Zhang Wu Ji (1)

"Undying thing, come over here to have a game of chess with me!" an immortal with the appearance similar to a knowledgeable old grandfather said. The person he called undying thing is one of the three highest cultivation immortal, identified as Universal Allgod.

In term of appearance, the Universal Allgod looks more like a retired bandit, with a set of clothing that bare the aged skin on his under shoulder, neckline, and chest. But only his other two companions understand how terrifying it is.

As an Allgod, the three immortals here may easily create realms and continents, even mankind and creatures. Of course, they came to the understanding that the lives they created out of a whim, may possess the strength to came to where they stand, but after living for more than a billion years, the hope is of course, tinier than a spec of dust.

"I'm not interested with your game of chess. Go disturb the Essence Allgod," the Universal Allgod pointed at the last o the three Immortals, which spends his time daydreaming out of nowhere. It was unknown to even the two immortals how Essence Allgod can sit, lie, and ascend without anything supporting it.

"Come on, undying thing, you're better to bully in the game of chess. If I get Essence Allgod to play with me, who knows how many hundred thousand of years pass before he made a move." the knowledgable grandfather teased the Universal Allgod.

"Then go create a realm and get them to play with you," Universal Allgod turned around as he finishes. The moment his pair of hands opened, a bird-eye view into an entire realm came into view clearly.

What was so unique about this realm he paid attention to is due to the arrangement of the continents. It was designed to follow the Formation Array of a Bagua Arrangement Table. Excluding the smaller islands and continents that scattered all around the sea level, the realm comes with a total of eight massive continents.

While in the middle of the Eight directional arrangement is a spiraling sea, leading the way straight into the bottom of the sea level. But that wasn't all. Due to the turbulence caused, another spiral leading straight up into the core of sky level existed.

And from the Ball of Universe under the Universal Allgod's control, a similar design like the middle realm exist. Altogether, they form an Upper, Middle, and Lower Realms that separates the beings according to their cultivation strength and blessings.

Of course, the differences between the three realms can be said as unique, due to the replacement of Cloud Sea in the Upper Realm, and Molten Sea in the Lower Realm. Looking at these differences as a spectator, it feels that the design followed the arrangement similar to Heaven, Earth, and Hell.

"Universal, you cannot say something so irresponsible! Do you know how many lives would be lost for the seedlings to move a single step of the chess?" the knowledgable grandfather replied. Through his words, unless its an immortal like them, there exist no other people that worth touching the set of chess.

"Nature Immortal, either the busy myself, the sleepyhead Essence Immortal, or your seedlings, all of us will take more than a hundred thousand years to take move a step. Why don't you put some time in making your own realm?" Universal Allgod is tired of telling him a word he mentioned at least more than a hundred thousand times now.

"Huuaaa! It's a great sleep. I wonder how much delicacies as they gathered." a yawn from Essence Allgod break their silence. But before Nature Allgod managed to speaks, a ball of the universe expanded as the Essence Allgod entered the realm he made.

Next moment, when he came out, a spatial ring made of stars from the universe followed him in between of his two fingers. Essence Allgod stops just before the table connecting the three of them and withdraws a table of sumptuous delicacies.

"Fruits from the Law of Fire Tree, a pheasant from the Empress Earth Holy Bird, nuts that must be harvested by Darkness Tyrant Hare, and these few goods..." Universal Allgod is surprised by the quality of goods Essence Allgod took back.

Like it was their mealtime, the two other Allgods entered the realm they're most proud of to collect a few ingredients. The Nature Allgod came back with a basket made from World Tree with fruits of Elemental Laws inside minutes after his disappearance!

Likewise, the hate to lose Universal Allgod came back with edible Heavenly Beast. A Jiao Dragon of five kilometers long is captured along with a Xuan Wu Heavenly Tortoise, weight over hundred million tonnes. As all the food already made their appearance, the three immortal turned feast on them while enjoying a hint of improvement in their now no longer mortal body.

"Essence Allgod, how about a game of chess with me?" Nature Allgod asked after their meal ends. But the reply he obtained is a mortal that fell asleep in the middle of picking the remnants of food on his two rows of teeth.

And before he could turn to the Universal Allgod, the latter vanished from the table. Only an expanded ball of Universe is seen on top of his seat.




"The gate to the realm is opened! The deity opened their eyes for the youth!" a monster with snake scales outlooks, two horned, with hairs extending from its neck until the tail speaks.

Behind the monster is a female version of the same tribe, but about a hundred times above its size. This monster possesses a pair of eyes filled with darkness and stars, able to devourer anything as it wishes.

Although the Universe is made and controlled by the Universal Allgod, its reach is only at a superficial surface level. To maintain a universe properly, even Universal Allgod have to split his conscience to handle the repair and improvement frequently.

Still, that frequency may not be entirely dependable when the monster that tries to hide its existence is the Devouring Queen Mother, Taotie of the four perils. Alongside with Taowu, the Reckless Child, Qiongqi, the Monstrously Weird, and Hundun, the Chaotic Faceless, the four of them managed to create and hide their own planes from being caught by the Deity.

"Great! Quickly withdraws all your contribution to bless this spirit so it could obtain the best aptitude and talents from birth. This is our promise we made to the blessed one before he sacrificed himself for us!" the Devouring Queen Mother Taotie speaks.

With her jaw opened wide, a humanoid spirit came out from her body and started to be nourished by the treasures fellow Tao Demon ate in the past hundred million years. Additionally, the Devouring Queen Mother is transferring a portion of her Devouring Law to make sure that the spirit will be protected from having its existence as an oddity exposed.

Although it wasn't heard before those oddities that appear throughout the three realms is being hunted by the deity, it was better to be prepared.

They took the timing very well, calculating just as the attention of the deity is at reinforcing the foundation of the three realms to send the spirit back into the world it should belong.

Their process can be said as going smoothly, but the tribe of Tao Demon forgets about the most significant concern. Without having a target in mind, won't the spirit end up reincarnated as a tree or an animal if the landing point is not into a humankind's womb?

While it was too late for them to change anything, the spirit's luck is not that bad, to begin with. Added with all the karma from the gratitude given by the people suffering from the misfortune in the past, fate brought him towards the womb of a gorgeous lady that was having her consummating night from her marriage.

"We have to tell the Family Head and Madam Zhang about this great news! Tell them quickly that Lady Yue is pregnant! Her pregnancy is almost two month from the way her meridian beats!" a physician cannot hold his surprise and hurried his servant to report the result of his consultation.

"Madam! Madam! Our Lady Yue is pregnant! Third Master is going to have a child now after two months of marriage!" the servant reported the good news to an old lady seated in a serene garden. Before this, if anyone dares to cause a ruckus inside her Serene South Garden, that servant is fated to be expelled from the household, but today, what a ruckus can this servant made?

"Yue-Er is pregnant? Hurry, bring this old lady to her daughter in law now!" Madam Zhang lost her composure as she ordered her personal servants to bring her there. The moment she's there, Madam Zhang gave Lady Yue a big hug as she smiled.

"You should tell that spoiled son of mine, your husband about this good news. I hope from today onwards, he will not be as reckless as challenging the entire Longshan City to show off his skills in Qi Designing!" Madam Zhang whispered.

Soon, the sun sets and allowed the moon to take over the shift.

"Really? I'm a father now?" the third master of the Zhang Household lost his composure when he found out he's going to become a father. The old master seated in the middle of the hall almost wanted to throw the teacup at his spoiled son but controlled as he afraid that will affect Lady Yue's emotion in her pregnancy period.

"Behave yourself! While you still have seven months to go before the child is born, think of a name for the child and plan about how the kid is going to grow up. I disallow you to go out and spoil the mood at least not until the child is fifteen years old." the old master Zhang ordered.

Nodded along with him are his three uncles and two elder brothers. Including him, they're known as the Zhang Household Seven swords, although the third son is always causing trouble outside of the house.

"I got the name a long time ago! Even Yue-Er agreed with me when we're talking about having a child." the third master of Zhang Household confidently replied.

"Oh? Tell me what name you got for your child?" the old master smiled.

"Zhang Wu Ji! A child of the Zhang Household that have no limitation sets on himself!"