Return, Encounter and Meeting

Long Tian's POV:

After our breakthrough, we were moving towards the institute. It's been two months since we left the institute. Since we reached the deity realm, we can create a new body for Ye Yan and if possible Ye Zong creating a life debt from Nie Li. Since Ye Zong is at Legend rank, he needs some good materials to create the body but for Ye Yan, we need many materials that supplement his deity realm cultivation. Hence we started to search for the materials that supplement their physiques and cultivation. This was a tedious process since Ye Yan's body creating materials were very rare to find.

For Ye Zong, we found Dao of the Dragon realm cultivator Skeleton structure, some cultivation techniques for him to practice and some cultivating materials. But for Ye Yan, we started to search the forest for the entire week. We found quite some resources complementing his cultivation like soul crystal containing dome soul energy that can boost his control over souls. I made it like a staff of a sorcerer since it was cool. I kind of like the character Gandalf the grey and hence made a staff that looks exactly like it.

I also inscribed the crystal so that it can absorb the soul energy from the surroundings and is stored and transferred to us if needed. We even discovered some large deity lakes and stored in the samsara painting so that it can produce the spiritual stone. So money isn't a problem for us now. All we need is a deity realm skeleton and some blood then we will be able to create the body. Suddenly we heard fighting that took place near us. We went near the place without disturbing them.

We then heard one of them speaking, "You beast, the treasure inside the cave will be mine. With that treasure, I will become a deity realm cultivator and soar at the heights of this land. No one can stand in my way, especially a primordial bloodline rabbit beast. You cannot win. Begone to your borrows.". The beast then replied, "Hmmph! silly humans think that they can overcome the beast clan, especially the primordial rabbit clan. We may not be the strongest yet but with these treasures, I will reach the pinnacle with my bloodline and massacre you puny humans as a tribute to our Lord.".

We were shocked when we heard this. It seems that lady luck smiles on us. Not only a skeleton of a deity realm cultivator but also the primordial blood that can double the speed of our cultivation. I looked at others and gave a nod. With a speed that they can't conceive, we beheaded the human fighter. He was dead before he could understand the situation. I immediately suspended the time around the beast to prevent blood loss. I looked at my friends and said, "This is truly the best day ever. Not only we got a deity realm treasure we also got the blood of a primordial beast.".

Xiao Ning'er asked, "What is so special about this blood?". I looked at her and said, "For that, you guys must know about the Demon blood sacrifice. The Demon Blood Sacrifice is a mysterious inscription pattern array that allows a human to integrate the innate Cultivation of a demon beast. It is such an importantly guarded secret that only a few pinnacle experts of the Demon God's Sect might know of its true uses. Since a demon beast's strength is held in their blood, the array uses that blood as a medium to enhance the human's strength. Since a demon blood sacrifice can only be performed with the willing aid of a demon beast, it very rarely happens.

This is largely due to the animosity between humans and demon beasts, so using the Demon Blood Sacrifice has become a huge taboo and can easily lead to the deaths of all involved.

Depending on the power held in the blood, this can cause a large leap in the cultivation of the human that receives it. They also can use it to possess the aura and appearance of a demon. Ancient and Primordial bloodlines even have hidden power sealed in them from their ancestors. Once the seal is broken a person can reform their physical body and obtain the demon clan's physique.". (Data from the wiki and Original TDG novel)

I released the beast and it looked at us with wary eyes. He snarled at us saying, "What do you bastards think you are doing. Are you guys too looking for the treasure? You, humans, are despicable creatures killing your own kind for the treasures. So what now? Are you guys going to kill me too?". I looked at him with mirth in my eyes. I looked at him and said, "I will lend you the treasures except for the skeleton. Everything else is yours. All we need is your blood for the Demon Blood Sacrifice.". Hearing that he was first shocked and started to laugh like a maniac. He said, "I don't know where you heard that but do you think that I will give you the blood. What makes you think that I would give you that?".

I just released my soul pressure and his eyes widened like full moon. He shuttering said, "Y-You guys are D-deity realm c-c-cultivators.". I looked at him and said, "Now can you give your blood? You can take the treasures as your payment?". He looked at us and then suddenly tried to dash for the exit. I looked at him sighed. Suddenly he stopped and turned towards us. His eyes were vacant enough to say that he was controlled at the soul level. He came to us and said, "I would be glad to offer you blood.". He then slit his throat to offer blood, thus giving us willingly since he was changed at the soul level. I collected his blood and stored it in the vials. We had no qualms about killing so we didn't feel regret.

We then entered the cave and easily bypassed the security system and collected the treasures. He was one of the henchmen of the Sage Emperor. He had millions of spiritual stones and various weapons and cultivation materials. He also had a crystal prison and a bone fragment near the prison. Ye Yan said, "I can sense a very feeble soul essence of him. I can scan it easily and know about him.".

He then started to scan it and suddenly his facial expression turned to that of a shock. He immediately looked towards us and said, "This skeleton belongs to the Han Min who once a confidant of the sage emperor, then turned traitor because sage emperor killed his beloved once. He stole one bone fragment of the emperor and prison crystal which contains the Holy maiden of the Ancestral God land.".

I was shocked. This was not on the story, but the story was anyway incomplete when I died. Hence I don't know this plot development. This was the Holy maiden of the Ancestral God Land. This will help Nie Li to go against the Sage Emperor. Since Long Yuyin came with us, it is my responsibility to maintain the plot by replacing her with the holy maiden. Who knows, maybe she will fall in love with him. plot armor is one powerful tool. With the emperor's bone, we will experiment on it so that we can gain something from it. We then started our journey towards the school.

After we reached the school, we meet the headmaster and Redsoul and spoke with them for a while. When leaving, both teachers were shocked to an extent where we can shove two baseballs. We then went towards the Nie Li's group who were at the meeting between Heavenly Note and Skyblaze sect. They were conducting the auction. I then remembered that this is where Nie Li showcases his Dao intent words. We then joined the auction and went near them. It seems that instead of Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun was the one sitting next to Heavenly Note sect. Nie Li who first sensed us, turned towards us with a happy face but the next second, his face morphed to that of horror. I could see beads of sweat rolling from his body.

Nie Li's POV:

The life in the sect was slightly hectic. Since we were from the tiny realm, we were treated with less respect from our fellow peers. I made friends with Gu Bei and healed his sister. We suffered some bully from seniors and also met my teacher Ying Yieru. I was shocked to hear that she can't predict the future of Long Tian and his gang. i even made some fortune from selling the demonic beasts. Then came the meeting between three sects. I also met Ye Ziyun and talked with her. She was also happy to meet me and I promised her to take care of myself and help her to resurrect her father.

Then the auction started and we brought many things and then I sensed Long Tian and his group in our direction. I looked towards them to receive them. The next second, I was shocked. They were clearly Deity realm cultivators. But how is this possible? Even with elixirs and all, they cant reach that level. My body started to tremble and sweats started to ooze from my body. I then saw him giving a smile and gave me a silencing finger.

Long Tian's POV:

We then sat next to him. I said, "We will be having a meeting after this auction. Bring Ye Ziyun with you too. This is about the sage emperor, so be on time.". I could sense his shock and anger. I calmed him by placing my hand on his shoulder. He then relaxed and gave me a firm nod. When the painting came to auction, many started to bid. Even Nie Li bid two hundred thirty thousand through Gu Bei. So it went like the canon. Next was the Four Arts. Qin Yue showed her zither skill and everyone praised her. It was good and then everyone went as canon and Nie Li got the recognition of the two sects. They asked if anyone wanted to show their skills. Xiao Ning'er and I went to the stage and introduced ourselves, "My name is Long Tian and this is my fiance Xiao Ning'er. We are from this sect. We were traveling around the outside for cultivation purposes. We are here to display our feeble skillset on sitar and Dao Intent.".

Everyone from our sect was shocked since they knew of our exploits and other sects were curious about us. First Xiao Ning'er took the zither and plucked the strings. Her tune was that of cuckoo's sound indicating the birth of spring, then her tune went to that of sad indicating the arrival of the autumn, then her tune became heavy indicating that of the rainy season and then tune went to that of dry indicating that of summer. Her Dao was that of the seasons. Everyone was mesmerized in that and when she rested the strings, everyone woken from her stupor and praised for her skills, even Mingyue Wushang admitted that her skill was inferior causing an uproar.

Then my turn came. I came to the podium and rested the zither on my lap. I closed my eyes and concentrated to touch on the cycle of life and death, then plucked the strings. The tune was so slow like a baby step. At first, everyone was uninterested since the tune was slow and small. Then the tune became a bit louder with a small amount of happiness. Then again the tune got a bit of tempo with happiness and expectations. Everyone then started to listen to music. The tempo of the tune went higher and higher with raging speed including happiness and anger. Then it became loud but firm. It contained happiness and responsibility.

The tune was firm with few lines along with suffering, hardships, and dependance. Then it included happiness. After the few tunes, the vigor started to reduce but the profundity started to rise like a morning sun. The profundity stayed firm and vigor started to reduce even more. Then sadness was included in the tune. Then the profundity began to waver with an increase in sadness but with of happiness i.e bittersweet tune. Then tune changed that of melancholy. Finally, the tune settled with acceptance. A pure acceptance of everything and his self. The tune kept on decreasing until it stopped completely.

When I opened my eyes, everyone was in standstill like a statue. I could see tears coming from the students. The teachers and the Headmaster were looking at the sky with melancholy. Nie Li was the first to wake from the stupor and clapped his hands and bowed towards me. With the sound of the clap, everyone rose and gave a bow towards me. Xiao Ning'er was crying with a small smile on her face. She knew the truth of my song. For others, it might be a tune on life and death but to her, it was my life's beginning and end.

I woke up and said, "I hope my feeble zither skill was able to satisfy the crowd.". Others after hearing this hung their head down. Qin Yue felt like she was slapped. But the most shock given to me was Mingyue Wushang. She came towards me, took a knife and slit her palm and said, "From this day onwards. I, Mingyue Wushang, swear on my blood that I will not touch my zither till Long Tian exists. Every day when I touch my zither would remind me of my pathetic skills compared to the summit Long Tian.". This caused heavy uproar and might create a problem between two sects. I wanted to protest but she said, "I will take care of the recuperation from my sect. There will be no problem.".

I then said, "Now we will show our Dao Intent to calligraphy.". Then Xiao Ning'er came drew her sword. Everyone was famished. They thought 'Is she going to tear the paper?'. She then dipped her sword into the ink and started to draw. Everyone was shocked to see her extent of skill with her swords. She drew a painting similar to that of Myriad Miles River and mountains. (for original painting description refer the TDG novel). Everyone was just shocked. Nie Li, Gu Bei, Mingyue and Yan Yang just stood up eyes gapping like fish. I then went to the painting and drew my tessaiga. I dipped the sword in paint and did some finishing touches. Suddenly the painting came to life. The leaves in the trees were bristling due to the wind, the sound of the river flowing and animals moving inside the painting. The headmaster and teachers were now standing with mouth opened agast.

The painting had now the intent of sword and life. Everyone was now lost in the painting. I then clapped them to bring them back to reality. I then said, "I hope we didn't bore the crowd with our skill. This was of inferior finish. I hope the crowd not to be offended by this. Now I wish to express my intent on the calligraphy.". I then started to draw the painting of Uchiha Madara(The one in the fourth great war with Uchiha armor) with his hand folded. When drawing, I never released an ounce of intent outside. After completing the drawing, I wrote the word 'Sovereign' at the bottom of the painting and said, "This is my feeble work. Please enjoy.".

The headmaster, Mingyue Wushang, Yan Yang and Nie Li, who was looking at the painting came towards me and did the one thing I never expected. They touched their heads to the ground and said, "I thank the esteem self for providing this lesson.". All those at the auction were shocked. Never in their life, they saw the esteemed guests and headmaster bowing to a student. I immediately said, "Please raise your heads. This is one of life's important lessons that everyone must understand.". They rose and asked, "Brother Long Tian, how much does this painting cost? I will pay the amount to buy it.". I shook my head and said, "This painting is free. Consider this as a token of friendship from myself to the two institutes.".

Yan Yang clapped his hand and said, "I will receive this token and in future, if anything needed, please inform me. I swear on the name of Skyblaze institute, that I will do it without any hesitation.". Everyone else said the same. After the auction, Nie li's group along with Ye ziyun came with us to their room. I looked at them and said, "It been a while, my friends. I brought letters and souvenirs from the Glory city. Your parents missed you and sent some food along with messages.". We then gave it to them. Everyone was happy and some were crying tears of happiness.

Nie Li then looked at us and asked, "You guys reached Deity realm.". He said a fact. We just nodded but others were shocked. They never thought that we who started along with them were now surpassed them miles ahead. I then explained about our travel experience with them, leaving a few parts on the bones. We even showed the skeleton for Ye Zong with many others. Ye Ziyun was crying with happy tears on Nie Li's shoulder. Nie Li who was first shocked then asked us with happiness, "Is it true? Can you do it? Will you help us in reviving Ye Zong?". I nodded and said, "I will also revive Ye Yan since he is with us from the beginning. Also, there is some other news you need to know. I found the remains of one of the sage emperor lackey and now have the prison crystal that holds the holy maiden of Ancestral God lands.".