As I awake to a bed full of nudity I set out to shower and grab a change of clothes mainly a black gear with a demonic mask on so as to hide my identity
After finishing up I receive a message from Pirate_King that a group is currently heading to the forest.
I activate a new skill to bend light to make me completely invisible as I inspect my self I can still see my self but only by using a skill called the all seeing eyes by focusing mana into my eyes I can see through certain illusions and tricks but it's still very crude and rough so if I encounter a expert with higher Illusion spells I may not be able to see through it (this is the mc thinking he's normal or mortal as a former god how can some little parlar tricks get the best of him)
Sneaking my way out of the orphanage and into the forest at high speeds I teleport to my litch is I appear in a fog covered forest with what I can see through with my all seeing eyes I notice my skeletons surrounding the same group of men but with an extra female in the group.
Making my way towards them the only sound that can be heard is the sound of my boots clashing with the grassy plane I can see the group tense as I make my way in front of the group.
I tell them. ". Please have a seat " seeing the confusion in their eyes and on there faces as they look at one another unsure of what to do but before they can respond or sit down on the grass I wave my hands a table appears with chairs for all of them to sit on .
Along with the fog clearing up from behind so that now it only covers my side of the table . amplifying the creepy atmosphere around me that and the demons mask I'm wearing while we're the eyes are supposed to be a blue willow wisp flame dances about.
The day before ........
POV CHANGE TO GradientPink
After a long day of paper work and keeping my men in line while having to micro manage conflicts around the city. conflicts with other gangs and with the police and mainly complaints from my people in town hall. Making several phone calls I'm able to solve most of my problems the bigger ones require me meeting with gangs that are in an alliance with me. For example The bikers who are in charge of transportation. Then there are the Haitians who are in charge of distribution. Finally we have the Irish who control the docks. Then there's me and my mafia otherwise known as the Italians we control the town hall the city the neighborhoods and we give the go ahead on what's built and what goes down. Lucky for us owning the cops gets a lot of evidence misplaced or lost.
Suddenly i hear the sound of hurried foot steps fast approaching I open my drawer and take out a colt 1911 pistol out in preparation for what ever is coming my way that is until I hear the sound of my idiot subordinates "boss! Boss!!" Shortly after they barge in to my office and immediately stop after looking at my colt aiming for the space between his eyes
Gradient Pink "Lucien you big oaf what did I say about barging in to my office last week I told you if your not carful you'd find yourself with a between your eyes and then I'd have to go through the trouble of asking Nick here to bury your body"
Lucien " Boss I'm sorry I'm real sorry but we got a problem at our burying grounds "
GP is immediately startled by mentioning of there dumbing grounds and responds by putting her gun away and asking with a serious look that promises pain "what the fuck are you talking about Lucien what kind of problem "
Lucien is finally reassured as he sees his boss put the peace away so he continues. "Boss we encountered a supernatural group that's taken over our dumping grounds at first I felt the forest go unnaturally quite followed you fog then the feeling of being surrounded then we hear this child laughing freaking the shit out of us but the creepiest part is that he wasn't affected by the body he told me that the forest is now under his control and that if we wanted to dump any more bodies that he would do it for us he also wants to set up a meeting with you boss!,!...huh "
breathing in deeply after all that talking I hesitantly stare at my boss seeing her processing what I told her I decide to just stand quietly in order to not disturb her and get shot.
GP ) after listening to what Lucien had just said I sat motionless carefully mulling over the situation .
A new group has decided to take over our dumping grounds now usually this would be a problem especially if the group is a supernatural one but the fact that they took the body that Lucien was ordered to bury and said that its free means they are making a service out of this. So if I can get this group under my control this could help in expanding my turf.
With there understandings of the supernatural it will give us an edge on the competition especially those damn vampires who have taken over some of the territory of the down town clubs these vamps are bad for business stealing a large amount of our customers.
GP "Lucien get your men and bring me to the meeting site"
Lucien " Of course boss consider it done " after closing the doors I head down stairs to prepare the car " nick get the guys geared up with some tommy guns and bring the Molotovs just in case"
As the gang goes about getting ready for the meeting we move back to the present.
POV change to Present day of the meeting
GP ' looking at the child on the other side of the table I'm filled with a complicated feeling I'm a bit terrified but I can still keep calm and reserved as I await for the other side to steer the conversation I can see my men completely useless from how terrified of the existence that is this child'.
Anpu ' seeing as the other side is slowly losing there sanity from the long silence I decide to start the conversation
"Well then shall we get down to business " as I said this in a childish voice they seem to relax to help build trust I take off my mask showing my true self.