Chap 31) The bugs.


Music blared as the students danced together in the middle of the dancefloor. Jaune alongside the twins, were at the side taking a break from the dancing. Drinking punch, they chatted with smiles.

"Hey Melanie, Miltia you got a moment I want to talk to you privately." (Kiana)

"Yes?" (Melanie)

"Alright sis!" (Miltia)

Walking away with Kiana, Jaune was left standing there, staring as their silhouettes disappeared from his sights. Drinking his fruit punch, he just waited for their return.

"Jaune." (Pyrrha)

Hearing Pyrrha calling for him, Jaune turned to the source of the voice only to see Pyrrha with a red face. Unknowing to him, he only thought that she had something to say to him.

"Urhm Pyrrha do you need to say something?" (Jaune) Asking with concern.

Looking at him, Pyrrha just looked away as she said something with a soft voice.

"Yes." (Pyrrha)

Unable to say it, the pair just stood there not saying anything. Minutes passed as Pyrrhas face grew even redder. Jaune seeing the weird complection on Pyrrhas face, grew more concerned.

As his concern grew evermore, Jaune decided that enough was enough as he walked forward. But before he even took a step, Pyrrha just shouted something that caused him to become frozen solid.

"I want you to be my lover!" (Pyrrha) shouting out with a red face while looking down, unable to look at Jaune.

Music stopped as every student, teacher and staff looked at the pair. Many males seeing this, felt their blood start to boil as they already knew who he was, while many others just looked at them with a weird expressions for it was the first time someone ever asked someone out during a dance.

"Wha wha what!?! Pyrrha you know i already have Melanie and Miltia, so why still ask?!?" (Jaune) Flustered and unable to say anything, he stuttered as he spoke.

As for Pyrrha, she just stood there, unable to reply she just looked down with a face full of red.

"Cause, cause on the first day we met, i felt that you were the person for me. I felt something that i could not explain well up inside of me." (Pyrrha)

"Bu.." (Jaune)

"Pyrrha!" (Melanie & Miltia)

Before Jaune could even ask, was shouted at by Melanie and Miltia. Looking at the voice, they saw the twins walking with Kiana as they made their way towards them.

"Melanie! Miltia! D did you hear that?" (Jaune)

"We did not need to, Kiana already told us the full story and how Pyrrha feels about you..... and we accept!" (Melanie) Saying it cheerfully.

Hearing that, both Pyrrha and Jaune looked at them before Kiana. But seeing that Kiana was nowhere to be seen, they just looked at the twins unable to say anything.

"I already have the 2 of you and yet..... you are still willing to let me accept more?" (Jaune)

"Jaune" (Melanie)

"We are happy that you accepted us, but even so we will be even more happy if others can accept you and you accept them." (Miltia)

"Why?" (Jaune) While looking at them with shock.

"We want our man to be strong." (Melanie)

"To be someone that takes responsibility." (Miltia)

"And finally!" (Melanie)

"To be someone that can make all of us happy!" (Melanie & Miltia)

Saying it simultaneously, the phrases were etched deep into Jaune as he pondered upon what they said.

Finally after a few minutes of thoughts, he sighed and said something that shocked the crowd, for better or for worst.

"Sigh* I Jaune Ark by the oath take Melanie, Miltia and Pyrrha as my lovers. To let them be happy with me. This is my oath as an Ark." (Jaune)

With one hand raised and the other on his chest, Jaune promised the 3 of them happiness. Hearing that, the 3 girls immediately hugged him.

Following that, almost all the people in the ballroom started to cheer and clap for them. As for general Ironwood, his face started to have a weird forced smile, not just because he was happy for them, but also what that oath referred to. He knew, similar to Glynda and Ozpin, that he was from that family.

However much to the happiness of the crowd, both Draig and Kiana were there standing at the second floor looking at them.

".....You planned this from the beginning did you...." (Draig)

Looking at Kiana, all he saw was her snickering to herself.

"Guessed so...." (Draig)

Wanting to get some fresh air, Draig left the ballroom and stood at the balcony. Breathing in frsh air, he looked around and suddenly saw a weird silouhette enter the tower.

"Partner we have something." (Draig)

Knowing that something was wrong, Draig went inside and called Kiana. Briefly explaining what he saw, the pair immedietly dashed towards the tower as Draig returned to the boosted gear.

Entering the tower, Kiana saw multiple guards were knocked out. Unable to say anything, she went forward and allowed her aura to enter and heal them.

Looking around, she realised that the elevator was going up. Seeing this, she boarded the alternate lift and rose to the top floor to face the intruder.