As I lay on the couch I realized that I should probably try and form some form of friendship with Supergirl/Kara, whilst I can. With that in mind, I decided to roam around the streets normally waiting for something bad to occur for my 'rescue' Sure enough the so called 'plot' took action as gunshots rang through the street just by a bank. I feigned ignorance and began to walk closer towards the shots until I saw a group of robbers exiting in haste and running towards their van which I so happened to be leaning on.
"JUST SHOOT THE FUCKER" The 'boss' said.
As they got close enough for one of the to throw a punch I dodged and jabbed him in the throat causing him to clutch his apple whilst choking. As quick as humanly possible I dashed for another punching him in his abdomen causing him to double over, whilst the last one 'the boss' looked in a fearful expression before his gun clicked.
Now granted, I could've dodged it, but I needed to make it look like I needed rescuing, so I simply moved slightly allowing the bullet to somewhat hit me, but not in anywhere vital. I slowed down my cells allowing it too look like I had sustained injuries until I heard the wind boom. I looked up and saw a blue and red figure flying, as I was watching her I decided to use speed in my eyes allowing to see how fast she would be if I were to use my speed and god was she slow in comparison.
The last of the robbers 'The Boss' frantically jumped into the van and slammed the door attempting to drive off until a figure dropped down landing in front of it with a hand on the hood leaving an imprint and scaring the boss as he screamed "SUPERGIRL NO!" With that she quickly knocked him out and called it in until she scanned the area and saw two people laying down next to me whilst I clutched the side of my stomach where a patch of red was seeping out causing it to stain my shirt.
She appeared to be on guard until she recognized some ruffle bags and weapons laying next to the two men that were groaning in pain and me who was standing slightly ajar.
"Are you okay?" She asked, as she mentally berated herself for such a silly question.
I flashed a smile and said "Thanks to you, if you weren't here I think I'd be dead so thanks." I said sincerely. Due to me not healing myself the blood did take it's toll at the loss and I began to stumble until I felt a pair of arms holding me up. I looked up and noticed it was Supergirl with a somewhat worried expression on her.
"You know, you look an awful lot like this girl whom I started working with, well apparently she works for me but details aren't important."
Her eyes widened a bit at this comment as she had finally realized who I was and a little pink stained her cheeks until she realized that my body was bleeding.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about sir!" She stuttered a bit as she gestured to my shirt where the blood was.
"Really, I mean she has gorgeous blonde hair and sea blue eyes... Kinda like you?" I questioned whilst cocking my head and wincing at the pain at the same time. I had completely forgotten about me not healing myself.
I was flying throughout the city when I heard gunshots suddenly. Flying as fast as I could I saw a man entering a van in haste with money flowing from his bag and a gun in his other hand. Knowing he was the crook I stopped in front of his van stopping it in it's tracks. I quickly knocked him out after he shouted my name and I began to survey the area for anything else to take care of until I saw two men on the floor clutching different parts of their body until I saw a face that seemed familiar with blood seeping through his shirt. After asking if he was ok he replied nonchalantly and nearly fell until I caught him and felt his well built body which seemed to fit mine like a puzzle.
He looked up and my eyes met the most beautiful site I had seen since arriving on this planet since I was a kid. He began to speak, but I was tuning it out too busy staring until I snapped out of my gaze as he started talking about how she looked similar to someone he saw recently and that's when his face came rushing into my head with familiar memories of the other day and the new person I was meant to be assisting.
I quickly panicked at this as no one had ever seen through my disguise which was actually quite surprising, but it seemed to be working. I quickly stuttered out a denial and mentally face-palmed at the unconvincing no. I heard his heart beating faster which I assumed was due to adrenaline or the fact that he had liked being in her presence which confused her as normally she would be treated as a 'nerd' (HOW?! JUST HOW?!). Her cheeks tinged pink a little at his 'compliment' coming from his heart. That's when she heard him listing her hair and eyes, the similarities between her and her human persona. This scared her even more, but in a strange way at the way he described her as 'beautiful' I saw him wince in pain afterwards and gestured for him to take his shirt of for the ambulance which was called in advance to come here. He revealed a Greek sculptured body that could potentially rival Superman, and a hole with red slowly funneling out. Unfortunately for her the ambulance had arrived before she had a chance to 'survey' the rest of him for injuries.
After all that was over he was quickly rushed to the hospital with 'Kara' giving her wishes for him to get better soon... Soon came quicker than she thought.
As he arrived at the hospital, he quickly manipulated the minds of the people whom had seen him using electric impulses and vanished from the hospital in a glow of bright light with his injuries somewhat healed. He didn't heal them fully as he knew 'Kara' has X-Ray Vision.
The next day came pretty quick as he made his way to the coffee shop early on to go to his new work-place to see what it will entail until his gaze summoned upon a familiar girl who he had seen yesterday... Kara.
He walked behind her and women behind the counter blushed at the site of him, but turned into a slight frown seeing whom he was looking at.
I was getting morning coffee as per usual, until the women behind, serving me gave me a slight from much to my shock, until I turned around and saw the same person that was took to the hospital the other day, granted he was somewhat slanted, but it should've taken a lot longer right?
"Hi Sir, What are you doing? Isn't your sto-" Before she could finish, she realized that she wasn't really supposed to know about that, and she saw his eyebrow raise in curiosity at her slip up. He had already 'suspected' her of whom she really was and couldn't give anymore hints.
"Please, no formalities Kara. May I call you Kara? Anyways just call me Gabriel" He said with a smile.
I quickly X-Rayed his stomach to see his body yet again and turned slightly red from embarrassment until I saw his wound was somewhat healed, but not fully. After hearing what he said I yet again turned red and said "S-sure" Stuttering in her nervous state.
She sucked in a breath of air and spoke quickly "Wouldyouliketositandgrabacoffee?"
She then began to think ridiculous thoughts of 'What if he doesn't want to' 'Oh no what have I done?' until her super hearing heard his heart beat faster again, 'Maybe he did lik-- NO!' (Self-Esteem Issues)
"Sure I'd love to, I have much to discuss with you actually" He said with a grin.
She was snapped out of her thoughts by his answer and her brain went into rapid fire about what he wanted to talk to her about and the one thing she didn't want to happen happened.
"I got saved by Supergirl recently, She looked a lot like you. I mean the eyes, the hair, you'd have to be blind not to see it." He said as he began to straighten himself up as if he was somewhat interrogating/interviewing her much to her dismay.
She slowly gulped at his 'accusation' even though it is correct, she kind of did always wonder how she wasn't recognized all she really did was take off some glasses and change her attire.
"N-no idea what you're talking about Gabriel" She stuttered, whispering the last part.
"Hmmm, Oh really?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
'What is he doing?' She thought.
As she denied being Supergirl, I activated plan B and with my secondary shadow which I created by vibrating so fast to create a duplicate of myself (Not a time remnant) I had him run in the cafe at super speed causing a wind to blow everything, not too much but enough for people to recognize something was happening. His clone was running so fast no one could see him, but he was slow enough for Kara to see him.
I used my clone to get behind me and put a knife to my throat. Of course I acted as if I couldn't see any of this whilst Kara was looking behind me with a shock and fearful expression.
I grabbed her hand and asked "Are you okay, you're looking awfully pale?" In a worried tone.
"..." "Y-yes, let's go quickly!" She said the last part in a demanding tone whilst dragging me out the cafe into an alley.
The man in the suit followed right behind until it was just us three in the alley.
"Gabriel, Please run, It's not sa-" But before she could finish the suited man phased into my body and merged back into me causing Kara to stare wide-eyed.
"Kara Danvers, A.K.A Super Girl. Meet Axel Ryder, A.K.A Gabriel Orion Drackon Speed A.K.A GOD SPEED!" I said with a little smile tugging on my face."