10 Artos Store

After the heroes won the war against the demon, the heroes achievement doesn't stop there. The heroes help the kingdom in economics, technologies and development of the country.

For starter, the heroes introduce a guild systems, that create lot of opportunities for people to work. The guild will buy the monster core and drop for money. Monster core are important for energy sectors, while the drop useful for medicine or creating tools.

Bounty systems also been introduced to help the authorities to catch the criminals. The herbs and roots also included in the services of the guild.

The most important role that play by the heroes is introducing market systems. One of the hero have founded a business company called Artos Store. The hero of archer married a local girl and start their marriage life involved in business.

It's not a long time before the business start monopolize the economy in the kingdom. The main and only city in Tiamat, Krantor were striving and flourish until to date, as now the population of human here reach more that 100 millions. Far more than other countries that exists after the war ended.

Hero of spear were the man of invocation, introduce lots of technology that bring better life to this world. He is the man who responsible of making the city gigantic by creating building like apartment and sewer system for healthy environment. Then, he built town for plantation and agricultural in order to fulfill food demand.

Plant rotation systems are the biggest reformation in farming in Tiamat. There no more hunger problem in the people whom living in the country.

Later the hero married the princess and become new king, before died in old age.

The sword hero went to a journey and founded other country called Nachi and Honni. The two countries are in the far east and the culture so different than Tiamat. The sword hero married two wife who are leader daughter from different human tribe before creating the kingdom for both side.

Back to Artos Store, that operates in Tiamat, open their chain of business in these country by cooperation of the heroes at that time. Xiawu, the capital of Nachi and Menia, the main city of Honni, became more important but never beat Krantor even until now.

But, these achievement of the heroes erased in the past history of this world, were said that it was the wish of the three heroes in past.

It is really the truth? Artos Store ancestors have pass their will to their descendents - never underestimate the power of hero that summoned here, and make sure to build a relationship with them.

The current head of Artos Store, Yamtom Artos, have heard the summoning ceremony that been happening in the palace secretly, and one of the summoned are not a hero. That person has decided to live in the city as adventurer.

Yamtom instruct his followers to let the guild recommended that person to his store, to meet with him face to face.

Today is the day that he arrived here, and not a long time before the meeting happen.