Chapter 16

They met outside the cafe and walked in together.

Once they sat down, a waitress asked them, "what would you like?"

Jungkook: "I'll have a latte."

Jimin: "Make that two."

The waitress smiled politely and nodded, she then went to go and get them.

"So... how did you sleep Jungkook?"

"I slept well, thanks. I'm sorry you didn't get any sleep, you look very tired."

"Yeah, I had a rough night."

They sat in awkward silence as they waited for their drinks to come. Their lattes then came and they sipped them, just as awkwardly. Finally, Jungkook sighed.

"We night aswell talk about what happened rather than beating around the bush." Jungkook said firmly. Jimin nodded and folded his hands together.

"Well, since we're going to investigate this and we have no leads, I say we go back to the forest." Jungkook opened his mouth in protest but Jimin silenced him. "Yeah, I know you think that that's stupid and crazy and I will probably end up getting killed, but it's our only lead. We need to look around and try and find any evidence. It's the only way."

Jungkook sipped more of his latte, thinking. He then sighed and nodded his head. "All right." Jungkook said reluctantly. "But we must be extremely careful. And to be honest, it would be incredibly stupid if the person who attempted to attack you tried again in the same spot."

They finished their lattes and paid for them, then headed out to the forest.