Chap 33) Time to fly.

"Well then gang! Today is the day we shadow huntsman, are we all ready?" (Yang)

"Ready!" (Nora)

Today was the day the gang were waiting for. Today was when the year 1 students will start to shadow actual huntsman and be deployed in missions.

Packing up their things, there was a sudden knock on the dorm doors. This disrupted the flow in the room and everyone turned towards the door.

"I'll get it." (Weiss)

"Who is it?" (Weiss) asked

Walking towards the door, Weiss asked who was there but received naught a reply.

Opening the door and looking out, Weiss was greeted by emptiness as nobody was there. Wishing to close the door, she suddenly noticed a cylinder shaped parcel on the door.

Picking up the parcel, she entered back towards the dorm where the gang awaited.

"So who was it?" (Yang)

"Don't know.... But the recipient of the parcel is for you Yang." (Weiss)

Looking at the parcel, Weiss saw the name of the recipient and upon knowing whose it belonged to, threw it to Yang who caught it flawlessly.

Opening the parcel, Yang took out a note. Curiously looking at Yang, most of the gang except Kiana wished to know what was in the parcel.

"It says here, Dear Yang i gotta leave the island for a few days, i'm leaving Zwei with you here for awhile, here is all the food he needs. Love Taiyang." (Yang)

Upon saying so, she flipped the parcel and what cam out was a roll of black fur.

Twitching and turning around, the girls surrounded the unknown roll of fur. Taking its time, the roll of furcontinued to twitch until it unfolded itself and upon unfolding, inflated to form a dog.

"Woof!" (Zwei)

Barking once, every girl immedietly recoiled backwards with the exception of Kiana who was still packing.

"Zwei!" (Yang) saying happily.

Picking up the dog, Yang looked around the room to see Blake on the bed under the sheets, Kiana packing, Weiss, Nora and Ren looking at the dog.

"He bought a dog" (Weiss)

"In the mail! Oh comere you cute little monster." (Nora)

Even before being able to finish what she wanted to say, Nora already finished it while trying to hug Zwei.

With all the commotion on the dog, Kiana still packing withut any care of the world suddenly looked out of the window. Sensing something, she opened the dorm window.

"Kiana what" (Blake)

With her enhanced hearing, Blake managed to hear Kiana opening the windows. Wondering why she did that, she inquired, but before managing to be able to fully ask her question, a flash of light entered the room.

This bright light managed to attract attention, even those who were infatuated by Zwei like Nora and Weiss.

Looking at the bright light, they could see nothing of its origin.

"Bennu come here." (Kiana)

With her comand, the burning bright ball of light immediately stopped radiating light as a bird took its place. Flying towards Kiana, Bennu landed onto Kianas shoulder were it sat.

With the light gone, everyone managed to take a good look of what it was. They saw a bird, or more exectly a small pheonix with red feathers and 4 tails, each of diffrent colors. It looked rather cute in its current form.

"Mine!" (Blake)

With Blake being a cat faunus, her instincts took over as she pounced to the bird. But Kiana knowing her traits, raised her palm and stopped Blake from pouncing at her pet.

"Mine mine mine!" (Blake)

Even being stopped, Blake still tried to push forward as if her life depended on it.

Looking at her, Kiana could not help but sigh, looking at Yang, she nodded. Yang seeing Kianas nod, knew what she wanted to do. Bringing Zwei closer to the cat faunus, Blake suddenly felt some danger and as she looked to her left, rebounced back to her bed.

"Hahahaha!" (Weiss, Nora, Yang and Kiana)

Seeing the cat faunus leave herself to her traits, made the gang laugh at her. Red faced, the blushed cat faunus hid under her bedsheets crying alittle when she noticed what she did.

Moments passed as everyone started to settle down, staring at the clock, they realised that they had to gather in a few more minutes.

With little time wasted, the gang picked up their things and bought both Zwei and Bennu to the hall. Yang carried Zwei in her bag while Bennu sat on Kianas shoulder.

Entering the hall, they were greeted by many teams currently standing with their gear and looked at Headmaster Ozpin. In time, they ran towards their class and stood at attention awaiting the speech.