Chap 39) Homecoming

....On Monday, first day of the holiday...…..

"So I guess we will be seeing one another a long time later....." (Jaune)

"Time passes fast. Without noticing it you will see me very soon." (Kiana) Putting her hand on Jaunes shoulder, she looked at everyone else.

Today many students were finally returning home. Happiness and joy revered through the air as many boarded the various air busses. For some, they had their family pick them up while some had to go back themselves.

Standing near the air station, Kiana bid her team members good bye as they made their way to different places. Kiana walked over to the field nearer to the academy while Jaune and the others made their way to the docks.

Standing alone in the field, Kiana looked at her scroll.

'9.45 ITS ABOUT TIME.' (Draig)

"And they are..." (Kiana) Looking towards the sky, she said with a prolonged voice.


Much to Kiana and Draigs expectation, the sky tore apart as a legion of blue warriors flew through the crack. Seated on their steads, the various blue armoured were led by a soldier on a chariot.

With such a loud sound and magnificent sight, almost all the nearby students were attracted to it. It was their first time ever seeing such a sight, many thought it was Atlas new military. But with them radiating such an ancient and primordial aura, most of those thoughts vanished.

"Princess Kiana we the Azure legionnaire have arrived!" (Leader)

Shock filled the air as the students heard that. Most of the student body knew that Kiana was a strong girl but what many if not all knew, was that she was royalty. Thus making them shocked at this revelation.

Finally arriving to the ground, the various soldiers as if in sync got off their steeds as they bowed to Kiana.

"We the Azure Legion! Greet the royal princess!" (Legion)

With their eternal loyalty and battle fevour, their voice shook the very academy. Many took notice of this and when they saw the legion, did not know why they felt eternal reverence. To those whom were weaker, they barely felt the battle force they had. But for beings like Ozpin and many seasoned veterans, they felt a sense of danger from them.

"Rise Azure Legion." (Kiana)

With no words spoken, they stood up at attention and readied for their orders.

"It has been awhile uncle Wei." (Kiana) Approaching the leader of the legion, Kiana faced the towering giant as she spoke to him.

"Hahaha it indeed has been. I never thought that these old bones of mine could see your old man once more, let alone his daughter! Hahaha!" (Wei) Laughing like an old man, the leader patted Kiana on the shoulder.

This man was one of the brothers that served and fought alongside Azure as a member of the Azure Haven. Although the Azure Haven sustained many losses, they still functioned as the protectors of the Azure kingdom. This can be considered a blessing as many of such veterans decided to teach and lead the later generations of the defence force of the kingdom. One such example is the Azure Legion, one of the 4 main divisions created to allow peace to be ensured.

"Uncle Wei as my fathers brother and my uncle, you need not bow...." (Kiana)

"Ah but it is an honour to us to serve you. And also a joy to show our power, Isn't that right legionnare!" (Wei) Looking at his legion, he spoke out loud as he raised his spear.

"Azure legion! 100 Battles to protect our lord and a thousand more to fight the gods!" (Legion) Shouting as one, their voice and battle fervour rose to the very heavens.

Looking at them, Kiana could not help but grow red with emberresment as she looked away. Knowing that many people were looking at them, she hurriedly boarded the chariot. Seeing the princess board, the soldiers followed suit as they mounted their horses.

With them readied, Uncle Wei took to the skies with his sword towards the sky. Soaring throuh the skies, he immediately released a slash, splitting the skies and opening a spacial tear. Flying through the air, they entered the tear and dissapeared from remnant.

...The spatial void between dimensions....

"..." (kiana)

"....." (Wei)

Moving through the void, the 2 stayed silent as they did not know what to talk about. Uncle Wei knew what his brother was planning, but instead of saying out loud merely kept it in.

"Uncle Wei what happened with the kingdom." (Kiana)

"...We accidentally hit an ore vein beneath the kingdom and due to how it was structured, it caused the kingdom to start flying. I'm not the knowledge or librarian type but from what i heard, the vein was connected to multiple core energy stems." (Wei)

".....Sounds about right." (Kiana)

"Hahaha either ways you should be able to see the kingdom soon!" (Wei)

With that said, Kiana could vaguely see the silhouette of a floating island. Though due to the distortion in space, she could barely see it.

.....10 minutes later...

Finally arriving at the kingdom, the legion flew past the borders as they made their way to the castle.

From the skies, the Azure Kingdom seemed like a paradise. The city was build surrounding a large lake with many fresh water streams flowing through the city. Most of the buildings were build with a tint of blue causing the entire place to seem harmonious. Laughter filled the streets as many people enjoyed their peaceful life. No one was left out as everyone was a family.

Soaring above the city, Kiana finally saw her destination, the core of the Kingdom. The Azure palace. Build in the middle of the lake, it has many waterfalls surrounding it and shimmered with a blue and silver glow. Mist surrounded the castle, although obscuring much of the castle, still made it look rather unique.

Finally arriving at the castle, Kiana was bought to the back of the castle were a large field layed. Knowing that she finally arrived at her destination, Kiana alighted and looked back towards the azure legion. Knowing that it would be awhile before they saw the crown princess, the azure legion raised their fists, letting out a battle cry, they soar into the air and back to their camp.

"Princess Kiana, your father wishes to see you." (???)

Looking at the voice, Kiana turned around and was faced with a familiar face. Standing before her was a beautiful lady whom looked no less then 20 years of age. Her skin pale, eyes with pupils as red as blood and silver hair that was tied into a ponytail. Dressed in a silk blue royal librarian garbs, she was Valerie Hua, her fathers personal assistant. Joy filled Kianas heart as she looked at the lady in front of her.

"Aunty Valerie!" (Kiana) saying happily as she ran towards her.

Rushing towards Miss Valerie, Kiana leapt as she wanted to hug her but was stopped with a karate chop to the head.