Flashing Around

Ryder was slouched on his sofa watching the most recent episode of 'The Flash' until he got a splitting headache.

"Arrrghg" He said clutching his head in some form of mental pain.

"This T.V show is so dumb... I mean he can literally run so fast that every one is in super slow motion and yet it takes 20 minutes to fight a villain!!!"

*Sigh* "If I was in that universe I'd do much better than him. I mean he has seen Super Girl yet he still chooses Iris just because she's his child-hood friend..."



'Damn this weather is fitting for such an occasion... The iro---' His thoughts were interrupted by a flashing light and a loud crash.

Eyes fluttering open scanning the room, gold / blue streaks flickering across the somewhat 3 dimensional room caused Ryder to look wide-eyed in awe at the beauty. His daydream was interrupted by a sonic boom of a voice.

[Hello MORTAL! I have heard your request and shall grant you what you seek, you just need to ask!]

Taking a moment to take everything in, Ryder began to realize that he was indeed dead and this was one of those typical 'MC meets GOD' novels he read.


[W-w *Cough* Well I mean that is what you wanted right?] The god said whilst scratching the back of his head in embarrassment and curiosity at what he did wrong.

Ryder literally face-palmed at the idiocy of this god... "I HAD A FAMILY AND I OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T MEAN RIGHT THEN AND THERE YOU MORON" He roared. 'Wait I just shouted at a fucking god...'



[shit..] The god muttered in a barely audible whisper.

"*Sigh* Let's just get this over with, I didn't really have that good a life anyways."

[E-erm RIGHT! Anyways, I am sending you into that world with the T.V show you were watching right then around the time after the 'Scarlet Speedster' returns from Earth-38, and I'll give you a single wish...] The god said with his chest puffed in what could only be assumed as pride...

"One wish... You killed me to grant me one fucking wish?" Ryder said in a disbelieving tone until he whispered "must be a weak god..." He made sure the god would hear him as he was trying to take advantage at what he could only assume to be the most stupid god...

[YOU! *Cough* I mean that's only fair... Two wishes] He said trying to win Ryder over.

'I just fucking guilt-tripped a god into giving me an extra wish...'

"I would like my own Speed-Force with limitless potential and no restrictions."

"I would also like every bit of knowledge concerning the uses of my speed"

[Well the first is granted, but the second seems a bit of a waste... So because i'm the OH SO GENEROUS god I'll add that in for free] He said with a smirk.

'Narcissist' Ryder thought, but obviously he was grateful.

"Thanks... Ok for the second wish I would like some form of tracker... Basically a system, but I won't abuse it... Just to track my speed basically and maybe buy some cool shiz"

[Erm... Sure. Right off you go!]

"Wa--" Before he got a chance to ask another question a bright flash blinded him and next thing he knew he was standing in the middle of the desert.

[Assistant booting up 1%... 5%.... 18%... 28%.... 64%.... 88%... 98%...


A metallic voice said inside the young mans mind.

[1 x Gift Package from the gracious god has been sent to HOST]

"You've gotta be fucking with me.." He said in a mutter at how self-righteous this god was.

*Sigh* 'That's already the most times I've sighed in a single day...' He thought.

'Open Package' He thought.

[Opening Gift]

[1 x Customized Costume Received]

[1 x Speed Upgrade]

[100 x Speed Tokens]

'Assistant, I'm gonna call you Lexi, Is that okay with you?'

[Yes Host]

'Ok, call me Axel or Ryder.'

'Also what does the 'Speed Upgrade' do?'

[Speed Upgrade adds a level onto your speed. If you wish to see your general information and speed think 'Info']


Name: Axel Ryder

Age: 23

Earth: 1

Speed: MACH 9: 6905.42 MPH

*Whistles* "Damn that's some speed... If I remember correctly the fastest 'Flash' has gone in the TV show so far was approximately Mach 3.3 which is around 2532MPH..."

[Correct and if Sir uses the 'Speed Upgrade' your speed will increase to MACH 10: 7672.7MPH and you'll be just over 3x faster than flash]

With that information Axel began jumping in the air like a kid after getting a new game... It was embarrassing for him to say the least.

"Use the 'Speed Upgrade' Also what can I buy with the 'Speed Tokens?'" He asked with curiosity... He did say that he didn't want to buy powers because that wouldn't be fun.

[You can buy any necessity for the right price. With 1,000 'Speed Tokens' you may buy a 'Speed Upgrade' allowing you to go up by another Mach instantaneously, however It is hard to earn these credits and if you train you'll still be able to become faster but it will take longer.]

"Hmmm that's not too bad. Let's check this suit out" After saying that he pulled out a golden, spandex suit with blue bolts pulsing throughout it making his eyes widen in awe at the sheer beauty that this suit holds.

A blink of an eye passed as Axel was already in his new suit. He began lifting his arms up as he inspected how cool he looked. The GOD was a moron but at least he followed Ryder's plans for the suit to perfection. He remembered him saying something about just when 'The Flash' came back from Earth-38... 'I think I'll pay Star-Labs a visit.' He mused at what he would do once he got there, He really wanted to go to Earth-38 though, because of obvious reasons...

Still standing in the desert he began to vibrate his body so fast it created a crater large enough to be mistaken for a large bomb. A loud crack in the same spot as he vanished leaving behind a trail of gold/blue with some fire surrounding where he stood.

Within a flash I appeared inside Star-Labs. It was good to be back the team must be worried. I was at first startled at my sudden arrival inside as the papers blew around due to the speed at which I entered. My team mates were blown away a little bit as well. I looked around in bemusement.


"I'm back..."

"What... How long was I gone?" He said, wondering how long he was as he spent a while on Earth-38. What Cisco said next confused him and his expression turned to that of shock.

"Let's put it this way... You just ANNIHILIATED your old record!" He said stunned at the speed.

"Yeh you went 4x faster than you have ever been" Said Caitlin in joy.

"4x..." Barry stuttered at the unbelievable speed, still slightly confused as he was just on a different Earth for quite some time..

"That's as fast as -"

"Zoom" Harry finished. "Well... Faster actually" He continued.

Out in the distance Thunder was heard alerting all the members of the team as a loud roar was heard and it was heading their way at an incredibly fast pace... What they didn't realize was a person in a golden, blue suit leaning against the wall behind them smirking.