Meetings and Meeting

Yu Luo's POV:

I was sweating bullets when he asked me about my mission. What can I do against the Ancestral God? Even the Heavenly Poison Star God legacy hides inside, fearing him. Not to mention, that he revived a creation god from death. I told him everything about my mission. Even Jasmine told him about her condition. I pity her, but pity can lead me to death in this dog eat dog world. Only by becoming vicious, one can survive. But one thing pricked me. It seems that my alluring body never entered his eyes. It hurts my self-esteem a bit.

He gave me a message to convey to the realm of the gods. Good thing that I recorded the entire conversation in my crystal. No one would believe me if I said I met an Ancestral God. They would call me delusional. My mission was a failure, but this would help me from escaping punishment. It seems the Ancestral God knows of my plan and looked at the crystal when conveying the message. I was shocked to see the daughter of the Creation God.

I immediately went to star God realm and called all the higher-ups of the star God Realm. Every inheritor and Ancestors of Star God came. The Realm King Xing Juekong asked, "Yu Luo. What is the reason for this meeting? Why have you called the entire upper echelon of the Star God?". I said, "Greetings to the Realm king and Ancestors. Instead of saying, I will show you the recording.". I played the recording. In the end, the entire group was silent. Everyone was shaking, some were in fear, and some were in denial. One of the elders stood shakingly and asked, "Is it true?".

When I opened my mouth, the crystal shined, and the image of the Ancestral God came. He looked around and said, "So this the entire upper Echelon of the Star God Realm. Right now, you might be thinking, why am I here in astral form? Simple, Many of you are in denial that I am an Ancestral God. To prove to you, I have attached a small Intent of mine. I will release it now.". The intent from the crystal released, and all of us were in knees, planting our face in the ground. Our cultivation went to borderline berserk, and our legacy tried to leave us.

The pressure on us left back to the crystal, and he said, "Now you can, believe me, right? The crystal can use once again, to satisfy the Realm Kings. Inform them and show the proof. And one more thing. If any of you had any ill intention on the planet or myself, you will see the consequences. Ciao.". Everyone was sweating, and Xing Juekong was now pale as paper. One of the elders asked, "We should go to the blue planet to pay our respects. It seems the ancestral God was busy in time, that he chose this time to expose his existence.

Not to mention, he revived the strongest Creation God, the Heretic God. The Heretic God is also in his prime. The profound God of the Convention is going to come soon. We must appease this Ancestral God to help us against the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor.". Another Elder said, "How is it possible? Isn't the Devil Emperor the wife of Heretic God? Asking this help is akin to killing ourselves. We will call all the Realm Kings and inform them. Xing Juekong, don't mess with the ancestral God. Let go of your plan and do something properly.".

The next day, the entire Realm kings of three regions gathered due to the invitation of Star God Realm. I was sitting in my assigned seat. I properly dressed to avoid any problem. The Dragon God realm King, Long Bai asked Xing Juekong, "What is the special occasion that you called the entire three region realm kings?". The elder of the Star God Realm said, "We will show you the recording. It is the reason why we have called you.".

The recording started to play. I can hear Brahma Goddess saying, "It's just a man. Even though he is handsome, Is this why we are called here? Waste of time.". I thought, 'Look till the end, and you will understand.'. When he revived the Heretic God, everyone was shocked, and Qianyi Ying'er was salivating like a dog in heat. At the end of the conversation, his projection came, and history repeated itself, by placing our head in the ground with our knees bent. The Ancestral God then said, "If any of you wanted to visit me, please make an appointment and inform Yu Luo. She is a delivery girl for me and would inform your message to me.".

I was shocked. I became a delivery girl. Me, an exalted member in the star God realm, just became a delivery girl for the Ancestral God. Everyone started to look at me, even though their faces are plowed in the ground. Especially Qianyi Ying'er, her eyes were glowing a dangerous light. He released his pressure on us and said, "One last thing. I am not only the ancestral God but also the new Dragon God.". He then transformed into 100 feet long Dragon and gave us a roar.

This time, the Dragon God realm was crying tears of joy, and Qianyi Ying'er climaxed. I was shocked to know that he was also the Dragon God. I am seriously thinking about my sanity. HE continued, "So you guys have fun. Ciao.". He left. The entire room was in an uproar. No one could imagine that Ancestral God and Creation god are still alive. I gave a mental message to Qianyi Ying'er and asked her to meet me. When we were alone, she asked me, "How can you contact him and when?". I looked at her ignoring her question and said, "I got you a message from the Ancestral God. He said that he knew who killed your mom.".