First year

First year

As I awake quite suddenly and look around me with suspicious and on edge behavior I notice the nurses cooing over me it might be because of my appearance as a god I do have quite the amazing visage blue eyes and white hair although an infant my body was already toned you could see outlines of my muscle I was intending to ask them what they were looking at but all that came out were some strange incoherent mumbling "goo gaa bla "....

POV Change to Ayaami the doctor

After a long night delivering are new patient Anpu I went home for a cold shower and logged online to find some novels to read as usual after catching up on some reads I fall asleep ready for tomorrow. .... I walk over to the room where my new patient Anpu should be I see him surrounded by the female staff I hurried over to shoo them away they pout and wine but I tell them "I must insist that all of you please go back to work and not suffocate the newly born " female nurse 1 "awww your no fun Ayaami we just wanted to get a good look he's so cute cyaaaa !.....Switching to Ayaami "Must you screech this is a hospital not a circus now all of you get back to work before I write you all infractions other 4 female nurses "Yes Sir " no yelling ladies now move on I move in to examine my new patient i notice he's awake and quite the adorable little guy I also notice how he already has a defined physique quite impressive for a new born as I do a routine check he seems curious and suspicious which could be just my imagination but what ever. After I'm done with the check up. A woman walks up to me and asks me...

Burrocrat women working for the state "Hello sir do you happen to be the doctor in charge of the new born section of the hospital....Ayaami "yes that would be I how can I help you" lady "yes I'm here for a new born that's being transferred to a orphanage". Ayaami "ohh yes I'll take you right there


....POV change to Anpu

As I stared at this healer with curiosity I can't help but feel suspicious in the end it seems he was just analyzing my condition so I went back to meditating and feeling the energys of the world I felt the fast amount but found one I preferred death it was basically radiating off this place as I began to absorb the death energy and expand the reservoir of my death core I could see all the lost souls and I slowly guided them to my inner world where they could rest I may need to add some things so they feel at home the more souls I collected the stronger I felt in the end I advanced a great amount now capable to do simple magic like

Shoot out energy or use it to enhance my physical prowess. One small step for me and one closer step to becoming a god again.


The Next day I awoke inside a orphanage with a lot of other kids at this point it's been a few days since my birth and I must continue my meditation


.....several months later I'm able to talk and walk to say that the others were surprised would be a overstatement if any thing I was surprised in this world the a baby learning to walk is normal even if it's quite early still less surprising then a baby suddenly sprouting wings and flying around or a baby sneezing flames.

Compared to the others I was a normal handsome boy quite popular if it wasn't for my cold attitude and ignoring everyone.

....after a whole year I managed to completely dominate the other children with either my physical prowess or my magical I would also use killing intent and a aura to establish fear. I can now summon 2 skeletons while still having enough to fight for 2 hours with a bunch of mana or magical energy attacks like shooting out my mana or shooting out fire or ice or even mini tornadoes. All in all the kids stayed away and even the adults the matriarch of the orphanage seemed to always visit me and talk or feed me I would of course either converse or ignore her she didn't seem to mine but did appreciate me conversing with her. And deep down so did I it was peaceful and relaxing even refreshing.. in the end the year wasn't so bad.