Kidnapping, Kill and Resolution

As I anticipated, the news of thunder-fire annihilation spread throughout the glory city. Many were astonished about the inscriptions and were shocked about geniuses in glory city capable of creating such inscriptions. Many major families tried to establish a relationship with our family. But I know that they eyed only for the inscription.

The news of sacred family plagiarism on inscription pattern was also spreading like fire. This caused the fame of sacred family to fall. Many were speaking like "Oh. I never knew that they would shamelessly steal the inscription and claim it to be theirs" or "It seems sacred family is only good for threatening people.". This caused the members of sacred family to bow down their head in shame.

They were furious at Nie li for slandering their family but now they focus on Tian, since he was a major threat to the Sacred family. With his inscription, it was enough to cripple the sacred family. So they decided to collaborate with the dark guild. They want to get the their hands on the Inscription, but they can't directly touch him since he was under City lord's protection. Hence, they came to most underhanded method of kidnapping kids and women to emotionally blackmail him to hand over the inscription. What they never knew is that this plan will bite them back in such a way that it will be etched as trauma for rest of their life.

We(Nie Li and I) were discussing about inscriptions and their development. We were able to draft many inscriptions for concentrated attacks and protective layers. I found that even though Nie li's knowledge on the inscription was lower than his, his ideas were good enough for protection. At evening, we parted ways went to our respective residence. After reaching home, I saw many of the clan members were in panic. I was able to deduce the situation from their expression. I failed to see women and kids in that premises.

I thought, 'So the black guild made their move huh?'. I went and asked them, "What happened? Why are you guys tensed?". The members then saw Tian and hurriedly replied him, "Ahh young master, some of our clan female members and children went missing from afternoon. They have gone shopping with their children and never returned till now. The guards we sent were all found dead in an alley.". 'So they killed the guards and kidnapped my family members. Sacred family, You made one mistake that you never should have done it. Since you made your move, I wont be polite anymore.'

I never thought they would make a move on my family. My thoughts were naïve. It seems that they would use whatever method they have on their sleeves. I underestimated them. This isn't novel anymore, where the enemies target only the MC. It seems I need to accept that this is real life. My wife is also reincarnated here. If I don't get a grip, I might even lose everything I have. I need power to save my loved ones.

I used observation haki to pinpoint the location of my abducted family members. After searching for five minutes, I was able to locate them. After reaching there, I was able to get a clear view of that place. It was an abandoned building near the border of glory city. They chose a good location since if they were found out, they could easily escape to outside world. The building itself was covered with vines and mosses, making it impossible to locate and least suspicious place. I then heard someone speaking.

"The sacred family members are indeed rich. To be able to buy potent anesthetic that will put gold rank to sleep and kidnap them.". The other was saying, "Shh, do you want the people to find out about our dealings with sacred family?. We will be killed by our superiors. So shut it.". I was able to confirm that this was handy work of sacred family. I need a visit to sacred family after saving my family. But next sentence made me nearly lose my sanity. "The women we kidnapped are all good looking. What do you say? Shall we play with them and then kill them? We shall make the kid feel despair and regret for standing against sacred family. We might even use a woman to keep an example for the major families. After getting the inscription lets kill him and others.".

Unable to wait any longer, I blasted the door with my hands and entered the room. I then looked at my family members and was relieved. There weren't any life threatening injuries. I saw that they were going to drag a little girl to torture. She was my cousin and was a good girl. She looked me as her idol. She is strong willed and courageous. I was glad that I was able to reach in time.

The dark gild looked towards me with disdain. They were probably thought that I was just a child and underestimated me. One of them looked at me and said, "Boy, we are from Dark guild. Our client wants you to vanish from this world and need the inscription pattern you created. If you give it to us, we give you swift and painless death. Else we would torture you till death. We are known for torture specialist.". I never answered them. My eyes were covered by bangs. I then walked towards them slowly. They misunderstood that I surrendered. One of the members came towards me with a grin. Since they underestimated me, let me take advantage of it. During my training in the forest, I was able to strengthen my fingers to make holes on steel. I developed my shigan to that extent.

Third Pov:

The members saw Tian walking towards them. One of the members went towards him. when he reached in front of Tian, he moved his hand forward. The DG (Dark guild) members were laughing at Tian. Suddenly they heard bloodcurdling cry. When they snapped out of their stupor, they saw the member fully riddled with holes around his chest region. They also saw the blood dripping out of Tian's finger.One of the members then shouted, "Bastard!! How dare you kill our members? We will show you what we are made of."

Everyone of them were equipped with their weapons and ready to kill him. Tian looking at them with cold eyes devoid of any light and said, "You made one great sin which you never should have done. Touching my family equals to touching reverse scale of the dragon. You will face the consequence of touching my reverse scale." He then released his Conqueror Haki, which made some unconscious while others shivered at that aura. Without wasting time, he immediately knocked out the remaining members and hid them. He wanted to torture them thoroughly and give a message to Sacred family.

His father and others reached there and saw that their family were safe. Tian requested his father to inform this to City lord.The DG members slowly opened their eyes. They looked around the surrounding. It was dark room lit with many candles for light. They then saw Tian, sitting in a chair looking at them. They were now afraid of them, since they experienced his aura. He then said, "Welcome to my training chambers. I am going to give you a chance to live. You have to fight me. I will only use my physical strength and no soul force. You can use any method you want to attack me. Simple right? If you manage to kill me, you can leave this place and do what you want, but if you loose...", there was killing intent surrounding them. He even took an oath not to use soul force.

After hearing this, they were happy and immediately, everyone surrounded him. They even merged with their demon spirits and pounced on him. There were four members. Tian then suddenly disappear from that place and went near one of the member. He put up his guard but feeling an immense pain in his heart. He then saw Tian taking his black coated finger from his heart. His face morphed to that of despair and died. Tian used soru to reach the person and used haki coated shigan to his heart. It went through his heart like a hot knife through butter. The others went berserk after looking at their partners death and sent spirit attacks on him. Tian used armament:Tekkai to reduce the impact from those attack and immediately used geppou to fly on air.

The members were shocked at Tian's flying skill and then went happy, since he couldn't dodge the attack in mid-air. But to their dismay, he used kamisori(soru + geppou) to reach one member and used rankyaku to decapitate his head from the body.He then rushed towards the third one, slammed his head to the ground, gouged his eye from the socket and used shigan to his throat, leaving him chocking at his own blood. Final member seeing this torture decided to bite his tongue and killed himself. Tian was disappointed at this action. He wanted to use new technique on the last one.

He then looked at the bodies(mutilated) and felt nothing. That was his first human kill. He then disposed the bodies and went to his room. He then contemplated on todays events and came to a conclusion. 'Without power one could not protect anyone. If one wanted to protect his loved ones, he must stand at the pinnacle of the world. Only then others will respect and fear you and one can protect his family. I have my wife and my family members to protect. I must, no I will stand at the pinnacle of this world and protect them'.

Next day, City lord came to Tian's house and investigated him about the incident. Tian lied that a mysterious cultivator saved them from the dark guild and took the bodies with him. Ye Zong never suspected Tian, since he is just 12 year old child. Xiao Ning'er and others came to see him. Ning'er immediately ran towards him and hugged him. He was statled but he returned the hug. His family members were shocked at this scene but said nothing. He looked at Xiao ning'er and her tear filled eyes. He was sad and decided to protect her smile and herself.