Third Trial

When Leon entered the tent, he saw that the general was sitting behind the table and looking at the map on it. Leon didn't say anything and waited for the general to lift his head up.

The general must noticed someone entered the tent and looked at Leon. He saw the head of the knight and smiled.

"I see you slew the knight huh. You made a massive contribution as a foot-soldier."

As soon as the general said that, Leon felt like he was free-falling and he could only see darkness. After the darkness, he saw blinding light, so he closed his eyes. When he opened them, he saw that he was sitting in front of the totem. Leon surprised, he theorized that he needed to change the flow of the battle, but he didn't think that he only needed to kill the knight as a foot-soldier. But after thinking a bit, he understood, While he wasn't strong in the illusion, he created a body tempering based on the secret manual. So for others it might take some time to kill the knight, but for him, it was shorter than anticipated.

Leon thought he needed to learn strategy in the totem, but after further thinking, he hit his head

"I'm such a stupid." The Deamons were warmonger and they crave for battles, but it didn't mean that they were commanders in the battlefield. They were more like solitary mercenaries who bathed in blood every day. So it was reasonable for the totem just train and made him fight in the battlefield, then made him kill the boss who was the knight.

Leon looked at the warmonger totem and walked to it. He bit his finger and smear his blood on it and passed his mana through it. When he did that, he learned much about the totem, even the illusory world inside of the totem.

The illusory world inside of totem was constantly at war to create killing intent and battle intent, it was making things form illusory to real. While it was easy to say, hard to do, meaning that the totem was borderline divine item. It didn't need any mana or energy to run, so, in a sense it was creating something out of nothing.

Leon put the totem inside of his bag, and he left the room. He didn't have any interest in the statues that had bodies inside of them.

When Leon left mausoleum, he didn't see Hermes, Cale or Casper. From his connection with Hermes, he knew that he was outside of the cemetery, so Casper and Cale would be there with him. Leon didn't linger in the cemetery and meet with them. They didn't ask what he found in the mausoleum, they thought it might be some kind of cursed artifact or magical device. Hermes was more direct, he immediately run to Leon and rubbed his head.

"How long I was in there?" asked Leon. He didn't know how long was the training and the war in the illusory world.

"It was three days.." answered Cale. Hearing that, Leon nodded. It seemed like he didn't waste too much time in the illusory world. While he passed, maybe a month in there, only three days has passed in real world.

"Has anything happened when I was in the mausoleum?" asked Leon.

"Nothing happened. We just stayed here and camped, there wasn't anyone passing by here." said Casper. Leon nodded.

After a bit of talking, they took their tents and left the area to look for any other fated chances. They found the ruins that Leon already noticed with his senses, but there wasn't anything noteworthy. They discovered a few ruins in the trial of gods. They also find a few magical ores. The ores would mostly would be given to Cale, Leon just took a few from every type. They didn't encounter with the powerful magical beast, so it was an uneventful day. But meet with Theo, who was looking happy. When Theo saw them, he was surprised to see Leon and Casper together.

Leon told him about the incidents and how they didn't have any relations with Casper. Two brothers started to talk to each other and solve their misunderstandings. Casper also said that he didn't have any interest in becoming the next marquis and he only wanted to become a merchant. He even gave his findings to Theo to make his gains more, thus making him the unofficial next marquis.

After the pair of brothers solved their misunderstandings, the group continued to scout the area. Sometimes they would stop and Leon would spread his senses to find any ruins like the mausoleum that he found the totem. But it seemed like Leon's luck wasn't that strong, he didn't find anything noteworthy as the time passed.

From his deduction, Leon thought that the trials would end when everyone would find the ruins in this sub-space, but maybe it wasn't so. Leon doubted about his earlier deductions. While he was in doubt a clear and soul cleansing melody tuned in the sub-space. Leon didn't know what that was about, but he noticed that there was a notification from the system. The others should also get their notifications from the system as they were furrowing their brows.

The notification was saying that, the most of the ruins had discovered and the third stage of the trials would commerce. It didn't say anything about the content of the third trial, just saying that they needed to go to the center of the sub-space. The group didn't say anything and they walked to the center of the sub-space with the lead of the system.

The journey didn't take too long, they were already closed to the center. When they arrived, they noticed that there was a ring and spectator chairs surrounding it. Seeing that, Leon nodded. He already guessed that there would a battle trial. The first was destiny, the second was luck and the third was power. They were necessary things that ensure the road of a magus, and the power of the maguses here wasn't that much different, they were all mana gathering stage. The power that they had was more like their experiences in battles and their foundations. If a magus had a solid foundation, he could fight with any magus with higher stage cultivation. Of course, if the opponent wasn't same as them.

As the time passed, more and more maguses gathered around the ring. Leon and the others were sitting on the chairs and waiting for the battles to start. Leon knew that the system was the referee and it would give the line for the battles and announce the winners and losers.

Leon was looking around and starting to guess the powers of other maguses. While he was doing so, he saw Locke with two girls on his both arms. He also noticed some other maguses were showing their killing intent to Locke. Leon didn't know what happened between them, he didn't care either. If he wouldn't bother Leon, he could do whatever he liked. He might even create his harem and live dense protagonist's life. But thinking that, Leon got uncomfortable, and cursed under his breath to Locke.

After most of the maguses who entered the trials came, everyone in the area got a notice from the system. The battles would begin.