Powers and stuff

Our MC HAS LOST a large amount of POWER...But all is not lost he will have to rebuild his army and his strength the small amount of power he has regenerates at a decent rate he has enough to cast a few spells and summon several of his undead. He can even cread new Types of undead will a little bit of ingenuity. Our MC is in a world with all kinds of weird stuff he is in a world where superhero's, villains, aliens. And the supernatural coexist. Along with a relatively advanced technological world.

So our MC can use you know all elemental spells as he was a god he can manipulate different types of energy sources along with storing them in his body. As a god his physical prowess is increased but not godlike he will need to train it up. His intelligence will be increased as well. He has the power to store things in his inner world where he can freeze time and basically control most of it.