Ben had never slept with me despite having turned eighteen, but he had turned me to a weapon and not just me, we were six girls and twenty boys, but he never trusted us girls, he only send the boys on a mission leaving us to protect the club. He was away when I conceived Joel, I knew nothing about him killing everyone who was supposed to have been protecting the club that day. He locked me up for a crime I did not participate, in fact I was a victim.

Few days later he learned that I was pregnant and he rained on me with kicks and blows only God knows how that baby stayed alive.The pregnancy kept me busy, I listened and wrote every change every feeling, I communicated and the baby obeyed it was like he was listening.

I was starved, pregnant and starving" When she said that she looked at Joe adorably then continued to narrate her story "One day he changed his mind about his torture and started showing me off, said I was pregnant with his baby yet after I had the child, he took him from me and ordered me to return to my duties .

I looked for Jackson but I never saw him again, even though he violated me I knew he'd save me if he knew what was happening, I would visit Joe once a week that was the only time I was allowed to be with him but everyday I'd sneak and watch him as he was being nursed by other and every time I went he would notice me that's how we bonded. How did you bond with him that fast Jackson? I always wondered how I would one day introduce you to the boy, Ben made him call him dad.He was always there for him too much even.

To him Ben is his father, he loves him, if that is Ben, then we are all in danger only Jeff and Joe are safe."

"So then maybe he is here for the boy" Jeff said

"No ,Jackson sold then gave away all his possessions"Melody said but Rachel who was standing there all the time thought otherwise, she said that Ben would go for months he has other possessions elsewhere he is just here for his family, his son, his wife, and his two favorite boys which was true, but was that not before he ordered them killed and Jeff framed for their deaths?

Ben loved no one exept himself. He was a schemer, he played with people and when he can't anymore he killed them, only Rachel and Melody knew this side of Ben.

Jackson who had not gotten over the past was obviously the most affected, not even his brother new how dangerous Jackson had become. The stay home dad was not a stay home after all, that was a cover up as he went on killing all Bens business partners, he was the reason Ben was here.

In his mind Jackson was only making sure the orphanage got safe little did he know that he was playing Bens role pouring enough blood to revive him.

"Am not afraid of the dead, if he comes back to life he will have no where to go and no one to turn to" Jackson proudly told everyone

"well, except here"Jeff replied

"Then I will kill him" he answered back. That was true, it's only Jackson who had the power to kill Ben.

He was related to him by blood, he had resurrected him by killing all the members he had bonded with, the bound going back to the original owner inform of springs.

This guy would always be ten steps ahead but this time it was difficult having been seen by two people and his voice heard by many.

He became a mad dog killing everything on his way....The description was the same, every newspaper and television breaking news of the newest and dangerous killer with his structure, tall masculine male very strong face hidden, luckily he never killed any human being but cows dogs even cats he was really mad.

This scared all the adults especially in Jackson household, his actions were interpretation of being mad after a failed mission, everyone was wondering what it was that he had come to do then failed.

If anyone slept that night that would be Joel, he was a child and even though he was a little worried, he eventually slept soundly.