Draconic realm and Arrival at Skysoul Institute

The draconic realm was vast If we compare it with that of modern earth, the draconic realm occupies twice the region of Antarctica. The heavenly energy concentrated in this region is immense. The energy concentration can make black gold rank to reach legend rank in a few hours (just an example). The region contains deadliest beasts to exotic herbs. There are various races including the demon race. The demon races are backed by the sage emperor with his deity beasts and deity followers. He resides in St. ancestral demonic Saint lands, to recuperate his injuries from the fight.

The region is lushed with lakes capable of producing heavenly crystals. These lakes can help a cultivator to advance since it contains heavenly energy. Various families claimed most of the lakes, thus influencing their rise in power. This world is where strong rules and weak obeys. In this region, six human factions created their school to stand against the demon faction.

One of the six factions, the Divine feather is now the weakest of the six factions. The region is similar to that of the Chinese older civilization with some moderate technology. The buildings were similar to Chinese aesthetic. For cultivators who want to join the sect, they must first enrol into the skysoul institute. The institute is separated into 4 regions: east, west, north, south region.

The North District is the worst. Usually, those who score below a 5-grade Man Spiritual Root are rejected by the Skysoul Institute. However, there are some who they can't turn away because of their identities, or if their parents are in the Divine Feathers Sect. Therefore, they're sent to the North District.

The South District is slightly better. They're basically people who are above 5-grade Man Spiritual Root, but below 9-grade. As for the West District, it's currently the best District where the guys can be sent to, as of now. Earth and Heaven Spiritual Roots are usually sent to the West District. Those who are able to raise their cultivation quickly and show sufficient potential will be sent to the East District.

The Central District is an extremely secretive place. No one knows what it looks like. Everything about it is kept confidential and it's forbidden for the outside world to inquire about it. Only powerful geniuses of the East District might achieve the qualifications to be sent there. They're also the main force of the Divine Feathers Sect.

So the spiritual roots place a vital role in the selection. These students would mostly be incorporated into major families to raise their power or taken as a disciple of some teachers or killed due to jealousy of their talent. Hence one must be careful with their strength.

Long Tian's Pov:

A portal opened in front of the skysoul institute. Four people and a ghost came out from the portal. Those were I Long Tian, Xiao Ning'er, Duan Jian, Chen Linjian and Ye Yan. When we came out of that portal, the first thing we viewed was the skysoul institute. Truly a wonderful architect with dense heavenly energy. This actually brought to a nostalgic trip to our native world earth. The buildings were similar to that of the old market streets in China.

I looked at them at said, "We reached here at last. Now is the path for the true cultivation starts. Once the examination is over, we will familiar with the new environment and start with our cultivation. Listen carefully. Since we are from the tiny world, many will desecrate and make fun of us. They may even taunt us. Don't give in and fight unless or until they backstab or do something life-threatening. Wait and receive the taunts and strike back when the time is right. We must work hard and improve our strength sooner and faster. They may even try to cheat or make use of you. Be vigilant always. Now we will wait for Xiao Yu and then we go to the examination.". They gave a nod as acknowledgement.

A few minutes later, a guy with thin, long brows, gentle eyes, and a long nose. His skin is the colour of white jade and as smooth as water. His eyes were elegant and full of spirit, without a hint of impurity. His lips seem to be arched in a smile, yet at the same time, it isn't a smile. He looked for a few places and then looked at us. He stared at us for a while, which was quite uncomfortable. He suddenly looked as if enlightened and came towards us. He looked at us and asked, " Ah! you must the new students sent by my master from the tiny world. My name is Xiao Yu, a student at the skysoul institute. He told me so much about you guys. With his influence, the institute gave a chance for you guys to join with other students from the draconic realm. Please follow me to the exam centre.".

Ah, so this must be the cross-dresser Xiao Yu. She is the one with memory loss of her early stage similar to that of the goddess Yu Yan. Her cultivation meridians must have been blocked. She was a nice girl in the novel. If possible I might help her in the near future. After thinking we went to attend our examination.