First Day

Next day morning, we woke up from our slumber after completing our cultivation. We completed our morning rituals and came out to attend the classes. Today our class starts, to be exact, we are late joiners, joining at the mid of the semesters. Our tour guide Xiao Yu came to our house to bring us to the institute. We already tuned our cultivation realm to 1-star fate realm. This shows our status as a genius but not overly suspicious. Xiao Yu looked at us in astonishment and asked, "Did you guys already formed your fate soul?". This time Xiao Ning'er was the one who answered her, "Yes. Yesterday night, we were able to achieve a breakthrough from the heavenly crystals. We were able to sense this new energy and made it flow through our body and thus this result.".

Xiao Yu was flabbergasted. She thought to herself, "No wonder these guys were monsters. They were able to circulate the heavenly energy and made a breakthrough. Father indeed have good eyes to the talent.". She then looked at us and said, "Today your school life starts. Due to your status, many will try to swarm and bring you into their clan or make your life miserable due to jealousy. They may even try to covet your fiance due to her talent and beauty. BE careful and try not to start a ruckus inside the campus.".

Duan Jian said, "We will not make any ruckus but if the opposite side did something unforgivable, we will retaliate. We will make them know that our kindness can't be taken for granted.". While we were talking, suddenly a man came towards us. Xiao Yu face distorted when looking at him and said, "What are you doing here Yan Hao?." Xiao Ning'er and I immediately thought, "So he is Yan Hao who harassed Xiao Yu due to the jealousy of his spiritual roots. Pretty stupid if you asked us.". Suddenly Yan Hao looked at us and said, "So this is the so-called geniuses from the Tiny realm. Pretty lucky if said so. Not bad reaching 1-star fate realm.".

He then looked at Xiao Ning'er with a hint of lust in his eyes. He looked at her and said, "Hello beautiful. My name is Yan Hao and I am an 8-star fate realm cultivator and work under the young master of Gu family. I have a good reputation and a good amount of cultivation material. So why don't you ditch them and come with me? I will take good care of you than those three friends. So what do you say?".

The entire place was quiet. No one answered anything and looked at Xiao Ning'er for answers. She looked at Yan Hao and said, "Hm? you said something?". I froze at first and then started to laugh while falling down. Others also started to laugh. Meanwhile, in Narutoverse, an ANBU with silver hair suddenly raised his hand and pumped at empty air. Yan Hao face became distorted and rage built up. He suddenly released his aura and said, "You bitch! I was trying to be polite yet you made fun of me. I will take by force and break you to oblivion. I am a member of Gu young master mercenary and you are no one with no one backing. Let me show you true power.".

He then flashed in front of her with a palm strike infused with heavenly energy to attack her. Keyword: Attempted. The next scene made the onlookers shocked and gobsmacked. Xiao Ning'er lazily brought her hand and stopped the attack with just her index finger. Yan Hao was stunned. Never in this world, he thought that his attack would be stopped by an index finger. Before he could react, Xiao Ning'er used shigan to pierce his palm earning a blood-curdling sound from him. She then slapped him lightly on his cheek shattering his jaw and his left eye in the process. This was achieved due to her Titan's Physique. The force made him slam into the wall and made his head buried.

We three made a satisfactory smile. The entire place was in silence. No one thought that an 8-Star fate realm cultivator was defeated by a 1-Star fate realm cultivator. I sighed and thought, 'Here goes being low-key'. Xiao Yu was gaping like a fish. Xiao Ning'er came and gave a wry smile to me and said, "Sorry. There was a persistent mosquito pestering me, so I had to smack it down.". I just smiled and patted her head. Duan Jian and Chen linjian gave a thumbs-up to her. Ye Yan was indifferent to the situation.

Chen Linjian then looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Now the mosquito had been dealt with, can you take us to the classroom. I think we are wasting more time here.". Xiao Yu woke up from her stupor and immediately brought them to the school. Xiao Yu looked at us and said, "This will be your homeroom for the rest of the semester. Try to befriend some good friends and try to join any family to gain protection. The stunt you guys made today would reach Gu clan young master and he would approach here since it indirectly a slap to his face. Be careful.".

We were inwardly laughing, as the future will be devastating for the Gu clan's Young master since Nie Li would utterly destroy them and make Gu Bei the clan head. We then went to our designated class. When we reached the class, an elder with red robes and white hair looked at us and asked, "What can I do for you kids?". I looked at him and gave a slight bow for respect and said, "We are new students joining in this class.".

Hearing this, the eyes of the elder shone with excitement. He heard that new students were joining in this class with high spiritual roots with tremendous potential. Now looking at them he was indeed surprised and shocked. Surprised for their calm and humble temperament and shocked since their cultivation is already at 1-star Fate realm. Their cultivation speed is frightening. He then looked at us and said, "Ah. Then welcome to the class. My name is Venerable Redsoul and I am your homeroom teacher. Please come in.".

He then looked at the students and said, "Listen, students! Today we are receiving four new students to our class. Please welcome them and (looking at us) you four introduce yourselves.". His voice had a tinge of excitement in it. I looked at the students and said, "Hello. My name is Long Tian and I am from Tiny realm. Just came here yesterday and took the entrance exam. Please take care of me.". Girls were blushing from my looks and boys were in disdain,

Xiao Ning'er came and said, "Hello. My name is Xiao Ning'er and I too am from the Tiny realm.". Guys were mesmerized by her looks and girls were slightly jealous. But the next sentence made the boys fall in despair. "I am Long Tian's Fiance. Please take of me too.". Both Duan Jian and Chen Linjian then introduced themselves. The overall result was curiosity and Disdain due to the place we were from. Then the teacher asked us to take seats. We brushed aside their disdain and sat at last bench. This was how our first day started.