Invitation and Caizhi

Long Tian's POV:

I am now sitting with my girls Xiao Ning'er and Long Yuyin, having a sunbath. Metis is swimming in a pool for relaxation. It has been three days since I started the chaos in the Divine Realm. Ni Xuan is spending time with his daughter, awaiting to meet his wife. Jasmine is now training with the Wood Spirit members. I am waiting for Yu Luo to come and deliver the message. I will be going to the God Realm of Absolute Beginning in three days. I will be using my Chaos symbol to strengthen my origin energy.

As expected, Yu Luo entered the Blue Star Planet. I flared my energy like a beacon for Yu Luo. She locked my energy and came to me. She entered the village and was shocked to see the Wood Spirit people. Another thing was, most of them had Divine Master Realm cultivation. Sweating slightly, she came to me and said, "Greetings to the Ancestral God. I have carried messages from various Realm kings. I also mentioned the message to Qianyi Ying'er. She is waiting for the response.

I said, "Ask her to meet me in the Profound God Convention. I want to meet Star God Realm king Xing Juekong along with his elders in half a day. Inform him now.". She immediately sent a message to Xing Juekong. Within three hours, I can see the Profound ark of the Star God realm entering the Blue Planet. The entire Profound Ark now parked in front of the village and elders, and the Realm King is standing in front of the village entrance.

I waved my hands, and the entrance opened. The elders and Realm King entered the village and were shocked to see the Wood Spirit Clan members. They were also shocked, due to the density of profound Energy and their cultivation Realm. They went pale after seeing the Heretic God. I then stood up and said, "Welcome to the Blue Star Planet. As a good host, Today's food and drinks are on me. Please follow me.". The star God Realm king stood frozen and immediately followed me with the elders.

We entered a mansion, which I built and sat on the throne. My girls stood next to me in a dignified manner. A long table was placed in the hall with chairs on the side. The table was filled with various foods and beverages, and various wood spirit girls were waiting to serve the guests. I looked at them and said, "Please take a seat. I will explain the reason for inviting you.". The realm King bowed and said, "My greetings to the Ancestral God. As a congratulatory gift, we have brought various tributes to the ancestral God.".

I nodded and said, "Ok. I will receive this gift. But what about my girls?". When the Star realm group was perplexed, the girls released their Ancestral God cultivation. The Star God realm paled when they sensed there are three more Ancestral Gods in this realm. The realm King immediately knelt and said, "Forgive me, my lord. I never knew that there are few more Ancestral Gods in this place. Please forgive my mistake.". All the Star God Realm knelt.

I can sense a glee in the eyes of Jasmine. I immediately pressed her nose, to which she flushed and pouted. I said, "No worries. I will talk about compensation later. All of you rise, and please eat.". I then looked at a small girl at the age of ten sitting silently, isolated from others. She had dark hair with black eyes. Her way of dressing reminded me of Chinese dolls. She was cute. I can see a sense of mischief and happiness clouding the immense sadness in her heart.

I can sense nostalgia and sadness from the jasmine. I thought, 'So this must be Caizhi, the inheritor of Heavenly Wolf. She is also the Heavenly Cursed Lonely Star. This cute girl must be hard on her due to the calamities happening around her. A child around her age must not harbor such hatred and self-loathing. I looked at the girl and asked, "Hey girl, What is your name?". Caizhi, along with the entire Star God realm members were shocked. She immediately stood and bowed, "My name is Caizhi, my lord. One of the Princess of Star God realm.".

I then told her, "Come here.". She was slightly afraid, and the elders were murmuring about bad luck and all. I can sense agitation from Jasmine, and intrigued expression from my girls. She shakingly came towards me and stood in front of me. I waved my hands and placed her on my lap. I hugged her from behind and said, "Don't call me Lord. Call me brother Tian.". It was like thunderstruck on a sunny day. Caizhi was shocked, and everyone else went pale. I looked at Caizhi and asked, "Why are you alone?".

She then explained about her cursed luck and disasters. I silently heard her monologue, and in the end, I bonked her nose. I said, "Don't say nonsense. A girl like you should play with others and have fun, not to self loath yourself. Stop thinking mature, and have fun. From today onwards, your bad luck is over. I will make sure of it.". I looked at the star God Realm king and said, "For the compensation, I will be taking both Caizhi and Jasmine under my and Ni Xuan's protection.".

I pressed her forehead, and the spectrum of Heavenly Wolf God came. Everyone was now shocked. They have heard that Legacy gods can possess the body of the inheritor. I pressured the Heavenly Wolf God and said, "I heard that you are Incarnate of hatred and all. If you push this girl to the abyss, I will end you. Your job is to guide the girl and make her a true god. I don't you to push your idealogy onto her. Do you understand?". It silently nodded. I again pressed the forehead and searched the cursed star. I waved and destroyed it. I looked at Caizhi and said, "I destroyed the cursed star. You will not be affected by it hereafter. So eat happily and play with Jasmine and others.".