself. From the corner of his eye, he saw a sword coming to him. Leon immediately dodged by crouching. The sword passed above his head, then Leon looked to the one who was holding the sword.

It was a young man with metal armor, Leon was sure that he was a knight. He didn't feel fear to come across with a knight, instead he felt that it was a good chance to prove his worth to the totem.

Leon didn't stand up from his crouch, instead he stabbed towards the knight with his spear. The knight parried it with his sword, then Leon retreated to a safe distance from the knight. But the knight didn't want Leon to retreat to a safe distance, his sword was shorter than the spear, so when Leon put a distance between them, it was more beneficial to Leon.

The knight was strong and Leon didn't want to have a close combat with him, but the knight was stuck to Leon. Whenever he tried to put a distance between them, the knight closed the distance. While Leon was retreating, he also attacked him, he wanted the knight to occupied with parrying and couldn't follow him, thus creating a distance, but the knight was faster than Leon, he could easily close the distance.

Leon didn't have his titan body, he was already grieving over it. If he had his real body, he would have already finished this fight. Leon tried all kinds of attacks to wound or make the knight stunned a few breaths of time, but all of them were in vain. Leon stopped and looked to the knight, the knight was also looking at Leon, the fight was standstill and neither of them gain the upper hand in the battle.

The soldiers on both side were retreating while taking the companions who had fallen and the their wounded comrades. One one attacked the ones who were carrying their companions, while it was easy to kill who was carrying a body, it would be an unethical act. It was an unspoken rule that nobody would attack them. Amidst in these, Leon and the knight were glaring each other, but they were also retreating one step at a time. Leon was tired and the knight was also looking tired, they both tried to kill each other, but neither of them succeed. They didn't turn back to show to each other their back, when they came to far from each other, they immediately turned their back and dashed to their camps.

When Leon entered the camp, he noticed that some of the soldiers were looking at him. Their facial expression was showing surprise and envy, but most of them was showing shock. Leon could understand the reason behind the gazes, he battled with a knight. It was really extraordinary for a cannon fodder to battle with a knight and return alive. While Leon already showed that he was extraordinary, but they didn't think that he would be alive after confronting with a knight.

Leon also knew that he showed his worth to the higher-ups in the army when he confronted with a knight. He had done it to get their attention. If he were to kill the knight, that would've been better. Aside from getting the approval of the totem, Leon was trying to get higher seat in the power of the illusion, his reason for that to get more soul cultivation techniques, not the kind that they gave him. Leon didn't want to sacrifice massive amount of lives to create for one himself, so he planned to get as many as he could. Doing so, would give to him data about soul cultivation, then could process them in his book of knowledge. There might be flawed cultivation techniques, but at least he could eliminate the wrong ones. Knowing the right way also include knowing the wrong way, that was how Leon thought.

"You, come with me."

Leon was called by an officer, it showed that he already drew attention of the higher-ups. Leon saluted the officer with a military salute and followed him. The soldiers gave way to them as they walked, most of the soldiers looking at Leon with envy evident in their faces.

Leon and the officer walked to the central tent. When Leon noticed that, he was shocked. He already knew that the central tent was general's. He also knew that he would draw attention of higher-ups, but he didn't think that he would draw attention of the general. Leon didn't slow down his steps and followed the officer with the same speed. When they entered the tent, the officer made a military salute;

"I brought the soldier, general."

"Okay, you may leave." came as a response. The officer saluted once more and left the tent, leaving Leon and General Talas alone. Leon didn't break his stance while he was waiting for the general to speak. The general didn't speak, but he thoroughly looked at Leon.

"I heard you battled with an enemy knight." said general after a few breaths of time

"Yes, sir."

"Do you think, you had the chance to kill him?"

"No, sir."


"I'm weaker than him and I don't have enough experience on the battlefield, sir." answered Leon. He already knew that he didn't have any chance to kill the knight, he understood that when they fought. Even with his newly created manual, he didn't have any chance to kill him. His newly created manual was filled with flaws and didn't convert efficiently the vitality from his kills to his power, so the speed of his growth was slow.

Hearing Leon answer, the general nodded.

"You're a promising youngster. While you don't have the needed experience, you manage to hold your ground against a knight, this was a remarkable accomplishment. For just that accomplishment, I would promote you to a sergeant, but you don't have any knowledge about strategy."

Saying that the general stopped and looked at Leon with furrowed brows. Leon understood that he couldn't handle the promotion, it was true that he didn't have any knowledge about strategy. He also understood that the general was bothered by his reward. Leon had an idea about his reward, but it wasn't his place to say it right now. The military discipline couldn't be violated, so he could only let the general think about his reward.

"I'll appoint you as my adjutant. This way you could learn military strategies and a higher grade military manual."

"Yes, sir." Leon already guessed this was the best reward he could get at the moment. He already knew that the so-called secret manual of army was trash grade, so getting a higher grade would be better. He didn't intend to use it soul cultivation technique, but he could get a general idea about them as he learned about them.

"Come with me." said the general and Leon followed him. General Talas, passed through the fabric which was dividing the tent in two. Leon also passed and saw there was a table which had a map and some figures on it. Leon understood that the figures symbolize the soldiers, both their own and the enemy. Leon was sure that the general wouldn't immediately teach about the strategy to him, so his gaze didn't linger much on the map.

His guess was right, General Talas didn't stop in front of the map. He went to the end of the tent and opened the chest that was there. Leon didn't approach, he was sure that he was going to get a high-grade manual, but he didn't think there would be only manuals in the chest. There might be some secret documents about the military, which he didn't have the clearance to see.

The general picked some books and put them on the other table which didn't have anything on.

"Come and choose one." said general. Leon went to the side of the table and looked at the books. The general said choose one, but he didn't say don't copy others. So Leon called his book of knowledge as he touched the books, it didn't take too long for him to copy all of the books. He was happy to get so much soul cultivation techniques, but he didn't show that on his face. His brows were furrowed as he looked at the books, seemingly troubled to which one to choose. The general didn't rush him, he knew that this was a hard choice.

After a bit, Leon picked one. It wasn't the best one on the table, but it didn't have any flaws, according to the book of knowledge. It was called [Asura Domain] and it didn't strengthen the soul. It had one aspect, it was to create killing intent with the slaughter and use it to overwhelm the opponents.

Seeing Leon choose it, General Talas waved his hands to dismiss him. Leon made a military salute and left the tent to rest and study more about the technique.