A deal with the devils

Ichirou exited the Martix and turned on the incognito mode in his phone and dialed a number. He waited for a certain someone to pick up the call. After a while, the certain someone accepted the call.

"How rare of you to call me! Need anything?" the other side said. "I'm sending you something encrypted in Matrix form, I can't access my computer right now so I can't decrypt this, get this done and I'll get you 50,000 US dollars! How's the deal?" Ichirou asked.

"Hooooo! Then do you want me to access it?" the other side asked excitedly. "I only said I can't access it right now, I didn't say I can't crash your system with my phone". "Yea, sorry that I got a bit over excited" the other side apologized. "Answer me, are you interested?" Ichirou asked in an annoyed tone. Dealing with this guy was always a pain in the ass.

The other side thought for a bit and said, "Sounds reasonable! Send it! but I got a question, can you clear it?". "As long as it's nothing shit tier, I can" Ichirou said in his usual lazy tone.

Ichirou first forwarded the Matrix he received to him and said, "This is something Viper sent me, he said he's working with the govs(short for "government" in their terms) in the sides now! He said they got it from a terrorists group and their geeks can't find anything useful so they let Viper figure out something but that guy is also clueless as to what to do so I became the final option, I blackmailed him and his govs and now they are paying me for this and I will pay you if you help me, enough?".

"Viper and the govs gave you this!? Sorry, I'm not doing anything for that stinking rat or his freaking government! You know what happened because of that bastard right! If it weren't for him, LEGIT might have still been together! I'm looking for a chance to kill that bastard and yet you are asking me to help them? Have you sold you soul or something!? Answer me!" the other side exploded.

"Will you shut your door Gravity? Even I want to kill that bastard so bad! I accepted this as a one time deal and to make some pocket money! Nothing more! Nothing less! I don't fucking care about what happens to him or his govs! To hell with those bland brain fuckers! Now, do you want to make some money? Or I can get someone! Choice is yours" Ichirou exploded back.


Gravity didn't utter a word. LEGIT was originally a group made of talented individual with exceptional skills in the field of hacking. They were among the best of the bests in "Society". "Society" is a community created by the God tier hackers, dons of the digital world, for others like them to interact. If anyone in Society needed help, the others would definitely help! That's how it works.

Viper was originally a member of Society as well. But he was kicked out due to leaking information about them to the government. So he was put into the blacklist and the informations that had been leaked were found and deleted by those "God tier" hackers for the safety of the community. No one had been contact with Viper from that day onwards and forget about his existence, till now.

Gravity sighed, "Fine, I will help you, but only this once if it involves that damned Viper! If it is for you, I will do anything within my power for free since we are comrades! But I'm only helping that low life vermin because I also want to make some money and 50,000 dollars doesn't sound bad...... you cool with that?" he asked. "How long will it take you?" Ichirou didn't beat around and went straight to the point.

"Give me a day or two, I'll try to figure it out as fast as I can" Gravity said with determination. "Sounds great! Get on it" Ichirou said and was about to hang the call, but Gravity asked him. "Wait a min! I want to ask you! After I finish this and get the money, will you help me in GnG(Guns n Glory)? I got a mission on the moon so I would like some help, what do you think?" Gravity asked in a pleading voice.

Ichirou thought for a bit and said, "If you finish by tomorrow morning, I don't mind helping you out cause I also got something to do on the moon, plus we can call in Silvarin and Sinister right?". Gravity suddenly became hyped and said, "Forget tomorrow! I'll get this done before dawn and you will come right?".

"Sorry, I'm at my friend's right now so I can't really play today, I'll come tomorrow and only if you finish decrypting it, cool?" Ichirou said with a smirk. "Consider it done" Gravity said and hung up. He then went straight to decrypting the Martix.

Ichirou let out a sigh of relief and called Viper. Viper immediately accepted the call, "How did it go? Did you find anything useful?". Ichirou spoke with his annoyed tone, "Buzz off, where's the money? You'll get your order tomorrow since it will take time to get it decrypted, so pay up and get your order delivered tomorrow!".

"Hey! That wasn't the deal! We give you the money and you get something useful out of it for us! How can you go back on your word!?" Viper shouted. "Who said I'm going back on my word? Don't you want something useful out of it? Then you have to wait for it, food cooked in a rush never tasted delicious" Ichirou said while smiling.

Viper was holding back his urge to punch him through the monitor because his superiors are also connected to the call. Ichirou called right when he was talking to his superiors, so they also wanted to listen what kind of person was this guy who Viper asked help to. They need to know what they are buying before buying.

Ichirou's phone made a small buzz. Ichirou looked at the phone and the light in top left was blinking red like hinting him something. Ichirou smiled as he said, "Well, since your superiors are also listening to our conversation, they should know that I won't give you anything before you pay me right?".

Every one of them were shocked. They didn't make a single sound nor did Viper rat them out, heck even the call wasn't conference! Yet he found out. "There's no use in hiding anymore, your skills are impressive as Viper said, ever thought about working with us? We will pay you good" one of the government guy said.

"Well thank you and no thank you for your offer, I told you right? I will help you only this once and I don't see any increase in the numbers of my account, are you trying to play me?" Ichirou asked. "We haven't got anything yet, so how can we just give you 300,000? That is a huge amount! What if you take it and run away? What will we do then?" the glasses guy asked.

"You came to me for help right? Then suck it up and do it! I have no merit in taking the money and running away! I was given a job and I will complete the job! If you don't want to pay me, then go find someone else!" Ichirou said in a cold tone. The government officials couldn't speak back. They were the ones speaking his help so they got no other choice than to do as he says.

"Fine, give us an hour and you will see your numbers, but you better give us something worth it! Or else you know what will happen to you for playing us right?" the glasses guy said. "Do we have our deal still standing?" Ichirou asked in a mocking tone.

"Fufufu, yes! We still have our deal standing so don't let us down" the glasses guy said while smiling. Ichirou didn't speak any further and just hung up. He looked at his phone then outside the window. He looked at the setting sun which looked really beautiful. He quickly took a picture of it to show it to a certain sleeping princess. He smiled and sat down on the chair beside the bed and looked at Yui with a caring smile on his face.

He took her hand as he said, "I can't wait for the day I can be with you again hope it will come soon".