Chap 20) Kiana vs white fang part 1 (Warning bad ear rubs ahead)

.....Morning the next day...….

Out in the living room, Kiana was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Humming to herself, she worked on what she liked best for breakfast, a salmon sandwich with a side of cookies.

Opening the bedroom door*

hearing the bedroom door open, Kiana turned around to see Blake dressed in her usual attire.

"Want some breakfast?" (Kiana)

"Yes please." (Blake)

Sitting down at the dining table, Blake just stared at the ceiling mindlessly. 5 Minutes later, Kiana walked out of the kitchen with 2 plates on each hand.

"So what do you plan on doing now? We have till tomorrow to settle the white fang issue." (Kiana)

"... I plan on doing some investigation.....Hopefully to prove Weiss wrong." (Blake)

"Well you're gonna need a full stomach for it so dig in." (Kiana)

Upon saying so, Kiana immediately started to eat her sandwich. As for Blake, she looked at the plate for awhile before picking up the sandwich and eating it. Hesitantly, she took her first bite and upon its entry, blew Blakes mind away.

The sandwich did not have a strong flavour but a mild one, however the full force of the grilled salmon assulted her. She could taste the various textures and tastes of the salmon, the freshness and how easy it was to chew. The bread and various vegtables used not only made the fish more delactable, it helped to elevate the taste to another level. The crunchiness of the vegtables alongside the savouriness of the fish made the sandwich the perfect combo.

Not only that, Blake was considered a neko so when in the presence of this sandwich, felt like it was made from the hands of god.

"Hehe." (Kiana)

Looking at the sparkling and comical face of Blake made Kiana chuckle. To her it was an accomplishment to make the stone hard face of Blake show such a large amount of joy.

It took Blake about a minute before she was able to be released from her food trance, looking at the sandwich, she gobbled it down in under 2 minutes.

When finished, Blake looked at the plate which only had cookies left. Pouting, she looked at the sandwich on Kianas hand like a kid wanting candy.

"Kiana....." (Blake)

"....Yes?" (Kiana)

"Do you have anymore....." (Blake)

"Nope i only made 2 today." (Kiana)

"....GIMME." (Blake)

Hearing what Kiana said, Blake immediately pounced onto Kiana wanting to steal the sandwich on her hands.

"Nope this is mine hands off." (Kiana)

"Kiana! If you give me that sandwich i'll let you cuddle with my ears for a minute!" (Blake)

Hearing this, Kiana finally wavered as she did want to cuddle and play with Blakes ears for awhile more.

"5 Minutes or no deal." (Kiana)

"Deal!" (Blake)

Without waiting any longer, Blake snatched the sandwich, but this time ate it slower so as to savour the flavour.

...10 minutes later after clean up.....

After cleaning up, Kiana just stared at Blakes ears and without another thought, leapt at her.

"Eep!" (Blake)

Kiana with all her might stroked Blakes ears and put them very close to her face, due to the extreme rubbing, it made Blake yeep in pleasure as her ears were one of the most sensative organs.


Trying to hold in the stimulous, she tried to hold onto her cries but it still came out. Feeling that she could no longer hold onto it, Blake's face grew red as she started letting out moans of pleassure.

Her body due to the large amounts of stimulous had no choice but to roll into a ball as she laid on the sofa trying her best to endure it but to no avail. This went on for 5 minutes where Kiana kept on stimulating her ears while Blake was trying her best to hold it in.

.......5 minutes later......

Blake without any strength left in her, ragdolled on the sofa with a red face and breathed very loudly. As for Kiana, she was sitting next to her with a smile on her face.

...….45 minutes later.....

It took Blake 30 minutes to regain her strength and upon doing so, went straight to the bathroom and another 10 before leaving the house.

Walking down the street, Blake and Kiana decided to go their separate ways and call one another if anything came up.

An hour after leaving, Blake suddenly stumbled upon someone she did not expect to meet. The monkey faunus from yesterday had apparently swooped down from the roofs and landed infront of her.

"Hello there girl, do you mind telling me your name? Mine is Sun, Sun Wukong from Vacuo." (Sun)

"Urhm hello, my names Blake from Beacon academy. Weren't you the stowaway from yesterday?" (Blake)

"Me nah I was not a stowaway, I was just hitching a ride that's all. Well do you mind if i have tea with you?" (Sun)

"I'm busy maybe next time." (Blake)

Trying to walk away, Blakes hand got caught by Sun as he moved in front of her.

"Hey hey hey wait Blake, maybe I can help you." (Sun)

"Sigh* I'm trying to look for the white fang if you don't know anything about them, then don't bother trying to help me." (Blake)

"Hey don't be so feisty, maybe I can help you find them!" (Sun0

"Sigh* Alright fine." (Blake)

"But before that lets talk." (Sun)

Without waiting for Blake to respond, Sun just dragged her to the closest café.


...In a bookstore....

Looking around*

After that experience with Kiana, Blake could no longer hold back her interest and went to the special bookstore to buy a book about it. Looking around, it took her about an hour before she could find a book about it.

But what made it hard for her to purchase it was the title and picture on the book. It was named 'The cat Faunus and her loving master' while the picture showed a naked cat faunus on the bed with her master rubbing her ears.

This made Blake very emberessed as the book was a whole level above her 'ninjas of love' book. She had no confidence in buying it as she was afraid that it would raise eyebrows. But after 10 minutes of consideration she bought it and went home to read it.

At first when she read it, it depicted a cat faunus maid and a human master. A very common theme but as the story progressed, the book became even more dirtier and although Blake wanted to look away from it, was mesmorised by it.

In the end, Blake had a steamy night by herself reading the book and remembering what Kiana did. She decided that in order to make it better, she would make a deal with Kiana to let her touch her ears for sandwiches. In the end, she got hooked to reading the book and nearly every week at least once Kiana would get to rub Blakes ears.