Chapter 2

"Wow" was all I could say to myself when I seen her. Her emerald eyes shone brightly in the light. Her long, black hair was like silk flowing behind her when she walked through the door. She handed Mrs. Summer a piece of paper. She muttered something to her then Mrs. Summer nodded and gestured for her to continue.

She turned around and faced us. "Hi, guys. I'm Maria Hernandez. My parents and I just recently moved here from California." (Why the hell would she move from Cali to boring ass Jefferson?!) "My parents are accountants and their job requires us to travel, a lot." (Ahh, well that explains it.) "I know taijutsu and I was the junior MMA champion back in Cali, so don't get on my bad side." She said with a smile and a giggle. The guys in here were practically drooling over her while the girls were gossiping about her. (She's beautiful AND she knows taijutsu and she's an MMA champ. I know it was the junior division but still, that's fucking awesome!)

"We're happy to have you, Maria. Feel free to sit anywhere in the class." Mrs. Summer said before she started back teaching. "Thanks." She replied before scanning the room for a good seat. Her eyes lingered in the left corner for a while before drifting over to the right where I was sitting. I quickly started drawing so it'll look like I was doing something. She walked over to the empty desk directly in front of mine. "Mind if I sit here?", she asked me. "Doesn't matter.", I replied while not taking my eyes off of my drawing. "Thanks.", she said while putting her books on the desk and sitting down. I was about to tell her how beautiful she looked but I refrained. I had a rep to uphold: I was the schools badass. I couldn't look soft. If I did then my rep would go down the drain and I couldn't let that happen.

She turned around and looked at me, "I'm Maria. What's your name?", she asked me, smiling. I looked up from my drawing and into her emerald eyes. "I'm Jason, Jason Clark.", I replied before I went back to drawing. "Nice to meet you Jason", she said before looking down at my masterpiece. Her voice was soft and angelic, it made my palms sweat and my heart beat a little faster. I quickly dismissed the feelings and started to concentration on my drawing. "What are you drawing?", she asked while examining my art work. "A Japanese sword called a katana.", I replied without looking up. She looked at it and shook her head. "That's not a katana." She replied with a certainty in her voice that made me stiffen up a little and look at her. "Yes, it is.", I replied while looking at her like she doesn't know what she's talking about. She looks me in the eyes which makes me melt a little inside. (Urghhh! What is she doing to make me feel this way??) "No, it's not. A katana's blade is slightly longer and the handle is also", she replied while pointing at my new drawing. "You're drawing an o tanta blade which is used for stealth killing, while a katana is used whenever you want to take the loud approach." My eyes widen with amazement. "You really know your swords, don't you?" "My dad collects every weapon you can think of. From guns to blades. You name it, my dad has it." I was about to ask her why her father has so many weapons but I didn't wanna pry. He probably has them for protecting him and his family. I was about to continue with my drawing when the bell rang. Ahh, lunch time.

I put my notebook and pencil into my book bag and swung it over my shoulder and headed for the door. "Hey, Jason", Maria called after me. I turned around and looked at her. She looked at the floor like she was contemplating on saying something. "You mind showing me around? You know, cause I'm new and all, and I don't know my way around the school." I looked at her then looked up at the ceiling. I was about to say I can't but then I remembered I have to report to detention right after lunch. This is the perfect excuse to get out of it. "Of course, I'll show you around.", I said while smiling. Her head shot up and her emerald eyes lit up with joy, "Okay, thanks Jason." She began walking out the door. I followed her out and then led her to the cafeteria.