"Fucking Daisy!", I said with anger in my voice. Matt looked at me and back away a little, knowing about my anger issues. I quickly scanned the cafeteria for her. With my table being isolated from everyone else I got a good vantage point and I instantly spotted her and her group of friends laughing and whispering amongst themselves. I was just about to go over there and confront her when the bell rang. (Dammit!!) Matt and Maria just stared at me. I needed to calm down before I hurt someone. "Jason?" I turned and looked at Maria. She linked her arm in mine. "Don't worry about what she said. It's okay.", she said while smiling at me. I smiled back. "So, shall we continue on with the tour?" She said while we walked out of the cafeteria. I nodded and we took a left and rounded the corner and guess who we ran into? Fuckin Daisy!!
I stop dead in my tracks and my smile quickly fades away. "Oh, heyyy Jason!" She said in that little high pitched annoying voice of hers. "It's totes nice to see you!" She tries to give me a hug but I quickly raised my hand to stop her. She looks at me confused and hurt like a little puppy. "What's wrong?" She asked all sad eyed. The old Jason would've fell for it but new Jason doesn't give two shits about her. I felt my jaw tighten and I clenched my fist, ready to punch her in the face. But my dad taught me to never hit a woman. "Daisy, I would gladly appreciate it if you would stop spreading rumors about Maria." She stepped back and gasped. (so fucking dramatic) "I would never!" I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "don't fucking lie to me, Daisy. I know it was you!" She crossed her arms and turned up her nose. "Oh yeah. How do you know it was me?" I looked at her and smirked. "Matt told me." She looked at me with her mouth wide open in shock. "Close your mouth before flies get in it." I said while walking away. "Oh, by the way Daisy. Say hey to Maria." She looked at her with a mean look on her face while Maria just smiled at her. Then me and Maria continued walking.
"Hey, Jason. Mind if I ask you something." She asked with curiosity in her eyes. "What's up?" She hesitated for awhile. "Why don't you like Daisy? I mean, I can see she's a bitch and all but there's gotta be something deeper for you to get that upset when Matt told you she was spreading those rumors about me." I stuffed my hands in my pockets and kept my eyes straight ahead. My jaw tightened and I felt a wave of fury wash over me. I took a deep breath. "Her brother killed my little brother." She stopped and looked at me. "Me and my bro was outside playing when a his black car pulled up. He rolled down the window and looked at me and my bro. Then he.." I blinked away the tear forming. "Then he pulled out a .45 and shot my brother right in the chest. He died in my arms." She gripped my arm. "What happen to him? Did he get arrested?" I stared straight ahead and said with a serious tone. "No. I killed him."