Axel was about to open a breach to Earth-38 until he realized something that may be important on this Earth if he were to continue living here and helping 'The Flash'... Money.
Now how does someone from a universe were this is all a 'T.V Show' get money from? Well it's quite simple. Considering this is a whole new universe that contains many different things from his he can invent or create new things. Now will he create a new piece of technology that could help humanity as a whole? No... He decides to draw. Not manga but a comic. A comic about a whole new universe... Know as the MCU.
I began to run around Central City finding some supplies to start my little writing adventure. Now did I steal this things? Yes... I'll pay them back I promise.
As he was roaming around the city in flashes of light he started to recall his memories on how to use his powers curtsy of a certain 'Generous God'. He found many new things he could do with his power and some unique skills he came up with on his own. He also figured out that running around slowly increased his speed. Not by a lot by all means, but he had plenty of time to get faster... He also had some unpleasant ways to get it, but those would obviously come to the those with evil intent... Anyways he started making a list of his powers in his 'Info' area thanks to the assistants help.
Name: Axel Ryder
Age: 23
Earth: 1
Speed: MACH 12.45: 9552.5009
{Super-Speed, Flash Time, Speed Force/Speed Force Manipulation
Throw Lightning, Tornadoes/Vaccums, Manipulate Air (Air Cushion)
Run on Water/Walls, Vibrating enough allows him to somewhat grip to air
Time Travel, Time Remnants/Self-Duplication, Dimension/Multiverse Travel
Voice Changing, Telepathic Resistance (Due to his brain being overwhelmingly fast)
Speed Actions (Thinking, Writing, Reading, Speaking etc...)
Kinetic Absorption, Quick Healing, Phasing/Vibrating, Super-Speed Punch/Vibrating Punch
Travel faster than anything including the speed of light by many folds
High Metabolism, Energy Construct Creation}
Obviously some of these require a much higher speed, however that's what he's came up with so far. (Comment if you come up with anything more interesting or find out other speedster abilities).
As he finally came to a halt on-top of a room he begins his drawing adventure. He sits cross legged scanning his memories as his hands move at an unfathomably high speed. Now if you're wondering why he got so many supplies, which he did... It's because he may have burnt a *cough* few pencils and pieces of paper because of his speed. So he focused his powers and drew again. This time faster than a normal human but enough to keep everything in-tact. He first decides to draw the life of all avengers before the initiative. He still couldn't believe that he was doing this but he quite enjoyed it as it would also allow those on this earth the satisfaction of reading such master-pieces. After a whole day of making sure everything was wrote perfectly and nothing was missed he had finally completed the whole base for the start of the avengers. He wrote a big sum in that amount of time and if he was right in thinking, they would hopefully be turned into films as well and earn him even more money.
He was absolutely starving and decided to rundown to Big-Belly-Burger and stock up. Yet again he stole it, but what you gonna do? He'll pay em back... I think. After he ate he was on a room top looking over the city he saw a blue streak flash about and thought 'Your time shall come... Zolomon'.
With that he arrived in front of a publishing company known as 'Sokudo Comix' (Random Name, well the first bit translates into something about this fan-fic... Hint 速度 :D )
Currently there was a meeting going on inside said company, all the editors in the company attended with nervous expressions on their faces. At the end of the somewhat large table sat a man crossed leg with an unusually pale Persian at his side stroking it. (<-- Reference). His name was James (Hehe). He was the editor in chief of 'Sokudo Comix'. Even though he looked like an evil man that would plot countless evil plots he was a pretty laid-back guy.
"We need a new comic that others will go crazy for, we're losing business!" One of the men said.
"This company is slowly crumbling" Another mumbled.
"Yes... I have realized this and other companies besides us are getting constant business." James said making the others stay silent.
"What I'm saying is we need talent people! AND WE NEED IT NOW!" He roared. (Not laid-back when he's slowly losing business.)
No one said anything after that comment as they realized that they may be at the bottom of the food chain now unless someone with talent walked through their doors, but that was unlikely... Right? However that did all change... The moment a call came in from the landline in the middle of the table silencing everyone yet again.
"Damnit, Misty... I told you I'm mid-" James said in aggravation only to be cut off by her, which he did not expect.
"S-s-sssir we have... SO MANY AMAZING COMICS DOWN HERE!" A lady which was assumed to be the receptionist shouted
That instantly made the people in the office go into a frenzy and caused them to rush down he office. As they arrived in the lobby they only saw one person except the receptionist and he was a young man reading a newspaper with a few boxes of comics on his right.
The editor in chief walked up to him and said "Are you the one who's gonna submit the comic?" in an erratic breath, because of the pace he rushed down here... (Wow really desperate kun)
"Yes" Axel stated simply.
"Please, let us view them!" He said practically in a pleading tone.
"Sure..." Ryder said in a confused tone at the desperateness of this man. (I'm gonna change from Axel/Ryder a bit (Tell me if I should just leave it as his giving name or surname.))
As Ryder was observing James, he looked up to make eye contact and said "W-What's wrong?"
"Well, we didn't introduce ourselves" Said Axel with a goofy grin.
"Y-yes. My bad, I was caught up in the comic, how forgetful..." James replied nervously. "I'm James, James Jesse or my friends call me J.J (Weird as name but... Yeh xD) and I'm the editor in chief" He stated the last bit in some form of pride yet embarrassment.
"Right..." Axel said
"Anyways, you can all view some of the different comics if you want" He said straight after passing some different ones along to the rest of the 'staff' he assumed.
'Captain America'
'Black Widow'
All these were just some titles of the comics that they received and after a few quick glances and reads each member of the company were hooked in an instant with stars in their eyes.
James himself couldn't believe it, in front of him was many different comics all in one that would change the whole world in an instant. His eyes began to expand at the detail and amazement of the comics.
"MR RYDER SIR PLEASE LET US PUBLISH THESE!" He said whilst bowing in a strange tradition.
"Sure..." Axel stated, trying to get right to the point. He wasn't an impatient man, but he wanted money. I mean technically he could steal stuff but that's not on his 'Moral Compass'... He only does bad stuff to bad people.\
"THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" He basically screamed in excitement at the haul he would receive and how popular his company would become. These would rise him back to the top!
"Okay... ANYWAYS *Roll eyes* Let's talk about our contract,"
"Don't worry, we'll definitely give you an appropriate contract." With that he turned and began a discussion with the rest of the people and finally turned back around.
"We can give 25% Royalties and this will increase if this increases in popularity and you produce more of course and come to us!" James stated smiling.
'Wow 25% fuck me... They must be desperate, I mean I know these are amazing and I can make plenty more and plenty different ones but DAMN!' Axel thought.
"Deal" He said and struck up a handshake both stating that it'll be 'Fun working together'
After the signing of the contract, Ryder said goodbye to them and decided it was finally time to change Earths so when he came back he would come back to some money.
In a nanosecond he appeared on the roof of the company. He began to vibrate is arm as he stretched. Finally he found the correct frequency and sprinted off the roof jumping in the air in a gold and blue blur. He thrust ed his arm forward causing a blue portal to widen out of nowhere and suck him in only for him to come out on a different side. Central city now gone... A new city awaited. He was here. Earth-38.