chap 11.5) The past part 1

.....On the day of Kiana's adoption...

After naming Kiana, Azure carried her while flying out of the kingdom deep into the mountains located in between Atlas and Mistral. This was a deserted island spreading over 50 square KM and teeming with wildlife and some grimm. It was a remote island that had several mountains and a view like no other. However there was a problem, the island was surrounded by a large storm that could not be broken and the waters filled with whirlpools. It was a place that all the people and kingdoms deemed as a forbidden zone that only suicidal people will go to.

This was where Azure wished to stay for his retirement a place where he would enjoy the peace he wanted and to dwell in the thoughts of the past.

Looking for a place to build his house, he released his sealed powers and spread his will throughout the lands. Instantly, he found a good place located near the mountain foot which was both flat and had a good view over the oceans.

With his power, Azure manifested several large blades which he used to chop down over a dozen trees and turned them to evenly cut wooden planks.

....1 hour later.....

After an hour of slowly building his house, there stood a 3-storey wood house modelled after the house he used to live in on earth. Sealing his power, he looked at Kiana wondering how he an inexperienced father would take care of her.

Entering the house, he walked to the third floor where there was a room make specially for Kiana. Placing her down on the bed, he rubbed her head and looked at her with a gentle expression.

...5 years later....

At first, it was tough raising Kiana as he had long sealed his immortal powers. Everyday he would have a headache feeding her as she always wanted cookies but he did not know how to bake them. No matter how grand the food he had packed from the 9 realms in his storage ring could not get into Kianas eye. Thus he had to occasionally unseal his powers to travel to either Atlas or Vale to help buy her cookies.

He would read to her stories of the 9 realms and bought her books to be engrossed in. But at the age of 6, he started teaching her how to cultivate. Kiana was not a dedicated learner and was very mischievous. Everyday, Kiana would always run around the house breaking stuff or escaping to tour the island, sometimes, she would escape halfway through her cultivation sessions causing her cultivation to be both slow and weak.

Sometimes, Kiana would ask why she could not have freedom and Azure would always say that she was too weak, causing her to be more focused in her cultivation sessions. But being Kiana, she would lose focus later on and run away.

This year, it was approaching Kianas 8th birthday and Azure did not know what to get her. He had already gifted her many things including stuffed animals, books, toys and cloths. He had a feeling that since it was her eight birthday, he would gift her something of significant value just like what his parents gave to him.

He decided to travel out of the universe and back to the 9 realms to ask his friends to forge her a soul weapon capable of protecting her. But the only issue was that Kiana could not withstand intra-dimensional travel, even if Azure were to protect her, she would still be affected by the travel itself. Hence leaving him the only choice of letting her stay alone at home.

...a day before Kianas birthday...….

At the dinner table, Kiana sat opposite to Azure holding a book reading while eating dinner.

"Kiana, papa will be going out tomorrow and will not be home. Please behave yourself and stay at home."

"Where are you going?"

"Hahaha don't ask too much just promise me you will stay at home tomorrow and not leave."

"Alright papa I promise."

Hearing this, Azure felt slightly more relieved as he knew that Kiana would always honor her promises.

....Next day.....

As kiana promised, she stayed at home alone. Sitting outside, she would always read her books and walk around whenever feeling energetic. But while reading, she suddenly saw a cute pup looking at her beyond the boundaries of her house.

"Here puppy puppy!"

Seeing the puppy, Kiana immediately ran to the house boundary to call it over. But contrary to what Kiana expected, it ran away.

She wanted to chase after it but soon remembered her promise to her dad.

'Ah I don't think papa would mind if I left the house for a few minutes.'

Deciding to chase after it, Kiana climbed the fence and ran after it.

"Puppy! where are you?"

Looking around for the puppy, she searched high and low for it to no avail.

.....20minutes later.....

"Woof Woof!"


Just as Kiana was about to give up hope and return, she suddenly heard a small dog cry and a wolfs call that invoked some fear from her. Racing to the source of the sound, she suddenly saw 2 beowulfs attacking a dog. Behind it was the pup she had saw earlier, but this time it was injured.

"Get away from it!"

Anger clouded Kianas thoughts as she rushed in towards the beowulfs attacking one of them with a move she had learnt from her dad. This move was called the coiling dragon fist and as the name suggest, it manifests a dragon to attack. But due to her lack of foundation and weak cultivation, Kiana could only manifest a half baked dragon and barely did any damage to the beowulf except piss it off.

Seeing such an imp dared to attack it, the beowulf slapped Kiana away causing her to fly back into a tree, breaking it entirely.

"It hurts...."

Clutching her stomach, Kiana looked up while sprawled on the ground only to see the dog and puppy be finished off by the other beowulf.

Blood seeped from the mangled bodies of the pup and dog, turning into a crimson pool that surrounded the dead family.


Much to her despair, Kiana could do nothing to stop it and could only feel sadness within.


However the beowulf that smacked Kiana away did not notice this and proceeded to kick her away. Again and again she was smashed, punched and kicked by the beowulfs multiple times and yet her aura still kept her alive. This went on for hours to come...

...Over at the dimensional gap...

"Kiana would be happy with her gift." (Azure)

"Hahaha of course she would be old friend! After all its made by this supreme me hahaha!"

The man laughing beside Azure was his old friend, his title was Crimson monarch and was one of Azures sworn brothers.

"Thats a certain you prideful old shit." (Azure)

"Hahaha of course of course, but still why did you not tell me that you had a daughter, i would have bought you a few gifts on your wedding day you old fart!" (Crimson)

"Like I said you damn old shithead i did not get married i only adopted her cause i felt that it was fate that brought us together." (Azure)

"Hahaha dont give me any excuses, you left the Azure kingdom without any heirs even though many beauties came and proposed to you their love! Now tell me who is this lucky goddess that has charmed your rusted titanium dog eyes." (Crimson)

"You damn old craphead. Its your damn shit filled farted eyes that have been charmed dont drag me to the same level as you!" (Azure)

"Hahaha" (Crimson)

Although beings of their level could tell lies from truths, both old bastards were very good friends and decided to joke with one another.

"Kiana papa is back!"

Upon returning to the house, Azure looked around and saw no one. Even at the front yard where Kiana would spend most of her time, she was not there. No response was given and this made Azure slightly feel worried. Without further ado, he used his power to scan the house and realised that she was not in.

With a bad feeling approaching him, he used his senses to scan the island only to find a weak source of life outside the house.

"Oh no, Kiana!"

Blasting through the doorway, Azure flew at an etreme speed with Crimson following behind. Crimson too knew what was wrong when he entered the house and felt a forbodding feeling much earlier then his brother.

Upon arrival at the weak lifesign, both Crimson and Azure were greeted by something they both did not wish to see. On the ground laid Kianas lifeless body, she was torn and tattered, most of her limbs were detached excluding her right hand and left leg though they were barely attached. Wounds covered her body as there was a hole located on the stomach and blood flowed out from the multitudes of openings.

Next to her, Azure saw the assailent. The 2 beowulfs approaching her slowly.

Angered, Azure raised his fist and oblilerated the 2 from existence.


Kneeling next to Kiana, Azure slowly reached out to see her face only to realise that her eyes were red from tears and her face pale white.

This day was supposed to be her birthday, yet it became her despair. A day that would forever change her future.