Chap 9)Pyrrha................. I dont know if i should be sad or laugh.

...…..Before Kiana snatched Jaune from the air...

'Gotta land quick gotta land quick.'

On the outside she looked calm but internally, she was literally a drunkard on steroids. Her thoughts totally jumbled and her mind blank except the goal of landing quick and partnering with Jaune. This was Pyrrha.

Since yesterday, Pyrrha was on ends and could not keep calm though years of training made her have nerves of steel.

Due to this, she had a lack of sleep and resulted in many issues that did not really pop up during her school years, like accidentally ordering the wrong meal or bumping into someone.

But all of her stress was relieved when she heard Ozpin talk about the partner system. Especially when Jaune is in her class.

Thus making it her current most important goal to team up with him, she wanted to quickly land and find him. Normally when she landed, she would just use her blades to cut a tree and use it to spiral her to ground level. But this time she smashed her way through trees, landing on a branch and deploying her sniper to find Jaune which she did.

She felt really happy and wanted to throw her spear to catch him. But soon realised one issue, Jaune was moving up instead of down as he was visibly being carried up by someone.

Seeing this, Pyrrha needed awhile to process and realise that someone else had their eyes on Jaune and took it a step further by snatching him off the 'air'.

Before she could do anything to salvage the situation, she immediately fell to her knees looking at the sky and started crying while saying one word very very long.


....Back to Kiana...

"Glad you realised."

Looking at Jaune, Kiana just decided to put on a bright smile and not bother about anything else as she slowly made her way down to the ground.

Upon landing, Jaune started to wobble as he felt really light-headed from the air time he had just experienced. It took him nearly 5 minutes in order to get back on his two feet without struggling to combat the diziness he had. But just as he was recovering, he suddenly realised something and turned to look at Kiana only to see her reading a book about classical weapons and their advantages.

Not expecting such a care-free attitude, Jaune just became slack-jawed and stuttered while saying.

"Urrhm K,Kiana a a about our par partners..... does this mean th that were partners?"

"Pretty much you are on point. So dont make me lose hope in you."

After saying that, Kiana started moving North in the direction where Ozpin had pointed. But as if remembering something, stopped and looked at Jaune.

"Also by any means do not lose the dagger."

.....Back to Pyrrha....

Walking while sulking, Pyrrha felt many mixed emotions, she destroyed all that went in her way. Beowolfs were cut down, ursas pulverised. She walked aimlessly through the forest.

'Why why why why why why why?'

This was all she thought as she walked and when she felt lost she had never felt before, she heard the crackling of twigs.

Looking at the direction of where she heard this sound, she saw a girl in pure white.



...….back to Kiana inside a cave.....

"Are you sure we are heading in the right direction?" (Jaune)

"Ask yourself that your leading." (Kiana)

As the pair transversed the forest, they had met many grimm though low in numbers, still dangerous to many people. But they were mostly handled by Kiana while Jaune just kept getting injured while being a knight. But what was most shocking was the fact that Jaune had yet unlocked his aura, causing Kianas partner to laugh like nobodies buisness. But after the funny realisation, Kiana then helped him unlock his aura. Not while laughing at him for being stupid.

Roaming the forest looking for the relic, they stumbled upon a cave. The cave felt weird as not only were there no grimm in a 300 metre radius of the cave, there were also many primitive art on the cave entrance. Thinking that it was the holding stage for the relics, they immediately entered.

"Hahaha yah....."

Jaune hearing what Kiana had said immedietly felt sad again. But just as he was about to enter deep depression again, something bright entered their eyes.

Thinking that it was the relic they were searching for such a long time, Jaune went up to hug it and attempt to carry it. But what occure next shocked him. Instead of it being carries, a loud screech was heard and the glowing thing was swept around with Jaune holding onto his dear life on it.

Kiana feeling the sense of danger pulled up a red energy shield which protected her from the impact of Jaune and the unknown creature. The impact was so great that it not only knocked Kiana out of the cave, but also caused a shockwave that fractured the caves entrance.

After dealing with Kiana, this unknown creature then stepped out of the cave and with it gave Jaune a horrible realisation of what he was holding onto. It was a giant skorpian named death stalker and that the one thing to always take note of when fighting it, was its tail and here Jaune is grabbing the damn thing by its tail.

As for kiana, one thought came to her mind. That was to pulverise it as compensation for sneek attacking her.

With that, she concentrated a large amount of aura into her body and with that, her bosy started to glow red in color. But the death stalker was not dumb, it knew that if the girl in front of it were to finish this action, it would be dead. Thus not wasting anytime, it charged at Kiana wanting to kill her instantly with its claws.

Seeing that the death stalker was attacking, Kiana retaliated with her right fist punching towards the claw.

Both fist and claw met and for a split second silence was heard before a loud blast was heard.


The claw of the death stalker shattered into a thousand pieces and its body still where it stood not moving. Fear grew in its eyes as it knew what had happened and wished to escape only to face another punch by Kiana. But this time the punch given out by Kiana was more serious.

The death stalkers main body was immediately smashed and detached itself from both the remaining claw and tail. The force was so great that it cause the mountain behind the death stalker to be fractured as many cracks appeared on the mountain.

As for Jaune, he was still holding onto the death stalkers tail when it fell to the ground.

Opening his eyes and looking around, Jaunes eyes was greeted by the sheer destruction caused by Kiana and was nearly pissing his pants to have such a strong partner.

Walking to Jaune, Kiana wanted to help him up but before he could do that, she suddenly felt the mountain shake.


A feroucious growl was heard from the mountain and this bought fear to Jaune whom was sitting right next to the mountain.

Looking up, both Jaune and Kiana saw the mountain top explode open as a grimm stood out. It was a King Nevermore, distinguished by the golden black crown on its head and ginormous size that seemed like it were 3 times larger then a regular nevermore.