Meetings, Time Skip and Return

After a tearful reunion, we went to the chamber and rested. The news of our return spread like wildfire throughout the glory city. Everyone was rushing towards the clan compounds to see us. Our clan members were celebrating like festive for our return. A similar situation was happening with my friends home too. My mother was cooking my favorite food and my father was discussing with clan members to arrange a meeting. I was sitting with my little sister Long Yin and playing with her. She was like a cute marshmallow with blue eyes filled with curiosity. She would become a great adventurer with that kind of curiosity. She was very squishy and her bubbly cheeks add cuteness to her visage.

I used my life energy to enhance her health and opened her pathways so that she would never experience bottleneck in the future. I even prepared some elixirs for her future cultivation to improve her senses and muscle strength. She was always happy when I play with her. When the dinner was prepared, we were sitting in our family table with little Yin'er on my lap. I looked at my parents who were excitedly speaking with each other. I looked at them happily and said, "Mom, dad. Prepare a meeting with our clan members tomorrow. Also, call all other clan heads along with the city lord. I will be explaining some important events that took place during our travel. So make sure that everyone is present tomorrow.". My parents gave a nod and started to serve my favorites. I was feeding some liquid food to Yin'er who was drinking it cutely.

After dinner, I went to sleep in my room whereas Yin'er went to sleep with my parents. The next day morning, I woke up with refreshing vigor since it was a long time I slept in my own bed in my clan compound. After refreshing myself with bath and dressed, I went to the dining hall for breakfast where my mother was preparing breakfast and my father was playing with Yin'er. Yin'er after seeing me gave a giggle with clapping sound making my parents look at me. My mom gave me a bright smile and said, "Tian'er! come here. I have prepared your favorite breakfast.". I gave a nod and sat in my chair. My father said, "In few hours our clan members and other clan heads will be assembling in our Glory city institute. The city lord also is attending the meeting. You can tell us your adventure there.".

After our breakfast, we were moving towards the Institute while carrying Yin'er. It seems she likes to go faster so I increased my speed. She was giggling during our travel. It seems she was enjoying a lot. On our way, many were giving us greeting. Some were whispering and others were showing me their children and they have awestruck in their face. I just waved my hand to them and reached the institute. The Institute became bigger than usual since it was modified to accommodate new students from all families. We went towards our examination hall since it was wide enough to house all family heads and our clan members.

I was greeted with the sight of clan heads happily chatting with each other without any discriminations. I can also see some healthy rivalry with each other. This was truly a unity that could make the glory city flourish. When they saw me coming with my family, all of them stood and gave us a greeting. I returned my greeting and went towards the podium. I also met my friends and also it seems Duan Jian made peace with his family. I went with my friends to the podium and addressed them, "I thank the city lord, all the clan heads and my clan members for attending this meeting. I feel immensely proud to see all the clan heads together without any discrimination. This type of attitude will help the Glory city to stand proudly. I called you here to listen to some important events that took place during the travel. So I request you guys to listen intently and at the end of this meeting, your questions will be answered. Thank you.".

Then we started to tell our adventures with their respective POV's. We told about the travel to abyss prison realm and meetings, then our travel to the Heavenly fate plateau, Netherworld region, Draconic realm and explained the cultivation realms in that region and some of the clans residing in that region. We also explained about the spiritual god existence and the spiritual laws. We also explained about the dangers in the netherworld region and the draconic realm. We also explained about the cultivation practices and usage of the heavenly crystals and demon beasts spirits.

At the end of the meeting, everyone was flabbergasted. This was entirely a new world where the fabled Legend ranks are only a starting point of true cultivation. Some were skeptical about the cultivation but once we flared our aura everyone kneeled on the ground unable to withstand the pressure. Of course, I never made the pressure fall on Yin'er. She was giggling at our antics which earned a sweatdrop from everyone. The last bomb was the existence of Ye Yan. For those who lived in the glory city, he was a legend. Now standing in front of them in the form of the spectrum, he also shared his experience in life. The entire heads were shocked and excited to know that their founder was somewhat alive.

Various questions about the qualifications and time period and criteria for joining schools etc were asked. We were able to answer all the questions. At the end of the meeting, everyone had great respect for our group. I also assured them to provide some elixirs to the family via the Alchemy association. This way, the alchemy association can stand tall and act as one of the supporting pillars of the glory city. The association was immensely gratified. We gave some pointers to the clan heads and gave the letters to the Nie Li and Lu Piao's Family. They were happy to know that their child was safe.

Then for the next two months, we spent most of the time with our family doing filial duties as sons and daughters to our parents. We also gave some cultivation techniques to the clan members to improve their strengths and some elixirs formulas to the clan. We also provided some techniques to the clan heads to boost their cultivations. We also gave pointers to the next generations and some cultivation methods for the promising ones. I forged a pendant with various protections and teleportation marks for little Yin'er. It will help me to find her if she is in any trouble. I also prepared a cultivation technique for her based on her Yin physique. I also gave some of the resources for my family to break through the Heavenly fate realm and some Deity lake for the heavenly crystal. Our family also conducted a betrothment ceremony to Xiao Ning'er and me.

After two months, the entire city was standing at the entrance for our sendoff. Our parents were sad that we were leaving. Yin'er was crying, which hurt me but for a better future, we must leave. We gave our farewell and went towards the nether world. We were all sad about leaving our family but steeled our hearts. After reaching the nether world, we went to the portal where the nether master was waiting for us. We gave our respects and some gifts to him for protecting the city and opened the portal. We entered the portal and reached the entrance of the skysoul institute. I looked at my friends and said, "We completed our filial duties for two months. Now we must train hard for the incoming calamity. We must strike him when he is somewhat weak. Before that, we must destroy diety solders and beasts.". We then entered the institute with steely resolve.