Catco & Godspeed Resurfaces

Kara Danvers had been having an extremely weird day. Weirder than usual. She managed to find a speedster whom was faster than Barry and her, not only that, but he RECOGNIZED HER! She kept wondering how he knew who she was, how he knew she was a Kryptonian, how he knew what house she was from... It didn't make sense. The day wasn't going to get any better as she had realized that she was going to be late to meet her boss, but instead her day was going to get better... At least she thought so especially after entering the office.

As the elevator doors opened Kara tried to make it in as quick as possible but ended up bumping into a man who had been exiting at the same time. She also ended up dropping her documents she had been holding onto in the process.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" The man said as he began to get down on one knee to help her pick up the papers. Seeing the man kneel Kara began to panic "Oh no, no. I've got this." She said quickly. She slowly looked up to the face of the stranger and met a man that could only be described as a god. His golden hair was sparkling, whilst the deep ocean blue eyes gazed into hers. She was mesmerized by the site of this man. then she faintly blushed.

That man was none other than Axel Ryder. Of course he didn't use his real name. He ended up going to CatCo to buy out some shares with the money he has recently acquired. He also requested a job here which she quickly accepted. She was cold, but when it comes to business she only wants results.

The alias he went by was Gabriel Orion Drackon Speed. G.O.D Speed. He found it very fitting and even chuckled at the name he created. This was the name he had used for the publishing of the comics he had created, so he was pretty well known. Even though he gave the comics to the publishing company not too long ago some copies had already been leaked by eager workers whom wanted to give customers a taste of what's to come.

It had to be noted that ever since he was sent to this world he had always wanted to meet Kara Danvers A.K.A Supergirl. He always thought that she was pretty. Always wondering, how people called her a nerd. And especially wondering how all she does is takes her glasses off and *Poof* Supergirl!

"Er, Hello Mrs?" He said cocking his head to the side trying to snap her out of her daze.

Regaining herself Kara thought 'Mrs?! Does he think I'm married? I mean I do have a ring on but it's a family heirloom.'

"H-h hi I'm Kara Danvers and very single." She stuttered out and began to cover her face with the papers at the embarrassment she felt after that sentence. That was until he heard the man giggle a little, which brought a slight smile to her face.

"Gabriel, Gabriel Speed. Charmed." He said whilst kissing her knuckle. Kara yet again was in a bind at what just happened until he snapped her out of her confusion yet again. He handed her the rest of the papers and walked off much to her dismay, but she didn't show it.

"Oh, and by the way... I'm single too." He said with a wink followed by a laugh. Kara had barely caught the wink as the doors to the elevator were closing but as they did her legs buckled slightly at the situation she was just in. She decided to as Cat about it...

As 'Gabriel' made his way outside he thought 'She really is pretty...' and with that he vanished instantaneously.

As Kara had finally arrived at her desk she was immediately called into Cat's office. She began to sweatdrop at the fury she would unleash. Granted she was Supergirl, but Cat... Cat was a monster when she wants to be.

"Close the door Kerrah!" Cat exclaimed.

"Y-yes" Kara said slightly nervous.

"We have had an interesting guest in today... He has recently published many 'pieces of art' and has earned himself quite the fortune. He has also invested quite a good amount into this company earning him a total of 15% of the shares... He has also 'requested' he work here to see the environment... As such you shall also be his assistant. IS THAT CLEAR?" Cat said with a domineering aura.

Kara nodded her head like a duck and also wondering who the new person was. 'It couldn't be the youth in the elevator could it?'

"*Cough* Miss Grant, who is this man?" Kara asked with curious eyes.

"Well if you MUST know, his name is Gabriel Speed. Owner of the MCU Comics that have recently surfaced. He is also 23 years old and single." Cat said with a teasing smirk.

Kara yet again blushed slightly thinking back to the man in the elevator... 'You can't do this Kara, you're an alien!' she thought quite sadly.

I was training in my speed-force when I felt a strange power. Another speedster and he was fast, definitely not as fast as Ryder, especially with this training, but he decided to check it out anyways.

Whilst he disappeared he re-appeared in Central City which was surprising until he realized whom that speedster was.


Name: Axel Ryder / Gabriel Orion Drackon Speed

Title: Fastest Man Alive / Godspeed/ Comic Creator/ Famous

Age: 23

Earth: 1 / 38

Speed: MACH 24.3 : 18644.64

{Super-Speed, Flash Time, Speed Force/Speed Force Manipulation

Throw Lightning, Tornadoes/Vaccums, Manipulate Air (Air Cushion)

Run on Water/Walls, Vibrating enough allows him to somewhat grip to air

Time Travel, Time Remnants/Self-Duplication, Dimension/Multiverse Travel

Voice Changing, Telepathic Resistance (Due to his brain being overwhelmingly fast)

Speed Actions (Thinking, Writing, Reading, Speaking etc...)

Kinetic Absorption, Quick Healing, Phasing/Vibrating, Super-Speed Punch/Vibrating Punch

Travel faster than anything including the speed of light by many folds

High Metabolism, Energy Construct Creation, Electrical Manipulation (Mind Control)

EMP Creator, Battery charge, Creation(Change Eye Colour / Hair Colour, Invisible to the human and low speedsters eyes due to vibrating too fast.}

"Dad... Dad." Barry said worried tone.

"It's poetic returning to your childhood home..." Jay said menacingly.

"Jay.. Don't do this... Alright I'm begging you, I'm begging you take me... Kill me!" Barry said in a pleading manner.

"No!" Henry interjected mustering up all of his courage.

"You still won't believe me that you and I are the same.." Jay said continuing.

"Come on. Come on." Barry practically whispers.

"So I'm gonna have to MAKE you believe me!." Jay shouts.

"Barry, look at me son, look at me! Whatever happens you have made me the happiest -" Henry tries to speak

"Dad..." Barry said in a begging manner.

"This time YOU'RE gonna watch your parent die just like I did THIS is gonna make you just like it made ME!" Jay screams.

As he begins to vibrate his arm ready to puncture Henry's heart Barry screams "NOOO" Only for everything to pause.

Barry looks confused and relieved thinking that this was just an outburst of his speed until he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Hey Barry. I see I made it in the nick of time." A mysterious voice said. Barry found this voice some-what familiar, but he can't quite place it.

"W-who're you?" Barry chokes seeing as his father is nearly impaled by Zoom.

"Barry... You know who I am. I can save your father. I'll do it no matter what, but I want Zoom... I promise I won't kill him." The voice said.

"G-godspeed? Please save my dad" Barry says in croaks.

"Gladly" Axel replied with a grin.

And with a flash bright blue and golden light filled the room just like that fateful day for Barry apart from this time he and his father were standing apart from each other glad they're alive and wondering where Zoom was.

"RAHHHH! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" The monster shouts

"Now now Hunter, you've got something I want... So i'm going to rightfully claim it. You're unworthy!" A voice echoes causing shivers down Zooms back.

"no No NO!" He shouts, but it was too late. He looked down to see electricity circulating around him as he lost conscious and collapsed.

'Hm, wonder how my comics are doing on this Earth.' Ryder thought.

*Ding* Absorption complete....


Speed at the start of the Chapter ^^

The Flash / Mach 3.3 / 2,532 MPH / With Tachyon Device X4

Zoom / Mach 7.8 / 5984.7 MPH

Godspeed / MACH 24.3 / 18644.64 MPH