Tian's strength and Cave

We finally reached Ancient orchid city. The city looked quite desolated with broken buildings. Occasionally due to the wind combined with broken building would produce sounds similar to wailing. There would be some plantation grown on the building from cracks. We could see some demon beasts roaming in the area. From the buildings and murals, we could deduce that, before the age of darkness, it was one florishing city.

We then went inside the city to search for any secret treasure located in that premises. I could see that the group awaiting for chen linjian orders. Chen asked Nie li to point out the possibilities of location, where the treasure is situated. Nie li then pointed three locations City lord mansion, Military ground and People refugee and then eliminated the possibility of the refugee centre and city lord mansion. He confidently said that the treasure located in Military ground.The group anonymously accepted the decision since there was no Shen Yue to contradict him.

Suddenly we could hear some rustling sound coming from the building. Within a few minutes, a group of giant blue armed apes surrounded us. Everyone immediately took positions against the apes. most of them took the crossbow and notched it with arrows. They immediately shot the arrows but due to apes nimbleness they escaped pretty easily. The apes started to mock us, but suddenly an arrow was shot and embedded at the head of an ape.

Everyone was shocked(except me, since i knew his proficiency in marksmanship) and looked towards the owner of that arrow. They all saw Nie li, loading the next arrow and shot at the apes. Another ape fell victim to the poisoned arrow. Now everyone saw Nie li in a different light.

While Nie li was shooting arrows, I unsheathed my sword and dashed towards them, Using Soru i was able to reach the ape within seconds and plunged the sword between the eyes. The ape immediately died. Some apes saw that their kin was killed and immediately rushed towards me.

Nie Li's Pov:

I saw Tian easily defeating the Apes. Some of them tried to attack him from all sides. I couldn't help but anxious since I couldn't help him. I then saw Tian saw the position of apes. Next instance, he vanished from his position and reached the nearest ape. That speed was unnatural. Even i could not move at that speed. He then swung his sword, decapitating the apes head. He then dashed to the next location and droved the sword into apes chest.

The apes which attacked us suddenly turned their attention to Tian. The apes went livid since many of their kin fell at Tian's hand. I then saw Tian jumped towards the incoming wave of apes. He sent a flying sword attack to kill three apes. He then jumped at a wall. With its leverage force, he shot like a bullet and slashed the ape vertically, killing it. He then used a circular attack to kill 5 apes that surrounded him. He drove the sword into one of the apes specifically between its eyebrows killing.

He was suddenly sent flying by one of the apes which attacked him from a point blank position. Tian then somersault to adjust himself and he dashed at the ape and slashed it vertically splitting it. He went a killing spree and killed around 50 apes.

I then turned around and looked at others. They looked aghast. They saw him dash towards the apes and tried to stop him, but his next action made them stand still. I couldn't help but had shivers running down on my spine. He looked like a war god, killing the enemies within seconds. In a minute he killed around 50 apes. It looked like an eternity was actually a minute in real life. Even Nie li was shocked since he never used soul force from the start. That means his swordsmanship, and martial arts reached a realm where his attack can create projectiles. This made others realise that even he was low in cultivation but with his martial arts he can top the cultivators who ranked above him to an extent. This made others fear and awe at him.

Third Pov:

Tian then sheathed his sword and went back to the camp. His clothes were full of blood from the slaughter. He looked like Asura at that moment. After killing the spirit beasts, Tian returned to them. All had fear and admiration towards him. Xiao Ning'er rushed towards him and hugged him, not minding the blood on him. Chen Yue pissed himself when looking at Tian. At the same time, Dark guild members who got the news of their expenditure came to kidnap few noble kids for ransom.

Suddenly a loud roar was heard by all. Hearing this, Nie li frowned since he was able to identify it as a spiritual grade demon spirit and even more, it was near gold rank. It will be difficult to escape while fighting. Suddenly Tian volunteered, "I will act as bait. Take everyone to safety immediately.". He then looked at Ning'er who had a desperate expression at his announcement, his heart was on the verge of breaking. He assured her, "I will not die so easily. Don't worry. I will be back.". He went towards the incoming spirit grade Ape. Everyone went to safety and was thanking him in his heart for protecting them. Ning'er was screaming at him not to go. It took 5 people to restrain her and took at her safety.

He had a reason for acting as bait. He was able to sense the dark guild members coming towards them. He wanted to lure the beast towards guild members. So he went aggro on the beast. He then immediately rushed towards the ape without holding his soul force. He removed two arms of the beast in one move. It was so sudden, the pain registered a second later for the ape. The beast was screaming due to the pain and went frenzy. It immediately began to move forward to him. He then led the beast towards the guild members. The members saw him coming towards them. They wanted to catch him and then they saw the spirit grade beast following him. They came to the conclusion that he was leading it towards them. He told them, "please enjoy my gift" and vanished.

The dark guild then faced the wrath of the spirit beast. They had a hard time but finally defeated the beast. When they slightly relaxed, Tian started to go offensive. It was a slaughter for them. He murdered each and every one of them in the cruellest way. He even decapitated the senior deacon of the dark guild. He was a thorn in the way in the story.

After killing them, he saw Ning'er rushing towards him. He was shocked to see her here. Yet he never scolded her, else he would face the wrath of her, which intended to avoid at all cost. He just slightly bonked her head and hugged her. Suddenly he felt a spirit force attraction towards north. He first tried to ignore it, but the call became clearer and clearer. Both of them went towards the direction and saw a cave. It was ordinary yet mysterious cave. Tian was able to sense the soul force from the cave. He was on guard yet. To him it was 'Without pain there wont be any gain'. Both then went towards the cave.