Revealation and Departure

After saving the city lord, news spread through the entire glory city. How Ye han colluded with the dark guild to overthrow the current city lord and tried to force on Ye ziyun. People were furious to hear and were happy that such a monster was killed by the city lord. Nie li was furious that she was nearly forced upon by Ye Han. The contribution of Tian and his friends was kept secret since Tian requested Ye Zong not to spread the news. Now the entire glory city was in festive for removing the traitor.

Tian's Pov:

After the party and the commotions, I went to meet the city lord. He was sitting in his chair with contemplating look over some issues. My friends and I stood in front of him. He looked at us and with a smile, he said, "Ah. The hero of the glory city. What can I do for you?"

I already told him about the cultivation levels higher than the legend rank and about the draconic realm. He was first shocked, but accepted it since the proof was standing in front of him. I looked at him and said, "We would like to ask a favor from you.". Ye zong looked at me and said, "Is it about going outside of the glory city?". His tone represented more of a statement than a question.

I sighed and said, "Yes. We want to explore the world and rise our cultivation. We were able to cultivate with resources available here till now. But from now on, we need to spread our wings and soar through the skies. We want to leave glory city and explore the outside world like Lord Ye Mo. We don't know when we would return. If we were able to reach that place, it might even take 5 or more years to return. That is why we want to inform you, so that you don't put on MIA or mark us traitors."

Ye zong looked at him and nodded. His reason was sound and His growth will help the glory city to flourish and may able to improve the safety of the city. He looked at us then accepted our request. He then said, "Will you come back here again?". I smiled at him and said, "This place is my home. How can I not come back here when everyone I love are here?"

Ye Zong then asked, "So, when will you guys leave?". I said, "I am waiting for the final member. When he arrives, we would take our leave. If I find some human settlements in the outside world, I send them to the glory city. Be prepared to accept them. and also, try to spend some time with your daughter. Take her loneliness away and help her. Now we would like to leave, to inform our family about the trip.". Without even waiting for his reply, we left.

When we came outside, I looked at others and said, "Go inform your parents about this trip and only to them. If not possible, persuade them with your cultivation. We don't want to cause any commotion in your family, so make it discreet.". They all nodded and left for their respective homes.

I went to my home and called my mother and father. Both came and we sat opposite to each other. My mom was the first to break the ice. She asked, "Why did you call us Tian? Is there any anything you need from us?". They asked me with a hint of worry.

I looked at both of them and sighed. I steeled my heat and said, "Mother, father. I wish to leave glory city to gain experience. I don't know when I would return back to the city. I know it might be hard, but to improve my cultivation, I must leave to explore. I want to inform you about that."

"No. I will not allow you to go outside the city. It is a dangerous world outside where strong eats the weak. Even though you might be stronger than your peers, but you will be killed outside by strong spirit beasts. Please don't go. We will help you in your cultivation. Your father is a pinnacle black gold rank. He could help you with your bottleneck.". My mom said with tears in her eyes. My father also nodded.

I looked at them and said, "Then follow me.". We went to secret training ground and before they could say anything, I released my legend rank cultivation to my parents. They were frozen due to sudden shock, that their son releasing the legend rank pressure. I said, "I am a legend rank expert so is Ning'er. In fact, now I am reaching the pinnacle of legend rank. I need to go outside to explore various places to shatter my bottleneck. My friends are in black gold rank and will soon reach legend rank. This is why, we need to go outside to train. We can take care of ourselves. Do not worry. And don't go spread this to everyone. This information must be protected from demon king."

My parents comically nodded after hearing. They were too shocked to process the information that not only was their son was reaching the Legend rank but also pinnacle at it. They then awakened from their stupor after hearing his reason. They accepted his request, reluctantly. This happened at every home and after persuasion, they accepted the request reluctantly.

A few days went by, with the commotion finally subdued, and life was back to the glory city. People were laughing and having fun. The said four were practicing and cultivating to hone their skills before leaving. They were waiting for the final member to arrive so that they can leave the city to explore.

I then heard that Nie li was going to enter the heavenly sacred border. It will be soon for Ye Yan to arrive. So I started to create a legend rank puppet to house his soul. He might be slightly unsatisfied, but I could take care of it. Soon enough, I was able to sense Ye Yan's soul leaving from the sacred border. He was able to track my soul signature and reached me.

I then helped him, to take over the puppet. He was slightly annoyed but he accepted it. After a week at early morning, Four people and a puppet were leaving the city to explore the world and expand their knowledge. They will become a powerhouse in future when they return, but that's a story for another time.