Looking at the beautiful scene right in front of him Jackson couldn't stop himself, she was beautiful all round,he was madly intoxicated..... thinking about it ....,right there ,surprising himself and wondering. ... this girl is the mother of my son, if she could see me differently without resentment I would make her mine.Marry her and have a complete family of three.

Melody on the other hand, was scared, after her first time taken violently by him, she hated it and wondered why people would talk about it merrily like that ...when all there was in it was pain and humiliation, women get tortured by men to the point of getting used to the torture and end up enjoying it? no way for me, I will never let it happen again, she was thinking, the fear was overheating her body cells destroying them.

While he was in his day dreams ,Melody was almost relapsing, she was shivering severely and her hands showed visible signs of coldness. Then he remembered the last time she had looked like this and what had happened, he didn't know what he was feeling towards this girl, was it pity? she was obviously a sickler but when stable she looking nothing less than a princess, beautiful, elegant...she was the very flower that he desperate needed for his home. She was the perfect decoration for his house to appear complete.

He felt like he was getting a heart attack with the strange way his body was reaction.

Yet she was worrying him. What was she suffering from, why was she vomiting blood, was it going to recur...These questions were his main concerns, worrying him, eating him up like cancer, now that he needed her close to his son he had to seek cure for her, he wanted his son to grow up in a normal family setup no matter the cost, she belonged solely for him even God made sure of it by making her the mother to his baby boy . He was not going to hurt her, not today and not ever.

"Dress up quickly, your son is coming. "

"I can't, my hands are numb from all the fatigue you've caused me"

"How weak are you exactly, what are you suffering from? "

"Am not sick, it is a type of paranoia called Kane, since you are you , you surely know why and, now that you are my problem,all you need is to stay away from me mr."

Before he could even digest that information given to him by her there was some movement out side the corridor to his bedroom, he could hear foot steps approaching, he had to do something before they were misunderstood to be having a quickie in the bedroom.

To Jeff , Jackson was still a stranger and an enemy of Melody and it would be quite interesting if Jeff saw them together, to avoid this Jackson went out with a straight facial expression carrying an empty glass of water.

"Take your time and dress up then follow me to the resting area I will distract Jeff and Joel for a while, don't stay long though the child needs you " he had told her before he left.Melody took her time, long enough to worry them all . She was busy scanning the area with her eyes, Someone or something that looked like someone she had killed caught her eyes and made her forget the urgency in Jackson's voice.

"Where is Melody?"Jeff asked wondering why she was no where to be seen

"Oh, yes...Melody, I let her use the rest room in my...."Jackson couldn't finish the sentence he felt so embarrassed like he had done wrong hence his voice trailed off before he could complete the sentence, luckily for him, Melody appeared at that moment but she looked weak and tired , not to mention scared.

"Are you Okey? "Jackson asked feeling guilty for having bothered her and triggered her disease attack, or

so he thought.

"What happened? "Jeff followed with another question trying to read her expression which was obvious.

"Am fine just fatigue , it will wear off don't worry about it" before she could end her sentence she was up in the air, Jackson carried her back to the bedroom with a worried look . He also wanted to impress Jeff and his son, if he was to have her as a wife in the near future then the two would need convincing.

"Call the doctor" Jackson shouted on top of his voice scaring everyone.

"Why, what for... am not sick" Melody wanted nothing of this, she needed to tell them what was worrying her before they make a mountain out of nothing. She was scared and kept on looking through the door, it was like she was expecting someone or something to pass through the door,everyone turned towards the door waiting for whatever she was waiting for... She wanted to know who Ben's look a like was, Jeff saw her kill him how can he be alive today and here , she must tell them ....she wanted to tell them yet the chance was not presenting itself, she looked pale and frightened.

What worried Jeff was Jackson's sudden interest in curing his sister, the care he was showing was too much almost suspicious, was he not the same dude that was fully determined to avenge his family? willing to kill without listening to her side of story? For a moment he thought that Jackson was playing a game with Melody's life, something that he being who he was couldn't let happen. since Melody couldn't bring herself to explain her fears Jackson must, this being his home he had a lot of explaining to do, looking at him he saw some fear hidden in the bracket of confusion.

"Look at you, all confused this is your house man, tell me what's wrong with it, why is she all scared are you keeping some ghosts in your home? " though he sounded like he was joking his looks acidic and cold.

"She was fine, there is nothing wrong with the house don't scare the kid ,this is his house too" Jackson was getting defensive