Chapter 8

Maria's POV

As I was making my way to the Guild hideout, I couldn't help but think about what Jason had told me. About his past, his brother, Daisy and her brother; he's been through a lot already, I can't tell him yet. It's not the right time. Not now.

I arrived by the road of the hideout and got out the car and sat on the hood. I started thinking about what Jason told me and if I should've told him the truth about his parents, that they weren't really dead and they are the leaders of the guild. He'll be devastated and then he'll want answers that I can't give him, well that I'm not at liberty to tell him. I want to, I really do but I can't. A ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. I answered it. "Yeah", I said. "Where are you? You said you were on your way and you're not here yet, so where the hell are you?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm literally on the guild road. Don't get your panties in a bunch." I hung up and hopped down off my hood and got back into my car. Blank space was playing on the radio. Thank God it wasn't Taylor Swifts' version but my favorite band I Prevails'.

I pulled up to the intercom by the huge front gate, door thingy (it's a door, I'm just being extra). I didn't even get a chance to push the buzzer until I saw my moms face. Oh boy, I'm in trouble. "Hey mom!", I said with a huge smile on my face. "How are you doing on this lovely night?" Her facial expression was that of a brick wall. A pissed off brick wall. "Training hall. Now!" And with that she clicked off the intercom and the door to the guild opened. At night, the main road is busy with vendors and merchants selling goods for Assassins about to go on night raid missions. I love it at night but not when it's busy. I parked my car in front of the training hall and turned my engine off. "Okay Maria, Mom is really pissed so be mindful of what you say.", I reminded myself. I got out of the car and walked to the door of the training hall. It was a big metal door with two gold handles and the assassin's emblem with two swords going diagonally through it, kind of like one of those pirate flags you see in movies and books, on each door. I took a deep breath and pushed the doors open.

The room was completely empty except for the table and stands with weapons of every size on them. I walked over to the table with the throwing knives on them and picked up the belt and fastened it around my waste while cautiously looking around. I drew one and held it loosely, ready to throw it at my target. I heard something fall behind me and quickly spun around and flung the blade in the direction of the noise. It hit the wall with a thump and it pierced the padding. I quickly drew another and spun around then I felt a sharp pain in my side. "Damn it mom!", I said as I dropped my knife and put pressure on my now bleeding side, "that was a good one and I'm sorry for coming back so late." I couldn't see her face because the lights were off in the room but I knew she had that stern look on her face that said "save the pitty party!" I heard her sigh. "Maria, you can't keep doing this. You're one of the best assassins we have and we need you to come straight here after school." She took one of the knives from my belt and flung it at the light switch; the lights quickly came on. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the bright light. "It won't happen again.", I said while keeping pressure on my wound. She just looked at me with a stare that would make even the devil himself quake in fear. Then she took a deep breathe as her expression softened. "Alright, but don't let it happen again.", she said in a stern tone. "I won't.", I said as I got up. "I'll be in my room if you need me.", I said still holding my side. "Maria." I turned around to face my mom, "yeah mom?" She looked at me then pointed to my wound, "you need to go see Jessie about that wound of yours." I looked down at my blood stained shirt, "I was headed that way now." I grabbed the door handle and I turned around and looked at my mom. "I love you mom.", I said with a smile. She smiled back and said, "I love you too sweetheart." I smiled again then walked out the door, holding my side.