chap 1)Origins

Throughout the eons, many tales of this man has spread far and wide. Through his name, can he inspire many to become the best they can become. To all who heard his tales, he was a being that they looked up to. Kids idolized him as a hero while adults looked at him with reverence and acknowledgement.

This mans name was Azure and he was known by everyone as the Azure immortal.

He was a king, a immortal, a leader, a natural figure to all. His tales spread through the nine realms to every being. Mortals and immortals alike all knew who he was.

Started off as a rouge cultivator, he worked his way through the ranks of immortals and gods. Through his hardship, inspired many others. He travelled through the nine realms helping all he could and to the best he could. He showed many beings the best they could become and was seen as a teacher by many.

Through his adventures did he amass a large amount of followers and believers. Through his adventures, he created the Azure kingdoms. A place where both mortals and immortals treated everyone equally. A paradise to many and a disgrace to others.

War was declared upon his kingdom by many immortal forces and armies that saw his rule as a disgrace to immortals. Through the nine realms, a force was amassed by the millions. But contrary to what many expected, the Azure immortal did not say anything. No defences were created, no retaliation shown, only a saying that would go down in history.

"We are born equal born with life and emotions. As living beings we should treat everyone equally and never as superior or inferior beings. If you wish to declare war, i do not mind but only when you truly understand life will you understand the meaning of equality."

Ignoring this, the myriad immortal forces immediately attacked the Azure Kingdoms only to be met by the Azure immortal and his battalion of brothers known as the Azure Haven.

War broke out for a total of 3 weeks and in the end, the Azure Immortal stood victorious.

After the battle, the Azure immortal buried his sworn brothers and sat at their graves for 3 days crying over their death. He continued his rule over his kingdom as a benevolent king that did everything for the best of his people.

Since then many tales were told to every corner of the nine realms and everyone knew of the benevolent king and his kingdom.

But after so many years, the Azure immortal suddenly left and only left behind 2 things, a monolith and a throne.

Written on the monolith was his last words to his people.

(A king must look after his people and never look towards the past so must the people. I have ruled for so long and now a new king must be crowned for he shall become the future of his people. The throne shall see the next generation of kings while this monolith shall protect his people. Let this be my final inheritance.)

This alarmed the general populace and hence for 3 days just as the king did to his fallen brothers, every man women and child sat outside grieving over their lost king. They declared the day as a day of grieve where everyone will go to the monolith to pay their respects and that the tale of their kings be forever recorded down in history.

As for the Azure immortal, he had grown weary of life and only wished to settle down and have a simple life. He had already planned to go to the world of remnant to settle down and enjoy the rest of his life in peace. As a man whom has seen life at its worse and best, this was his wish.

To reach his destination, he travelled through a dimensional breach and during his travel he thought to himself this.

'through life, i have experienced many things. Earth showed me the truth of life and my life in the nine realms showed me how to become the best i can be. It is truly time to settle down and enjoy a simple life.'

Thoughts drifted as he travelled and finally after so long, Azure finally felt a inner peace that he had long. Closing his eyes, he entered a state of peace where he thought of nothing and only allowed himself to be embraced by his memories.


After a long travel, he had finally reached his destination.


As Azure left the dimensional gap, he was greeted by a maiden wearing white on the floor dead.


Seeing this, Azure started to remember many sad memories and walked over to the corpse. He had sensed an additional life sign and knew that this woman had someone in her embrace. Upon flipping her corpse, He saw a young 3 year old girl in a red hood.