After receiving letter from my lord father, I quickly depart from my base in the battlefield leaving the royal army behind. Fortunately, the monsters in this area became more inactive recently and the demon army being passive in time being. There is no any suspicious movement or activities of our nemesis at the moment so I don't need to worry about sudden attack from the enemy side. As the first princess and the commander of the royal army, I shouldn't leave the headquarter of the army base, but the reason I have to do it because of my lord father has command me to return to the palace as soon as possible. I feel that this is an urgent matter. I suspected it by the notice that given by that old fart, I mean my lord father is not simple one. He never order me this kind of urgency.
I traveled home by using my special mount, a six legged horse called Sleipnir. Each person in royal family owns one, including me, the first Princess. This horse can travel without stop and it's leg is too fast. It's can help the rider to travel quickly to their destination, and only need less that 1 hour to arrive on places as far as 300 kilometers. Sleipnir can run on any path or surface without problem. The only thing can challenge the usefulness of the mount is magic bus and flying ship, but to operate both transportation, you need to use lots of monster core, which very costly and not efficiently. I need about two hours to arrive at Tiamat kingdom from my army base by mounting the sleipnir. Even though the horse quite easy to maintain, but it's also have it own disadvantage. Unlike magic bus and flying ship, the horse are not suitable for transporting commodity. Rather than that, it can only mount by one person per ride and can't accept any passenger. The worst is it can't be use in the war as the animal are so fragile and you only need to scratch it with sword to make the horse useless. Sleipnir is like a pet with fast leg. That's all.
"Why you following me too, Urtd? You supposed to represent me at army base as commander while I'm going back to palace!" In my right side, Urtd using my little sister sleipnir, accompanying me, without my knowledge.
"My real master have summon me, first Princess. I'm sorry but I have to prioritize that order over your command, your highness the first Princess." Damn Urtd, I always want you in my knight squad but Lily have gotten you first. Urtd is an excellent leader in my army and a bright strategist in war. She also very loyal to my sister, even Lily finally ended her knight squad and become an Adventurer. Because of Lilithies status of royal family, she can't dissolved her knight completely, so the only person left that stay in her knight squad is Urtd. Lily send her to help me, thankfully, but she never accepted my offer to become my official retainer.
"Lily summon you huh? So, It is A BIG problem as I expected..."
"I can't confirm anything unless until I met my master, Lilithies-sama directly," Urtd reply.
After arriving at the palace, I immediately meet my lord father, the king. Like always, he sitting at his throne, talking to Prime Minister while at it.
"I have arrived, father."
"Oh, Cynthia, we are sorry for summoned you, but we really don't have any choice but to do it."
"Call me Titania, old fart. I already threw that name many years ago."
"You have to stop your sister, Cynthia. I afraid that this matter will not end up so nicely." This shitty father ignore my word.
"It's Titania, not Cynthia! Do you mean Lilithies, Rosellete or Daisille? I don't think they will make some problem for you, father?"
"No, it's Lavenderisse, the seventh Princess, your highness, Princess Cynthiatte...." Damn you old man Alba. You also join him to make fun of me huh?! Wait, what that he said?!
"Lavender?! What the heck?! I don't think she would actually making some stupid stuff like others. Unless someone else making an enemy to us."
"She targeting the summoned person, Harry. He actually going to leave this country." My father explain to me.
"Why him? I don't think that he going to antagonize us?" I actually interested in this Harry guy, who is a summoned human form other world. My knight show me his picture using the magic device to store a video, and that guy face are not bad at all. His eyes giving me some weird vibe but most importantly, I feel that he is more warrior type that that three stooges heroes.
"She has complained to us about his actions, buying slaves recently. She also didn't like when that guys cooperate with Artos Store, which have a bad reputation lately to the nobles. You know right, our nobles recently went bankruptcies after dealing with the Artos Store." Why that person buying slaves? For God sake, how he managed to get the money to buy them?!
"That guy buying the slaves and going to leave this country? Why? I don't think that is a good idea?"
"Sister, let me answer your question." The person that been talking about, making her appearance. My cute little sister, Lavenderisse de Tiamat walking towards me with her tutor and my hatred nemesis, Mrs. Grey. She is a noble and the rival business company of Artos Store, the owner of the Spectre Syndicate. My country have loan plenty of money for our military funds. She also the advisor to my little sister and I always thought that she trying to manipulate her.
"My knight reported to me that he will leave this country and going to build his own country. He also plot to attack this country as a revenge for summoned him here. He cooperate with that devil merchant to make this happen!"
"I think you should consider that, because your knight squad actually the minions of that suspicious women!" I feel angry about that statement. Most likely, it's a bias information, created by that wicked witch!
"I, the seventh Princess declared that he is a criminal and I will condemn him to my own justice! I shall be the victorious!" My little sister, Lavender already decided to fight him. I understand why my lord father to return.
"No, we will not allowed that! He still our guest! We must be responsible for him after being summoned by us!" My father try to stop Lavender. I did agreed his order.
"Don't worry, I will not kill him. Instead, I will make him submit to us and never tried to plot a rebellion in the future!" Ah, my sister also have the point, so I guess it's okay for now.
"Lord father, I will face him tommorow morning and use a diplomatic solutions if I may, but if he not giving any cooperation, so I'll smack my justice to him!" After saying that, she left the throne room with her advisor, and make my father speechless.
I rather think that the case are closed now for this so called big problem, but in evening after I meet my father, I were scolded by my three sisters. I was excited seeing them after a while, but now I prefer leading my troop to war that meeting them in bad mood.
"Why you don't stop the little shit!" Hey Lilithies, she is your little sister.
"I never expected anything from father, but you betray my hope, that you could handle Lavender so she won't do stupid things!" Rosellete, you don't hold back denounced our father huh?
"Well, I hope Harry-sama won't ignite the fight first. Let that justice freak do the job..." Daisille, your political thinking scare me, you know.
"I think Lavender will not be able to get serious fighting him. He only a normal everyday person, right?"
"Useless sister, you will regrets for that remark. He is the true monster..." Lilithies never praise anyone before, but the way she phrase it, that man is not an ordinary one.
"By the way, why all of you busy packing up your stuff? Are you all going to go somewhere?"
"Yes, we will following Harry-sama to his new country!"
"Damn Lilithies, that supposed to be secret, you muscle brain princess!"
"Ah, shit! Daisille, I need to kill you!"
"What are you saying? Should you kill Cynthiatte for knowing the secret?!"
"No, I afraid that you will tell master about that!"
What sisters talking about? Why they want to follow that guy? Since when that guy has founded a new country?! More importantly, why you all call that guy with respect tone?! You all are the Princesses you know?! Wait, that guy really planning to antagonize this country? Should I support Lavender about this?
"Lily, please let me know about the guy..."
"No, I don't know anything at all..."
"I will tell him that you spilled the beans, so if you want to make me keep the secret, tell me about him, right now..."
"Stupid Lilithies, I don't care anymore..." Hey Daisille, don't say anymore and let her speak. After that, she left us, follow by Rose, leaving me and this muscle brain sister, Lily.