Chap 24) The city!

'Sigh wish I could be partnered with Neptune he seems like a nice guy.' (Weiss)

Looking at the radio tower, Weiss thought to herself how nice it would be to be with Neptune. Hoping that this mission would soon come to an end, Weiss walked towards the towers elevator.

…...Vale streets...…

"Woah woah woah Yang slow down!!!" (Neptune)

"Hahaha what's the fun if I slow down? Speeding up is the fun part! Now hold on tight lady killer and here we go!" (Yang)

"This is not gonna be gooooodddddd!!!" (Neptune)

Riding down the road with her bike, Neptune was clinging onto Yang for his life as she sped past all the traffic. Without noticing it, Yang got quite a number of speeding alerts.

…..Vale downtown central streets....

"Sooo Blake do you know where we are going?" (Sun)

"Sun that's the 21st time you have asked that and as always i'll always say this. Until we find clues to their gathering locations." (Blake)

"Hehe can't a guy just ask?" (Sun)

"Asking is fine as long as it does not get annoying." (Blake)

Walking down the alleyways, Sun and Blake were searching for clues that only the Faunus can perceive, hoping to find clues about the white fang.

......At the dust store with the old man...…..

"So hows business lately uncle? Has it been good?" (Kiana)

"Hello Kiana it's been awhile since you last visited my store. Yes business has been doing fine these days." (Old man)

To Kiana, this store was one of her most go to spots as not only did she manage to befriend the old man working here, he was of a kind nature. Sometimes helping out, Kiana actually had to give the old man respect as even in his old age, he still worked multple jobs that he liked and owned multiple buisnesses. Just to be sure, this old man is the one Torchwick attempted to rob but failed to due to Kianas intervention.

"It's 1pm now Kiana, you know what it means." (Old man)

"Indeed i do, ramen time." (Kiana)

Upon saying so, the pair rushed to close the dust store and arrived at the old man's ramesn store at neckbreaking speed. Going in, Kiana sat opposite of the counter and in less than a minute, a big bowl of ramen topped with vegtables arrived infront of Kiana.

However beside Kiana's bowl of noodle, was another bowl of ramen topped with meat, this would not seem out of place if it were not for the fact that no one sat next to Kiana and the bowl of ramen seemed to be 3 times larger then normal.

Touching the bowl of ramen, Kiana send it to the boosted gears independent world where 3 people sat around a round table with sparkly eyes.

The 2 males were rather handsome and had their own charm. One of them had a very buff and royal charm which not only showed from his red cape and dark green cloths, but also his hair and rough beard. As for the other, he had a rather noble and valiant aura which was further boosted by his red coat and red hair. As for the female, she was a blonde and had a natural busty figure that was shown true by her blue dress.

Looking at the big bowl of ramen in front of them, they subconciously started to drool as if looking at one of the worlds best delicacy.

With speed beyond human capability, the red male distributed the bowl of ramen into 3 portions for everyone sitting here.

"Itadakimasu!!!" (Kiana, 3 random people)

Upon saying this, the four started to eat. The males eating like no tommorow while the females eating slowly and enjoying it.

"Oh! This is so heavenly! I must say this is the best noodles ever in all the universe! Don't you agree Belzard?" (Red one)

"Hahaha says the red heavenly dragon that rivals god, i though you once bragged saying that you tasted the best food of heaven, earth and hell! Here we are seated here eating a regular bowl of ramen and there you are stuffing yourselve with it! Is that not right Draig you foodie!" (Belzard)

"Says the asshole that dies to a food coma. Hell how did you even die to food i do not wanna know but know this, THIS IS THE BEST RAMEN EVER AND SHOULD BE CALLED THE KING OF NOODLES!" (Draig) while holding the bowl up high in the air.

Gouging themselves with food, the 2 man continously laughed and ate merrily at a fast pace.

As for Kiana and the female in blue, they just quietly ate while thinking to themselves the same thing. 'Men'

Less then 10 minutes later, both Draig and Belzard finished their noodles, bowls sparkly clean as they ate everything from it. Looking as if they were desperate for more, they turned their eyes to the female who had half of her ramen left.

"....Elsha" (Belzard)

"I know what your gonna say and all i'm saying is this, why eat so fast?" (Elsha)

Knowing what he ws going to say, Elsha just looked away and continued eating her ramen.

"Hahaha thats my girl now El" (Draig)

"No Draig!" (Elsha)

Looking at Elsha with pleading eyes, she finally opened her eyes and sighed.

"Alright i can only give you half." (Elsha)

Hearing this, both males instantly passed to her their bowls and slowly, she split the remainding half into 2 portions. One for herself while the other for the 2 pigs infront of her.

"Thanks." (Draig and Belzard)

Looking into their bowls, the 2 males instead of eating at breakneck speeds, ate more slowly this time as if that portion was all they will get.

After another 10 minutes elapsed, Kiana then retrived the empty bowl from the boosted dimension and alongside her bowl, passed it to the old man.

Looking at the empty bowls, the old man chuckled as he went out back to clean the bowls.

The time Kiana started to transport noodles over to the boosted dimension was when she started to eat the ramen the old man cooked. Looking at the ramen, Draig and the others asked how it tasted and upon asking, recieved a small portion. Ever since then, it became a tradiotion for Kiana to send them ramen whenever she ate here.

As for the old man, never has he ever questioned why she ordered so much ramen nor ask why they were always finished.


"Draig can you transform into a human?" (Kiana)


"Just curious." (Kiana)