Early Stage Inner Qi Realm (1)

"Should we get back to get help?" Cao Jie was inexperienced to such matter and unable to make a decision. While breaking through is nothing much to be concern about in the Inner Qi Realm, overcoming this trial in open woods made the situation turn difficult.

Especially, when the breaking through period release a large amount of pure Natural Qi beneficial to those trying to absorb it. It might not seem that much to those that already at their Early Inner Qi Realm, but still, no matter how small is a rat, they're still worth a few bites of meat.

Nobody will complain about how small is the bite, especially when they're inside the open forest, surrounded by not one, not two, but more than ten Cultivating Beast!

It only takes them three minutes to notice the abnormal undulation of Natural Qi and rushes to this spot! Five minutes is what they need to surround the three "rats" from leaving!

"Hahaha... At first, I thought we're going to have a rough time hunting for the Crimson Hare, but looks like brother Wu Ji's advancement attracted more than ten of them here ready for us to kill." Cao Jie jokes when he found out that they're surrounded by nothing less than twenty Early Inner Qi Realm monsters.

"I don't know what to say... It feels like we're offering ourselves to them." Lian Liyin tightened her grip on the weapon as she counts the number of her opponents. Thirteen Crimson Hares, six Copper Scale Beasts, two Shadow Beetle, and another Thundering Beast.

In total, twenty-two Cultivating Beasts surrounding them from leaving, although it doesn't seem like they're going to share. Both sides are taking precaution against each other, and the situation remains in tension for more than ten minutes.





"Where is this?" Zhang Wu Ji opened his eyes, only to notice that he was sleeping in the middle of void space. Here, there's no visible existence of anything, such as stars, planets, earth, and even water or air. It was already a feat that he wasn't turned into a pile of mincemeat from the distortion of the space.

"XIU!" suddenly, the fire appeared and dart elsewhere like a shooting star. This did not stop here. More fireball appeared and started to creates a flow of spiraling flames, until all of them concentrated at one spot. The spot soon turned into a ball of energy, overflow with Natural Qi that capable of drowning him mentally.

"This quality of Natural Qi surpasses all I ever felt. Does this means I successfully advanced into Early Inner Qi Realm and capable of comprehending them and shape them as I wish?" Zhang Wu Ji feels like he returned to his mother's womb, especially when the Natural Qi that gushes out from the ball of energy wrapping him from head to toe and keeping him warm.

"Is this the actual form of the Natural Qi? The one that everyone belonged to the Inner Qi Realm will see?" Zhang Wu Ji moved his hand to grab the Natural Qi that swims around him like a school of fishes. Their power went through his palm like it wasn't capable of blocking their flow to start with.




"O... Origin Soul! Although the Natural Qi is faint, this feeling is no doubt the creation of an Origin Soul. Which expert is overcoming the Realm Shackle that separates the Realm between Inner Qi and Origin Qi?" the two grand elders of Beiyang Designer Pagoda turned their gaze towards the forest where Zhang Wu Ji and others within, but did not go further than that.




"He's awake!" Cao Jie nudged Zhang Wu Ji because his advancement process is completed for two to three minutes. When he opened his eyes wide to look around him, Zhang Wu Ji noticed that they're under the Cultivating Beast's attack! At least thirteen Crimson Hares is trying to destroy the layer of defensive light to attack them.

"I'm sorry that my advancement put both of you in this situation, let me help!" Zhang Wu Ji changed the eight limbs of his Zitian Umbrella and channeled a surge of fresh Natural Qi into the weaponry.

Unaware of the Inner-Grade quality of Natural Qi he injected, Zhang Wu Ji's first attack with all his power sends three Crimson Hares to their death, along with his Zitian Umbrella, which failed to overcome the destructive force. Luckily, the explosive force happened at the tip and not the entire body of the umbrella.

"Is this the power of an Early Inner Qi Realm Cultivator? It's different from my eldest brother!" Cao Jie gasp for air as he looks at how the Zitian Umbrella exploded. If his eldest brother is this powerful, won't he break his spear every time in their training?

"Boys! Stop fooling around. We're still surrounded by nineteen Cultivating Beasts!" Lian Liyin's shout brings them back to where they stand. With the addition of one Early Inner Qi Realm fighter, their chances of winning this fight are higher than before.

Zhang Wu Ji placed his hand close to the Wooden Universal Plate to withdraws a replacement Weaponry. With the lack of a piece, the performance of his Designer Armament is no doubt weakened by 25% to 30%. This is why a replacement is always required, hence his intention in collecting some Black Iron Mineral when they come out to hunt.

The weapon is an immature version of his father's Thunder Blade. And by crafting it in a shorter version, it could enhance his attack and versatility during a battle. To him with a father crazy with swords, it is no doubt Zhang Wu Ji possess a few secret skills using swords.

"Brother Jie, please handle the Copper Scale Beast. Sister Liyin, I'll depend on you to attracts the Crimson Hare while I take care of the two Shadow Beetles. As long we pay attention at the Thundering Beast, I'm sure we can hang on for a few minutes before I am done with the Shadow Beetles."

"Then, I'll depend on you both to bring them around while I attack them from their back." Zhang Wu Ji explained their temporary plan on how to fight and made their move immediately.

Moving according to their plan, Cao Jie and Lian Liyin pull a part of the monsters away from Zhang Wu Ji, while he aimed for the Shadow Beetles. Against a Cultivating Beast with thick carapace like them, using a short and agile weapon is the best to reach their weak point without putting too much effort.

Plus, with his strength of an Early Inner Qi Realm Cultivator, it was nothing but a simple thought for him to move faster than the Shadow Beetles and attack them from their softer lower carapace. With a quick and decisive strike, Zhang Wu Ji cut both beetles before they turned around to the slippery target behind them.

"OINK!" the Thundering Beast fired an air bullet at Zhang Wu Ji, which he barely avoided. But his robe wasn't that lucky. A small part of his clothing is torn off from the pressure, but it did not make Zhang Wu Ji angry for the damage it caused.

"As if I'm going to fight you now." Zhang Wu Ji slips away from the Thundering Beast and swings his blade at one of the Crimson Hare. Because the Crimson Hare excels in speed instead of protection, the attack left a deep wound on the Crimson Hare. In just a few seconds, the hare drops down to the ground waiting for death.

Forced to look at the slaughtering scene, the Thundering Beast decided to escape with its life intact. Although it might win this fight, the number of injuries it is going to suffer will not be enough. Instead of trying to eat the three humans, it would rather hunt for a Crimson Hare somewhere else.

After the Thundering Beast disappeared, the Copper Scale Beasts followed. The battlefield only left with the Crimson Hares, where Cao Jie and Lian Liyin immediately retaliate. Their sudden change caught two Crimson Hares unaware and killed by their Designer Armament.

With seven Crimson Hares left, Zhang Wu Ji attacked two, while they tried to kill one each. At the end of the fight, they caught nine Crimson Hares while letting four escape. Left with only one Crimson Hare to complete their mission, the trio search around for any collectible material before they look for the last Crimson Hare.

Before nightfall, they returned to the outskirt of the Designer Pagoda. After handing over the ten corpses of Crimson Hares and receiving one Beiyang Point each, they returned to the home along with some food, especially fruits and wild edible herbs beneficial to their health.

But when the trio reaches home, they're greeted with another Early Stage Inner Qi Realm cultivator, Wan Nian Qing! It seems that Zhang Wu Ji wasn't the only one blessed by heaven in their path of Physical Qi Cultivation!

Furthermore, they successfully crafted their first Beiyang Core, although it took four of them to work with it without stopping to complete the challenge!

It seems that this group of new students isn't going to lay low like what their seniors and elders expected!