Mounts, Entrance and Reunion

Long Tian's POV:

I was in the forest, searching for exotic birds for our mounts. I will collect the birds according to their characteristics. For Xiao Ning'er, a thunderbird and Long Yuyin, a roc bird and Metis, an owl. After collecting the birds, I will take them to samsara painting and train them for the girls. Then the girls will bond with them. It was not a difficult job to locate the birds with my observation haki. I was able to capture the birds and tamed them by flexing my cultivation level. I then brought them inside the painting and trained them.

It was easy to recreate the Qi paths with the help of Origin energy. This helps them to reach the Nirvana realm. Then I helped the girls to bond with them. They liked the birds, and it was vice-versa. I will leave the training to the girls. The birds were happy to gain some companions. I also trained with my symbol to improve my proficiency in Mental energy. I also gained a hybrid Lion as my companion. I named it Nemean Lion, in the memory of the lion, which Hercules defeated.

Like this, two months was gone, training the beasts. Today is the day where we will be going to the tomb of the Nirvana cultivator. Many people were leaving soon, towards the tomb. We decided to move after Lin Longtian left. It will give a dramatic entrance, shadowing the representatives of the four empires. I will also see little Lin Dong along with his mount Xiao Yan and Martin of the celestial demon race. I could sense the departure of Lin Longtian in his mount. I summoned my mount, and girls hopped on their mounts. We went slowly, keeping a good distance from Longtian's sensing.

After two hours of travel, we can sense the presence of multiple life forces, gathered in one place. Also, the delegates from the four empires arrived and waiting for Ling Qingzhu to open the portal. This was the time for our entry. Mentally communicating with the girls, we entered the field.

Lin Dong's POV:

My life was somewhat hectic for a few months. I was pressurized by the Black Dragon Stockade members due to Yuan mine in our steel wood manor. I was able to kill their member, gaining more recognition from my family. Then we had to deal with Lei and the Xie family and gained the upper hand by killing their honored symbol master of Blood cloth sect. This created the feud between our family ad the sect. Wei Tong, head of the sect, who was Yuan Dan's full circle realm, came to avenge the death of the symbol master. I also met the previous owner of the tomb, Martin, a celestial Demon race.

I made a deal with Wei Tong, for life and death duel after two months and won the bet. Now to cure the sickness of my sister, I went to Yan City, and with the help of the Symbol Grandmaster, I found the Yin Dragon saliva can cure her, and it was available in the tomb of Nirvana level cultivator. Now I am in front of the tomb with Xiao Yan and Martin, along with numerous practitioners waiting for the tomb to open. Then the four delegates from the four empires came. Among them was one of the prettiest girls asides from the girls with that senior. Her name was Ling Qingzhu. The detestable Lin Longtian was also there trying to woe the girl.

Suddenly, we heard a roar and several screeches of birds that is coming towards this direction. Their cultivation levels were so high that the four delegates were on guard, and were slightly sweating. Then I saw those beasts that came towards this direction. The roar was from a lion that was tall as three adults with legs as big as pillars. Its mane was thick with menacing golden eyes that showed tremendous intelligence. The three birds hovering above us were a thunderbird, whose size was somewhat smaller with an agile physique. It had blue feathers covering its entire body, with a small release of lightning around its body.

The second one was a roc with a large wingspan with brown feathers. Its beak was sharp, and each flap created a gust of wind. The last one was similar to an owl, with pitch-black feathers, with glowing silver eyes. But the surprising thing was these beasts were mounts. It means that whoever mounting these beasts are strong enough to tame these beasts. When I looked closer at these people, I was shocked.

Long Tian's POV:

Everyone was flabbergasted, and four delegates were sweating bullets. My plan for special entrance is a success. I saw Lin Dong's mouth imitating that of fish. It seems he found our identity. I then saw the delegates. All of them had a good cultivation base. The girl Ling Qingzhi was indeed beautiful, but compared to my girls, she is nothing. Wang Yan is like a monkey. Wang Yan suddenly yelled, "Who the hell are you guys. Do you know that we are delegates from four empires? Scram if you don't want to die.". Lin Longtian was now observing us. It seems he wants to gauge our skills. Very well. I looked at Wang Yan and flexed my nirvana level cultivation. All of them were shocked. I was younger than them but stronger. The girls also flexed their cultivation, and most of the practitioners were now unconscious.

The four delegates were now slightly afraid. Wang Yan was now nearly pissing his pants. I took my sword from the sheath and sheathed it. Suddenly, Wang Yan cried of pain. When the three delegates saw their comrade, he was missing his hand. I looked at them and said, "Before threatening others, first check whether you can back your words. Now scram.". I then released my conqueror on the bird, and it flew from here with Wang Yan.

We then reached the ground and went towards Lin Dong. All of the practitioners were moving away to make a way for us. I looked at him and said, "Yo little Lin. How are you?".