Timeskips, Meeting Jasmine and a Miracle.

Long Tian's POV:

Shen Xi brought Xia Qingyue to the Divine realm. I am waiting for the Yu Luo to come to the Blue star to collect jasmine. I will expose myself at that time. I will not involve in Yun Che's life during the Illusion Demon realm or Azure continent arc. I will leave Hong'er in his hand since he bears the blood of her father, Ni Xuan. Yun Che needs the motivation to become stronger. Hence I will not help him in life and death situations. He still wants to defeat Xia Qingyue to regain his honor.

I will not take the myriad of tribulation since jasmine needs it to protect herself. I will save her and helps her in cultivation, but that is all I will do. The only reason I wish to show myself to the world is to create chaos. The people who learn the existence of True God cultivators will try to find me. Especially Brahma God Realm members. Killing them will do good to the realm. Also, Wood Spirit Realm can exact vengeance on them to remove their heart demon.

I started to train the wood spirit clan members and help them raise their cultivation. They are going to be one of the pillars in protecting the Primal Chaos Dimension. Also, I am going to revive Ni Xuan to train Yun Che. With him being alive, many Divine realm practioner will think twice before entering the Blue Star Planet. Even if Xia Qingyue decides to destroy the planet, she would not be able to do that. I will do that in front of Yu Luo, to strike her fear and shock to the entire realm.

For the next four years, I was training them and opened all profound entrances. Also, the energy inside the wood Spirit area was dense. It improved their cultivation tremendously. I even erected a barrier to prevent them from opening the spatial storm during the breakthrough. He Lin reached the Divine Master realm along with He Ling. The girl became the peak ancestral God realm.

Yun Che, in the meantime, went through similar to canon. He befriended Cang Yue but not in a romantic way. He was not able to show his full strength, and she became enthralled by Xia Qingyue. She gave girls hope to become stronger. She wanted to pursue martial Dao, and hence she focused on her cultivation. She owes Yun Che but not romantically. He met his grandfather and went to the Illusion Demon realm. He got to meet his parents and got an audience with Demon Empress.

I twisted the scene by reviving the little Demon emperor and gave him a letter to the empress. The entire Illusion Demon realm shook to the core when the little demon emperor came to the palace. With the help of the letter and Yun Che, Duke Ming and his son got prosecuted and killed. Thus Yun Che became a savior to demon empress and nothing else. He also went to the Azure Continent and met with Su Ling'er. She got reincarnated into a year old girl. He also met Hong'er and You'er, the daughters of Ni Xuan. He got the profound ark, and Jasmine got the Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations.

He came back to the blue moon city and stopped the war single-handedly. He then met with Divine Phoenix Valley and Feng Xue'er. They got acquainted and became good friends. He then killed the Burning Heaven Clan, when they tried to attack his family. He even got the piece of World-Defying Heaven Manual. He even fought Fen Juechan and nearly killed him. Fen was saved by Xiao Lingxi, as she pleaded for his life. He then went to the ocean palace and crippled Xuanyuan Wendao.

I am now waiting for the arrival of Heavenly Poison Star God Yu Luo. She was searching for Xing Tong due to the order of Xing Juekong. I can sense her poisonous presence entering the Blue planet and moving towards Jasmine and Yun Che. I thought, 'It is time to show myself to the primal chaos. Let the game begins.'. I opened a portal and went to their location.

I can hear Yu Luo threatening Jasmine. I decided to show myself. I calmly said, "Ara! Isn't this the Heavenly Poison Star God Yu Luo? What are you doing in this realm?". Everyone was startled since they couldn't able to sense my presence till now. Yu Luo was angry, but she was wary of my presence. She looked at me and said, "I don't know who you are. But this is the matter of the Star God Realm. It will be in your best interest not to interfere in this matter. Leave this place at once.".

I looked at her and said, "What if I don't?". Jasmine was frantic. She said, "Please leave this place. She will kill you without any remorse.". Yu Luo immediately sent some poison attacks to kill me. i just waved my hand and absorbed it. I said, "It is a bad habit to attack while speaking. The taste of the poison was bland.". Yu Luo was infuriated and started to attack me restlessly. She used her divine attacks and physical attacks, but none of them worked against me.

I got bored with this charade and flicked her forehead. She got blasted to a mountain and embedded in it. Yun Che and Jasmine jaws dropped to the ground. Yu Luo blasted the mountain and came at me with her strongest attack. I nullified it and punched her to ground. The ground cracked along with some of her bones. Jasmine was now sweating bullets. Yu Luo was a late-stage Divine master. Yet she got swatted like a fly.

Yu Luo stood shakingly with angry eyes. She spat some blood and said, "You made the biggest mistake by attacking me. The entire Star realm can raze this place to nothingness. Who do you think you are?". I raised my cultivation to Divine Master and then surpassed it. Yu Luo and Jasmine said, "T-true God realm!!". I then raised my cultivation to the creation god realm. Yu Luo was pissing now. She shouted, "H-how is this possible? How can a no-name like you reach this realm? What are you?". I smiled and again raised my realm to Ancestor God Realm. Jasmine outright kneeled, and Yun Che fainted.

I looked at the girls and said, "I can surpass this realm, but you both would faint from my aura. Yu Luo, listen carefully. Jasmine or rather Xing Tong is in my protection. If any of your star god bastards came here, I will destroy them along with their realm. Also, tell this to the higher officials.". I brought Yun Che towards me. Jasmine was frantic and tried to speak. I said, "Don't strain yourself. If I wanted to kill him, I would have done it anytime. I never thought the Heretic God inheritance would be in his hand.". Both Yu Luo and Jasmine's eyes widened.

I took a drop of blood from Yun Che and analyzed it. The Heretic god's gene got attached to his DNA, making him become a devil in the future. It also contained god elements since he was a creation god. I summoned my Life and Death symbol. Both Jasmine and Yu Luo were frightened of that symbol. They can sense the Life and death laws in it. The blood started to branch, creating flesh, bone, organs, and blood. Finally, the skin covered the body. I waved my hand and the soul entered the body, giving life.

Heaven's wanted to destroy my procedure and sent the strongest Lightning to smite the body. I summoned my Lightening symbol and absorbed it. I then summoned my devouring symbol and devoured heaven's cloud, thus destroying it. Yu Luo was now vomiting blood. She never thought she would witness the destruction of Tribulation. The body breathed life and opened his eyes slowly. I looked at him and said, "Welcome back to the world of living Ni Xuan, or should I say Heretic God.". Hearing this both Jasmine and Yu Luo fainted.