Shen Hong and Spot for Orchid

Shen Hong asked them, "For what purpose you disturbed my cultivation period. If it was just trivial, make a burial grounds for yourselves for that will be your resting place.". The members immediately said, "Sir, the crisis this time went out of our hands. Our house reputation has been slandered for stealing inscription patterns. Our house was infiltrated, and heads of the dark guild were placed and the last one was the reason we disturbed your cultivation. A mysterious cultivator infiltrated our mansion castrated Shen Fei and killed Shen Xiu. Shen yue was traumatized and refuses to exit the room."

Hearing this Shen Hong was shocked. If anyone infiltrated his mansion, he would be able to identify the soul force, but he failed to do that. Then the attacker must be of legend rank. But why attack the sacred family? Why kill her but not others? Was the cultivator sent by the enemy family? But who? What did these idiots done to invite the wrath of the legend rank? Shen Hong was contemplating every reason for the attack. He then asked,"Tell me. What happened when I was in seclusion?".

When this scenario was taking place, I unaware of that was preparing Cultivation method for my father, to improve his rank. He reached the initial stage of black gold rank. Since I would leave to draconic realm, I wanted to strengthen the family to withstand any attack from the sacred family and dark guild. I also found some moles in our family and removed them secretly. I also prepared a layout for array formation similar to Ten thousand demonic beast array. I found in our clan treasury dusted by the flow of time.

When giving it a try, it was array which was similar to the ten thousand demonic arrays with some changes in the inscription pattern. It can withstand attacks of 12 legend rank cultivators. I won't be laying the array until the spies are purged completely. I then went to sleep.

Next morning, I woke up refreshed and after completing the daily activities, I went towards the library. Today was the day Chen Linjian will announce the plan for recruitment to orchid city. I already Ning'er to be at the library. When reaching the library, I saw Ning'er waiting for me at the entrance. She was wearing blue dress with sleeveless. It suited her.

I immediately went towards her. She waved her hands looking at me. I immediately gave a hug and quick kiss to her lips. She was startled slightly but returned it skillfully. She then asked, "Is it today that Chen linjian recruits for the orchid city?". I nodded at her. We then entered the library. We looked for history and geography books and some inscription book for Xiao Ning'er. Inscription pattern act as control training for her soul force, hence I recommended her to start on the inscription.

Few minutes later, Nie li and his group reached and were surprised to see us. We greeted them and focused on our research. Nie li was surprised to see Ning'er focusing on the inscription but said nothing. All of us started cultivating. We woke up from cultivation when we heard some sound from a group of people. We saw Chen linjian and his group reaching the history section.

Chen linjian was a fair man with brown hair. His face was angular and was filled with confidence. His aura was smooth yet firm like a true leader. We heard Chen linjian speech, "Here is gold rank armour which can prevent any attacks below the gold rank.". He then removed the armour from the body and showed it to them. The armour was in Dark red colour with an intrinsic pattern with the inscription slightly visible on the armour. He then threw it to one of his followers and said " Take it. Follow me and I will provide you with even more cultivation materials.". Many were astonished for his generosity, and girls were blushing and some sent a seductive wink to him.

Third Pov:

Both Nie li and Tian know that they are speaking about a trip to the ancient orchid city. They both wanted to explore the region to gain something. Tian, Ning'er and nie li went towards the group to join the expedition group.

Chen linjian saw three people coming towards his group. Seeing his line of sight, some people saw the two of them. Both of them asked, "Can we also join this expenditure of yours?". Before Chen going to reply, one of his followers, who was somewhat bulky mocked them, " This is not a game for you kids to play. Go back to your mommies and drink milk. Don't meddle in adult affairs.". Nie li was going to speak but suddenly he stopped looking at Tian.

Tian had no expression on his face. He went towards that man. He stood in front of him and said nothing. The man who had smug face suddenly clutched his stomach and was on his knees. Others were perplexed on the situation. Then they saw an action that will be etched forever in them. Tian lifted one of his legs above the man's head and slammed so hard, that a crater was formed with the head of the man buried in the ground.

He then took him from the ground, grabbed his head through his hair and lifted to his face level and slowly said, "One more word about my mother and tomorrow your mother won't be able to see you permanently. you will be buried 6 feet underground.". He then threw him outside. Everyone was flabbergasted at this situation. Even if the follower was in bronze rank, defeated by a 12-year-old kid was not what they expected. It means the kid must also in bronze rank level. Knowing this, everyone thought one-word 'monster'.

Tian then smiled at Chen and said, "Greetings, Chen family young master. We would like to join your expenditure to the ancient orchid city. The early performance was enough for joining your group I presume?". Chen then greeted him back, "Young master Long Tian, next in line of Ao family patriarch position. I apologise for my subordinate's action. But how do you know where we were going?". Tian replied that he heard from their shouting and murmuring to which they embarrassed.

Then Nie li explained about the ancient orchid city timeline since he also wanted to join. Chen knows about Nie li since he was the one who humiliated Sacred family. Chen linjian was surprised at Nie li's vast knowledge on the ancient era. Linjian then told them to keep it a secret since they don't want to make a commotion out of this. Tian then added Xiao Ning'er arrival with them along with him. Chen was surprised, but allowed it since Tian will be the one guarding her. He informed them about the departure time, which will be in three days. They parted with Chen's group and went back to their home.

Tian went to meet Xiao Ning'er and informed, "We must make enough preparations for the travel. continue with your cultivation and practice the inscriptions. We will meet on three days. Take care.". They parted with a kiss and Tian started to his home. He was suddenly stopped when he heard conversation between two people. "It seems the patriarch of the sacred family came out of seclusion. He seemed to be in grim situation". The other one replied, "Of course, not only his family member was killed but also he failed in his ascension to legend rank. They say the he even injured due to backlash.".

Tian was surprised but became cautious at this news. Basically no one would blurt the cultivation success and failure to outside world unless the situation prevails. He came to an understanding that it must be a trap to lure him, pretending to be in weakened state. Tian then silently moved from that place and went to his home while calculating the future route for gaining power.